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Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

So you agree that more Muslims have been killed in Pakistan than in India thru violence?
Frankly you are asking me the same question as I used to ask Bangladeshis....In 1971 they thought that we West Pakistanis are feeding on their rice, tea and agricultural products, We have nothing but deserted lands.We were making money from their products and in return give them nothing.... But after 50 years we are not died cz of Hunger. 😁
Is that why China calls Islam a mental disease, a contagion that takes over its host and needs to be eradicated?
Lol, keep making lies, if so why Xi personally visited Mosques many times and insisted on taking off his shoes to show respect? why he keeps stressing the Chinese official stance that China respects all religions? You are making lies that even you have trouble to convince yourself to believe.


Xi Jinping reiterated that Chinese Muslims are the important, vital factor to push for China's future development when visiting a local Mosque in Ningxia province.
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You're a Muslim? My apologies then.
Does it matter? There those claiming to be muslim but will not hesitate to speak lies in the name of Islam. You mean Allah tell u to lies? You are one of them. See the post above.

My Trip to China Exposed the Shameful Lies Peddled by the American Empire
They are different.

Uighurs want separation from oppressive Kafirs who want to force them to become Kafir and give up Islam.

If you don't have sympathy for them, that's your problem. But don't speak for Muslims.

You supporting Uighurs separation is no different than those who supported forming of Israel where minority Jews took up arms and took land from a majority muslims. Xinjiang is not a disputed region, it is part of China. Just like Balochistan is not a disputed region and part of Pakistan. Uighur and Baloch separatists are the same, sponsored by the same as well.

There are no forced conversions or genocide in Xinjiang. Muslims practice Islam freely, go take a bus across the border and see for yourself!

Iman is in the heart and no one can take it by force! Mosques are open and Quran is readily available in China.

Look at Soviet history. Mosques were closed and possession of Quran was a crime. Heck, do you even know what happened in muslim majority Secular Turkey???!
Uyghur exiled leaders are no different than the Baloch exiled leaders.

Same breed - Supported and sponsored by RAW and CIA.

No sympathies for them and their followers. I fully support China's efforts in rehab of their followers after they were brainwashed by these leaders. Pakistan is doing the same with the Baloch fighters who are putting down their arms, a full rehab!

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @beijingwalker

NOTHING happened to the Uyghurs. All that happened was some of them went to deradicalisation camps to prevent them from becoming terrorists. Then the same people who claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins, started claiming that the Uyghurs were being killed.............:disagree:
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China has no problems with any religions but China does have every problem with separatist and seditious groups under the pretext of religions, be them Fa lungong followers, Tibetan lamas or radical Xinjiang separatists and terrorists.
Frankly you are asking me the same question as I used to ask Bangladeshis....In 1971 they thought that we West Pakistanis are feeding on their rice, tea and agricultural products, We have nothing but deserted lands.We were making money from their products and in return give them nothing.... But after 50 years we are not died cz of Hunger. 😁
I am not even bringing Bangladesh into the equation because that always goes off an a different tangent.

Yes, Muslims are discriminated against in India and yes things have gotten tough for them under this maniac Modi. Is it like the Uighurs? Nope.
Not just Modi: Guide to riots before 2002 and after
Given the political obsession with Modi's guilt, we fail to see that communal riots have been rampant both before and after Gujarat 2002

hidden April 06, 2013 14:26:57 IST
Not just Modi: Guide to riots before 2002 and after

By Sanjeev Nayyar
From political discourse and media obsessions, a Martian landing in India would conclude that Gujarat 2002 was possibly the only communal conflagration to happen in independent India. Sometimes, BJP spokespersons, when pushed to the ropes in media interactions, try to inject Delhi 1984. But 2002 is the pre-dominant theme.
A related obsession is to show that one man – Narendra Modi – is responsible for it all, when common sense tells us that a communal riot, even when it is organised by one community, happens between two communities.
More often than not, rioting and attacks involve the direct or indirect collusion of political parties in provoking attacks, but in the case of 1984, it was Congress party members who led mobs in attacks on the Sikh community in retaliation for the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her body guards. 1984 thus does not fall into the category of communal riots between communities, and was in fact a direct attack by political party cadres on one community.
Not just Modi Guide to riots before 2002 and after

Surely Narendra Modi must answer for 2002, but is he alone?
However, now that the 2014 elections will make 2002 relevant again, it is as good a time as any to analyse all the riots India has witnessed since independence, and the 5 March issue of Outlook gives us a good bird’s eye-view on the issue. It shows the Gujarat 2002 communal riots in perspective.
Outlook notes that there have been “58 major communal riots in 47 places since 1967. Ten in South India, 12 in East, 16 in West and 20 in North India. Since 1964, Ahmedabad has seen five major riots and Hyderabad four. The 1990s saw the most riots in the last five decades: 23. The 1970s saw seven riots, the 1980s 14; the 2000s have seen 13. Total toll: 12,828 (South 597, West 3,426, East 3,581 and North 5,224). In 1964, a wave of rioting in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Jamshedpur and Rourkela killed 2,500.” Riots with a toll of less than five were excluded; deaths due to communal bomb blasts were also excluded. (Read the full Outlook story here).
Now, let us see which party ruled the relevant state during the riots and who was Chief Minister in incidents where more than 100 lives were lost.
Table 1: Who ruled the state when more than 100 people died in riots -1967 onwards
Not just Modi Guide to riots before 2002 and after

