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Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

this forum is full of non Pakistanis as well who are voting too and as said earlier, that random Uyghur dude was reading Indian script written by Indians. P. S. Pakistan official stance over Uyghur and Taiwan is pretty clear so don't know why topic starter felt so insecure about it.

Still half the people in PDF naively believe that an independent Xinjiang is good for Pakistan. This guy is the face of Uighur independent movement, most global interviews were done by him and he could be the "president" of so called " eastern turkestan", and if that happened Pakistan can say goodbye to Kashmir forever with the pincer movement from both India and this " eastern turkestan" to break up Pakistan.
You talk about Pakistanis speaking against China? I tell you, you will find more Pakistanis speaking against Pakistan and its armed forces.

Most of the Pakistanis are fighting the paid trolls on twitter against those traitors. You can get the idea after our opposition parties haven't approved a bill (in Senate where they are in majority) that was required to fulfill some FATF conditions to get out of the grey list. You will see many supporters of these opposition parties fully agreeing with the anti-Pakistan move of rejecting the bill.

Most of these parties are foreign funded, and they in turn pay money to the social media trolls. Of course, we can't stop them from making accounts of PDF. They create threads against the state, armed forces, Pakistan's friends, etc. They are eventually banned, but before that, they are successful in inflicting some damage already. Then the next lot comes. Same happens on twitter.

That's why I am against western form of democracy.
We treat Uighurs same with all other Chinese citizens, to prosper with China. together becoming the top country in the world in everything is shared goal of all Chinese people.

The people of Kashmir and Palestine and Turkestan want freedom from occupants. They're different from their occupants.

Besides, there can be no prosperity without religion. And CCP considers Islam a mental disease, what kind of prosperity can an enemy of Muslims bring to a Muslim than suffering and misery?

It's like a Mongols telling Muslims we want your best while putting ruin to Muslim civilization.
Since when has the US or India cared about the Muslims.

When it suits their needs, they are content with using Muslims as pawns and puppets.

For 73 years, India did that with BD and Indian Muslims, using them against Pakistan.

US actions are known, look simply at the state of Palestine and the ME today, burning destructive democratizing process in full swing.

The focus now is the strong alliance of Pakistan and China, which neither US nor India can do anything about.
Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

Another zionist-american dog barking. The same as the zionist-american dogs who have spread anarchy in Hong Kong. What these idiots don't realize is that the zionist-west peddles these idiots it works in their favor to undermine any powerful country that challenges zionist-western hegemony. They did the same with Kurds, with Ukraine, with Georgia, with Libya, with Syria, with Somalia, with Afghanistan, with Yemen and with Tunisia.

They (zionists) want to break up the Sino-Pak alliance, since it would weaken China. The "Fake Democracy" jibe is nothing more than a bum-rap. Uyghurs would exist peacefully if they were not making americans and british their friends. The moment you do that, you loose any credibility you may have had. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the zionist-west is the main instigator with Uyghurs.
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