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Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

The people of Kashmir and Palestine and Turkestan want freedom from occupants. They're different from their occupants.

Besides, there can be no prosperity without religion. And CCP considers Islam a mental disease, what kind of prosperity can an enemy of Muslims bring to a Muslim than suffering and misery?

It's like a Mongols telling Muslims we want your best while putting ruin to Muslim civilization.
You sound like China is the number one hater of Muslim, that's really ridiculous, China is the very few country in this world enjoying cordial friendship with all, every single Muslim countries. Even Muslim countries themselves don't share this close friendship with the whole Muslim world as China does.
When you Indians are dying like flies from Covid-19, Xinjiang's infection and death rate is zero. and you claim Xinjiang has millions being lockup together...have some common sense.
When you Indians are dying like flies from Covid-19, Xinjiang's infection and death rate is zero. and you claim Xinjiang has millions being lockup together...have some common sense.

Let me give you a sample of how evil Indians are. I would not put it past them if they are trying to willfully infect Kashmiris with Covid-19 to break the resistance of Kashmiris. During Lockdown, Kashmiris faced food and medicine shortages, source of income was cut, and the whole population was made to suffer in the hope that it will break their resistance.

On this forum, I remember that before Galwan every Indian member was saying they are going to put Kashmiris in camps just like Chinese did (although they misread Xinjiang situation.)

After Galwan, reality hit them and they realized that China will not support their grand alliance against Islam and Muslims.

Actually China is almost alone in the UNSC to keep the cause of both Palestine and Kashmir alive. China blocked countless resolutions aimed at punishing Pakistan and Iran, and also granted cover to other Muslim states like those in Africa and Central Asia from Western sanctions and economic warfare.

China is an ally of Muslims, and it is one civilization which has historically been friendly to Muslims. We have never had any major conflicts in the past and have been trading partners for more than a thousand years.

In light of Western crusades and Hindu fascist terror, an Islamic-Chinese alliance just seems right.
The people of Kashmir and Palestine and Turkestan want freedom from occupants. They're different from their occupants.

Besides, there can be no prosperity without religion. And CCP considers Islam a mental disease, what kind of prosperity can an enemy of Muslims bring to a Muslim than suffering and misery?

It's like a Mongols telling Muslims we want your best while putting ruin to Muslim civilization.
You see ,the rat speaks! Maybe you are the pay troll mention by @PakSword
I can understand why a Chinese would confuse an Indian Mob with the Chinese Government.
LOL.. Those mob are instigated by BJP members and Modi to attack Muslim. Until now, BJP party members and leaders, none of them are charged for anything. Typical Indian lowlife trick of pushing blame to a few individual when the whole system is corrupted and against Muslim.

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