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Pakistan accepts India's aid offer for flood relief work

BTW yesterday i recieved first comment from Indian senior member "We are offering aid and these Pakistani hate mogors are doing this" .....It was when we didn't recived the aid ....Now we did i wonder what comments will come from Across the border.......Get ready to face such comments from angel and kind indians for us hate mogors Pakistani every other day now

BTW I want to share another Indian Elite member theory..."Whatever indian say is in Good Spirit but what ever we say is pure evil."
BTW yesterday i recieved first comment from Indian senior member "We are offering aid and these Pakistani hate mogors are doing this" .....It was when we didn't recived the aid ....Now we did i wonder what comments will come from Across the border.......Get ready to face such comments from angel and kind indians for us hate mogors Pakistani every other day now

But as their is another Indian Elite member theory..."Whatever indian say is in Good Spirit but what ever we say is pure evil."

My dear sir, Idiots are born in every nook and corner of the World, But You cannot Call that land of idiots can You, Stop Generalizing We Indians Like that... We are not as Heartless as You think us to be, We too see the Flood affected people in Your Country, after all we are Humans, and Human tendency is to Cry when Seen helpless People... There Might be Few People around here who give no value for Human Lives, But there are also many here who have Appreciated The Move and were Kind Enough here....
Traitor monkeys they are

Well you are only acting out of 'made up honor' which doesn't exists, we needed this money, I don't mind taking this aid, it will save a few lives & feed some hungry people, The people who are dieing out there in water want to live, they really don't care whether money comes from India or China, so please Jana...
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Pakistan accepts India’s offer, appeals for more aid

NEW DELHI: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi appealed to the international community to provide more and immediate aid to cope with the humanitarian crisis due to the floods.

Moreover, Pakistan has decided to accept flood aid from its neighbour India, saying the offer was a “very welcome initiative” as both countries look to improve their tense relations.

Foreign Minister Qureshi told India's NDTV television in an interview broadcast Friday that Islamabad would take India's offer of five million dollars which was made last Friday.

“I can share with you that the government of Pakistan has agreed to accept the Indian offer,” Qureshi said from New York, where he addressed a special session of the UN General Assembly called to boost aid for flood victims.

“I think this initiative of India is a very welcome initiative.”

India and Pakistan have made major efforts in recent months to build confidence in their relations, which were badly strained by the Mumbai 2008 terror attacks, which Indian blamed on militants from Pakistan.

The United States urged Pakistan earlier this week to accept the Indian offer and not let rivalry stand in the way of helping its citizens in flood-ravaged regions.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh rang his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday “to express his sense of sorrow and to condole the deaths resulting from the huge floods,” Singh's office said.

The catastrophic floods in Pakistan have claimed nearly 1,500 lives and affected 20 million people. – AFP
FM thanks India for $5m donation

NEW YORK: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi made an impassioned appeal to the international community on Wednesday to help Pakistan overcome the massive flood disaster. Over six million needed immediate help, he said.

At a press conference, he acknowledged that the US was the first in contributing money and equipment to help the Pakistanis impacted by the devastating flood. “Other countries, including China and Saudi Arabia, have also come forward to help,” he added.

Mr Qureshi announced that India had offered a $5 million donation for the relief of flood victims and profusely thanked India’s top diplomat here for the offer.

He told reporters that he had received a telephone call in New York from Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna.—Correspondent
Well you are only acting out of 'made up honor' which doesn't exists, we needed this money, I don't mind taking this aid, it will save a few lives & feed some hungry people, The people who are dieing out there in water want to live, they really don't care whether money comes from India or China, so please Jana...

Glad to see somebody talking sense.
For all senior Pakistani members at least try to be mature not to take comments on internet as basis of your decision. A lot of Indians are so eager to help and ignoring that goodwill gesture and only focusing on trolls is not sensible.
Another point is people sitting pretty and asking to refuse aid, can you honestly declare how much you donated to make sure people do not suffer, or all you care is your ego and try to win argument on forum.
every paisa and every sympathatic comment and gesture helps.
Good to accept the indian help.
Thanks to the people of india and government.
Accepting aid after being coerced by America, and that too on a aid
seeking trip to Washington, the FM and GOP has made a laughing stock of itself.

We are ready to help and extend hand of friendship, but is Pakistan sincere?

Now on whom does the onus of normalization of relations lie?

At this time a small amount of Aid even if peanuts was merely a gesture of godwill, which majority of members on the forum like their govt rejected out right.
I think I would have been more happier if Pakistan had declined the offer even after Americas' pressure, then atleast we could know its foreign policy more clearely.
But by accepting aid at such juncture after all the dramatization, it has depicted itself once again a weak administration, or a selfish one.
Any way you look at it, not a very reliable one to have a meaningful talk.

Ps- I am not flaming, these are my personal views. I am saddened by the fact that Pakistan has to be arm twisted in to liking India, where as we are sincerely tring to improve relations. Our every action is viewed with suspicion and contempt.

Accepting aid after being coerced by America, and that too on a aid
seeking trip to Washington, the FM and GOP has made a laughing stock of itself.

I dont understand a decision was to be taken....Maybe they decided first that they'll take the aid and US statement came in the wrong time....I dont know how they made them laughing stock....

We are ready to help and extend hand of friendship, but is Pakistan sincere?

Yeah....You guys are not ready to talk and saying ready to extend hand of friendship.....

Now on whom does the onus of normalization of relations lie?

India ofcourse...

At this time a small amount of Aid even if peanuts was merely a gesture of godwill, which majority of members on the forum like their govt rejected out right.
I think I would have been more happier if Pakistan had declined the offer even after Americas' pressure, then atleast we could know its foreign policy more clearely.

Please first decide what do you guys want.....Accepting or rejecting...We'll try to honor your command next time :disagree:

But by accepting aid at such juncture after all the dramatization, it has depicted itself once again a weak administration, or a selfish one.
Any way you look at it, not a very reliable one to have a meaningful talk.

When someone gives aid with lot of photo session is called drama.....

Ps- I am not flaming, these are my personal views.

Typing a lie dont make it the truth......

I am saddened by the fact that Pakistan has to be arm twisted in to liking India, where as we are sincerely tring to improve relations. Our every action is viewed with suspicion and contempt.

Yes we all know how great kind and angel Indians are, All their acts are in good spirit....And how evil, Hate mogors and selfish we are....I heard it many times.....Actually yesterday i was given example of the your gentel aid and our hate.....
Pakistan get well soon.


To all Indians: pak is our greatest enemy instead of trolling let's just wish them. :)

Close this thread!!!!!

Please do.. The request of the thread starter should be given some extra weightage. :cheesy:

On a serious note, think about it . SOME Indian members are trating this aid incident as a way to supposedly show how unreasonable Pakistan is. On the other hand, some Pakistani members are hating that Pakistan accepted since it leaves THEM open to pot shots on this forum.

C'mon folks. We are talking about life and death situation for thousands and millions of people here. Dont disgrace it by treating it as a gambit in forum wars. Let it go..
that is very noble of India, any help the flood victims get is appreciated.
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