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Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

Either way, Chinese should stop the killing and persecution of Uighurs

And americans, british and french ought to stop killing, persecuting and funding terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, Chad and Niger.
And americans, british and french ought to stop killing, persecuting and funding terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, Chad and Niger.
No doubt. I am not aware of the African nations' issues but I am sure you are right.
Thanks @beijingwalker for the enlightening thread. If anyone had any doubts that WUC is a CIA mouthpiece, let it be put to rest now.

I remember some time back, another one of these separatist Uyghur leaders fully backed India in Kashmir.

@PakFactor @Verve @Musings @PAKISTANFOREVER @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @crankthatskunk @Itachi @Agha Sher

Thoughts on this?
Nothing to add to your solid points. It's high time we break these shackles of western influence once and for all. The fraud of these exiled uighur spokespeople is truly remarkable.

Still half the people in PDF naively believe that an independent Xinjiang is good for Pakistan. This guy is the face of Uighur independent movement, most global interviews were done by him and he could be the "president" of so called " eastern turkestan", and if that happened Pakistan can say goodbye to Kashmir forever with the pincer movement from both India and this " eastern turkestan" to break up Pakistan.
People pdf simply wants people xinjiang not be forcefully locked in jail(assuming its true)

Its not that complicated

Still half the people in PDF naively believe that an independent Xinjiang is good for Pakistan. This guy is the face of Uighur independent movement, most global interviews were done by him and he could be the "president" of so called " eastern turkestan", and if that happened Pakistan can say goodbye to Kashmir forever with the pincer movement from both India and this " eastern turkestan" to break up Pakistan.
Pakistanis are very well aware of these so called "muslim leaders" who will label a fight against tyranny as "terrorism" while at the same time, call treachery against their own nation & roots as "freedom struggle". notice, this little
Pakistan has betrayed the Uighurs. Is it so shocking that they now make pro-India statements?

This is the problem with not standing up for each other. We just become more divided and act silly towards each other.
what rubbish!
for Pakistan to betray uighurs, Pakistan would've had to recognize & take responsibility for the so called struggle of the uighurs like Pakistan has taken for kashmiris & palestinians...we never recognized & took responsibility for their so called "struggle". hell we don't even recognize it as a legitimate struggle of any sort. so their is no question of a "betrayal" to begin with. just because they are Muslims does not entitle them to freedom & our support ESPECIALLY when their very own leaders had happily and willingly joined the people's republic of China as a province.

Still half the people in PDF naively believe that an independent Xinjiang is good for Pakistan. This guy is the face of Uighur independent movement, most global interviews were done by him and he could be the "president" of so called " eastern turkestan", and if that happened Pakistan can say goodbye to Kashmir forever with the pincer movement from both India and this " eastern turkestan" to break up Pakistan.
Pakistanis are very well aware of these so called "muslim leaders" who will label a globally recognized freedom struggle as terrorism and will label ACTUAL terrorism as a "freedom struggle". these bigots backed by cia/mossad come up and fade away just as fast without having any effect. they are irrelevant rolls of toilet paper that are used and tossed away by foreign intel agencies. don't waste your time on 'em bro.
Indian Hindus are free to join Daesh as they are doing already in droves. Whether it is a suicide bombing, bomb blast, or militancy in Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, or Pakistan against enemies of India such as SL gov, Taliban, or Pakistan/Kashmiris.

Indian Daesh (called ISIS-K in English) is already allied to TTP, BLA, and specifically in this case ETIM (Uyghur CIA terrorist organization) against Pakistan, so it won't surprise us anymore if you Hindu RSS/BJP go to Xinjiang to fight Chinese (and get few gullible Uyghurs uselessly killed.)

As for us, we would rather see Uyghurs alive and well in China. Thanks to @beijingwalker for opening the eyes of so many Pakistanis from his posts on this forum.
Nothing to add to your solid points. It's high time we break these shackles of western influence once and for all. The fraud of these exiled uighur spokespeople is truly remarkable.

Pakistan stayed out of Uyghur issue due to sympathies for both sides. We love Uyghurs and understand some demands they may have, but we also value China and its sovereignty in its territory.

However our neutrality was just so we can sort our own internal situation out, then we can find out facts of what is going on in Xinjiang.

Chinese government has worked tirelessly to allay fears of Muslim countries about Xinjiang, and they have proven false so many games of CIA and RAW. However West has monopoly on the world media, so the Chinese voice is silenced.

We Muslims are well aware of this situation, as we faced the same roadblocks at every juncture. We have been mischaracterized as something we are not. Every Muslim has to prove he is not terrorist from birth due to the horrible propaganda warfare of the West against us.

Why is it so difficult for us to believe the same is the situation in China?

Where 1-3 million supposed Uyghurs detained unbelievable figures keep getting posted, although UN itself discredited the source of those claims. @beijingwalker can provide sources upon request as he has been tirelessly doing on this forum.

If WUC has declared itself a supporter of the brutal and inhuman mass genocide and mass rape of Kashmiris going on today and since 73 against our Kashmiri blood kin, they have drawn their allegiance to a Hindu fascist state which has made its goal to eradicate the existence of Pakistanis from Earth, then they have made themselves our foe.

The gloves are off now. Kashmir is the red line.

UAE, KSA, or WUC, we will never surrender our Kashmiri blood siblings to a fate worse than death, to perpetual slavery under genocidal Islamophobic regime in India.

WUC is not only using Islam, but they are accomplices with known enemies of Muslims all over the world.
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