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Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

Why Iraq attack Iran and start the Iraq/Iran war in 1980-88? U are asking a stupid question...

Or maybe u think Iran is not a Muslim country?
Actually it was a Chaos created by Yankees for Oil fields.I don't think this region has any oil.But still an intact Powerful China is in favour of Pakistan.
LOL.. Just a few extremist example of misbehave and paint the whole Chinese as such? Then how about Hindu mob burning down mosque? So the whole Hindu is declaring war on Muslim if I used your theory?
It is an extreme example of the mindset. Of Hindus too. No point denying it.
Lol - a Chinese's grasp of law. In democracies with independent judiciaries, you need to be proven guilty to be jailed for a crime. If Modi was guilty, the opposition would have jailed him then. And a minister is "lowest ranked"?? Maybe in China.
Remember those soldiers.
It is an extreme example of the mindset. Of Hindus too. No point denying it.
That is why all muslim nation shall united to tackle the threat of Hindu. Its either the Muslim or Hindu survive on the globe. No co-exist.
Let's stay on topic here.

If WUC goes against Kashmir/Pakistan, then Turkey will have to ditch them also.

Aside from China, our other best friend is Turkey.
Politics is very complicated. There are all kinds of groups. We cannot oppose a certain country because of a certain group.Do not worry.
Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader
By: Huma Siddiqui|
Published: August 29, 2020 2:27 PM
"If we can stop China backing Pakistan, then the question of Jammu and Kashmir can be peacefully solved," Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress said.


Islamabad, he added is using religion to fan terrorism in both Kashmir and Afghanistan. (Image: Facebook/Ilshat Kokbore)

China has to be stopped from backing Pakistan. And India can play a vital role when it joins other local superpowers in doing so. Only when China-Pakistan nexus is broken can the issue of Kashmir between India and Pakistan solved, according to a senior Uyghur leader, currently in self-imposed exile in the United States. He also went on to call Pakistan “a fake democracy, living in the Middle Ages”. Islamabad, he added is using religion to fan terrorism in both Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Releasing a 48-page Report on ‘Comparative Study of Human Development and Human Rights in Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan’ done by Delhi-headquartered think-tank Law and Society Alliance, Ilshat Hassan Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress, echoed similar emotions.

“If we can stop China backing Pakistan, then the question of Jammu and Kashmir can be peacefully solved,” Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress said.

“For finding a solution for Uighur and Jammu and Kashmir issues, we need to stop China. The route is in China and this is the number one threat to humanity,” Kokbore added, while sharing his thoughts at a webinar, speaking through video conferencing from Washington DC.

“I don’t think without China’s support, Pakistan can continue its terrorism. If we counter China, Pakistan will come to the table to find a solution to the Jammu and Kashmir question.”

Other speakers at the webinar included Kashmiri-origin senior journalist Aarti Tikoo, social activist and political analyst Yana Mirchandani, and Chairman of Sunrise in Kashmir Faaiz Dijoo.

For countering counter China, the Uighur leader said India must support the cause of democracy in China, particularly the movements in Hong Kong, Tibet, and East Turkestan. “We shall find a solution to the Uyghur issue if China becomes a democracy. And India could find a solution to the border issue.”

Criticizing Muslim-majority nations for their silence on the persecution of Uyghur’s, Kokbore said that the world has resorted to appeasement of China. “Countries like the US, Europe are speaking, India has started to speak, we have not heard anything from the Islamic and Turkic world. They are all silent and are going into bilateral agreements with China. We are left with no choice.”

In her comments, Aarti Tikoo quoted the Freedom House Index to highlight that people of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan were not enjoying freedom at all, while the people of Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed much more freedom. Tikoo blamed Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir for the security-related curbs to freedoms that one witnesses today in the region that has completed one year as a union territory earlier this month.

Sharing her views on the human rights condition, Tikoo said India had given access to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and other prominent international human rights groups to study the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Contrarily, Pakistan has never given access to international human rights defenders to Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

On the attempts of Pakistan to change the demography of Azad Kashmir and G-B, she highlighted, “Pakistan has ensured a rapid demographic change in Azad Kashmir and G-B through laws and by settling down populations from other parts of Pakistan. In the last 70 years, India ensured that there is no demographic change in the population in J&K and it continues to maintain a Muslim-majority character. The only community that was ethnically cleansed were Kashmiri Hindus. Hence, Pakistan was able to ensure a demographic change in Azad Kashmir & G-B, and the Indian side of J&K as well.”

Dijoo, in his remarks argued in favour of relaxing the communication curbs that include lack of 4G mobile phone connectivity, and for reopening of schools and colleges that have remained closed since the Article 370 of the Indian constitution was rendered ineffective by the Indian parliament in August last year. And has suggested the Indian government needs to create avenues to produce revenues. “The entire Kashmir is being trapped in drugs abuse now. We need to engage and address the youth. That is how we are going to make a change.”

Yana Mirchandani argued that in the earlier regimes in Jammu and Kashmir, funds allocated by the Indian government were gobbled up by corrupt politicians in the erstwhile state. “The politicians of the erstwhile state and Article 370 of the Indian constitution did not allow the people of Kashmir to bond with the Indian state. That was the reason the Indian parliament had to do away with Article 370 and the discriminatory Article 35A.”

She noted that the Indian Army that was deployed to protect the local population from terror attacks are being stone-pelted by vested interests in the state. “Personal vendettas between two locals that result in crimes are blamed on the Indian Army and the force that is there to protect us is being painted as the villain,” she said.

Looks like someone received a fresh batch of Indian funding.

I wonder how much does it cost to buy people like him, there are a few around, Husain Haqqani etc...
That is why all muslim nation shall united to tackle the threat of Hindu. Its either the Muslim or Hindu survive on the globe. No co-exist.
Lol. Utter nonsense. A Muslim is safer in India than in Pakistan which is 95% + Hindu. Look at Muslims killed in Pakistan and compare to those killed in India.
Lol. Utter nonsense. A Muslim is safer in India than in Pakistan which is 95% + Hindu. Look at Muslims killed in Pakistan and compare to those killed in India.
We saw that in Babri Masjid case and recent killing all across the India.
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We see that in Babri Masjid case and recent killing all across the India.
Do the math. Compare the killing all across India and all across Pakistan. Then tell me where more Muslims have died in violence.
Do the math. Compare the killing all across India and all across Pakistan. Then tell me where more Muslims have died in violence.
About 1 million US personnel are died in WW2, So does it makes US unsafe for Christians....Same as Pakistani muslims are martyred in the war against terrorism....But in India it is totally a different senario, There is a Nazi type killing of Muslims....As Nazis used to hunt Jews.
Please act like educational ones!
About 1 million US personnel are died in WW2, So does it makes US unsafe for Christians....Same as Pakistani muslims are martyred in the war against terrorism....But in India it is totally a different senario, There is a Nazi type killing of Muslims....As Nazis used to hunt Jews.
Please act like educational ones!
Did 1 million US personnel die in the United States?
You see ,the rat speaks! Maybe you are the pay troll mention by @PakSword

One thing has been made certain to me.

The administration here is highly biased towards China. Whether it is because of state policy or the CCP actually bribes the administration here or some CCP members are part of the team, i don't know and care.

Look at you twice insulting me directly in this thread and elsewhere Chinese have the liberty to speak the worst against me without any repercussions.

At this point, i don't even care especially since i have received death threats from the so called "respected" members and labelled a terrorist by my Pakistani/Muslims brothers and what is my crime? Doing what Islam ordered me to do. Nahi anil munkir - forbid evil. What's ironic is these people complain of West calling them terrorist while they themselves freely use it against their Muslim brethren just for having a difference of opinion.

Anyhow, I am just mentioning it to prove who is the rat here. Anyone smart enough can see it.
I agree with you. Perhaps action need to be taken to deal with these pay troll coming here to spread their agenda.
Problem is that we don' t have a scientific way to know whether someone is a paid troll, or an foreign sympathiser etc.

Even the Pakistani proxies are available now to show the connection is originating from Pakistan. But the thrashing they get at the hands of regular old members is just soothing.

Just enjoy them being bashed and don't engage them.
One thing has been made certain to me.

The administration here is highly biased towards China. Whether it is because of state policy or the CCP actually bribes the administration here or some CCP members are part of the team, i don't know and care.

Look at you twice insulting me directly in this thread and elsewhere Chinese have the liberty to speak the worst against me without any repercussions.

At this point, i don't even care especially since i have received death threats from the so called "respected" members and labelled a terrorist by my Pakistani/Muslims brothers and what is my crime? Doing what Islam ordered me to do. Nahi anil munkir - forbid evil. What's ironic is these people complain of West calling them terrorist while they themselves freely use it against their Muslim brethren just for having a difference of opinion.

Anyhow, I am just mentioning it to prove who is the rat here. Anyone smart enough can see it.

Uyghur exiled leaders are no different than the Baloch exiled leaders.

Same breed - Supported and sponsored by RAW and CIA.

No sympathies for them and their followers. I fully support China's efforts in rehab of their followers after they were brainwashed by these leaders. Pakistan is doing the same with the Baloch fighters who are putting down their arms, a full rehab!

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @beijingwalker
Did 1 million US personnel die in the United States?
yup all of them are died in defending the territory occupied by United States, 0.405 million of them are US innocent citizens....
Also not forget to mention 2 lac people died in hospital beds of the United States due to corona virus is more than two times, the sum of all the casualties in Pakistan due to terrorism. So does it makes US an inhabitable country for the Christians????
There is a difference between Government backed Genocide of minority then in a war like scenario against biohazard or terrorism.
You will understand for sure now.

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