Table 1
Of the 17 riots mentioned in Table 1, nine took place under Congress/Allies rule, three under President’s Rule, four under other parties and one under BJP rule. President’s rule includes Kanpur and Bhopal, which could be included under BJP rule because party state governments were dismissed in the aftermath of the events of 6 December 1992.
Prior to 2002, there were four riots in Ahmedabad with a toll of 912, and three riots in Surat and Vadodara with a toll of 197. One holds no brief for Narendra Modi but most intellectuals have failed to highlight the fact that Gujarat has a history of Hindu-Muslim riots. They also forget that about 30 percent of the 1,267 killed in the post-Godhra violence were from the majority community.
But barring Modi, no Chief Minister has ever been demonised for the communal riots that happened during their watch. As the data show, many, many parties and CMs have to be in the dock if Modi has to be held accountable for 2002.
A point worth pondering is what happened even before independence. In the aftermath of Gandhi’s efforts at Hindu-Muslim unity during the Khilafat Movement, Babasaheb Ambedkar examined Hindu-Muslim relations between 1920 and 1940 in his book, Thoughts on Pakistan (published 1941). Here are some excerpts from his listing:
“1920 - Moplah Rebellion was essentially a rebellion against the British government but Hindus were raped, converted and killed, foul outrages upon women.
1924 - riots at Kohat, where about 155 were killed, Hindus had to evacuate city.
1925-26 - antagonisms between Hindus-Muslims became widespread. Riots in Calcutta, United Provinces and Bombay Presidency.
40 riots took place during the 12 months ending 1/4/1927 resulting in the deaths of 197 and injuries to 1,598. In 1927, the Afridis and Shinwaris were called upon to expel all the Hindus living in the neighborhood of the Khyber Pass. The year 1937 was full of communal disturbances at Panipat, Punjab, Sind to name a few places". (Read more excerpts from Ambedkar’s book here).

The point is not that riots ought to be seen as routine, but that there is a history of communal conflict that predates 2002, and there is a recent history that postdates 2002 as well. Assam 2012, several riots in Uttar Pradesh after the Samajwadi victory in the last elections, and today's report on rioting in Rajasthan are part of the same story.​
Why do riots occur? When anger gets accumulated in the minds of a community and society/government is unable to find a solution, political elements may provide the tipping point for a conflagration. A small incident could trigger violence, where the intent is to injure, destroy property and/or kill members of the other community. The intent behind terrorists exploding bombs in crowded places is similar. It also creates fear in the minds of all concerned. For example, the Mumbai train blasts of July 2006.
Unlike a riot, where the attackers are local and identifiable, those responsible for blasts are not visible, and might not even be local, but the message is loud and clear. Further, the reasons for blasts are mostly unknown to (or unacknowledged by) the common man. This makes it easier for any government to blame Pakistan after a bomb-blast even though every mission needs local support. In a deeper sense, riots and bomb blasts are similar.
Indian’s tryst with bomb blasts and terror attacks started with the 1993 Mumbai blasts, where convictions were recently confirmed by the Supreme Court. Some 1,446 Indians died and 4,333 were injured in blasts from 1993 to 6 March 2013. The figures exclude those killed in the Khalistani/Kashmiri terrorist movements and Ulfa violence in Assam. (To read details of each blast, click here)
An analysis of who ruled the state when terror attacks took place is insightful is given in Table 2.
Table 2: Terror attacks/blasts since 1993 to date in which more than 25 lives were lost*
*Excludes dead in the Khalistani/Kashmiri terrorist movements and ULFA violence.
Not just Modi Guide to riots before 2002 and after

Table 2
Note that 10 of the 14 attacks took place under Congress/Allies rule and law and order is a state subject. No wonder, noted security expert B Raman wrote in 2009, “there have been four acts of mass terrorism since 1981. All the four were carried out when the Congress was in power in New Delhi. There have been three instances of targeted attacks on foreigners since 1991 - two in Jammu and Kashmir and one in Mumbai. All the three were carried out when the Congress was in power. There have been seven acts of ISI-sponsored aircraft hijackings since 1971. Six of them were carried out when the Congress and one when the BJP was in power. There has been one instance of an Air India plane being blown up in mid-air killing over 250 persons. This took place when the Congress was in power."
Around 52 percent of the 1,446 killed are in India’s terror capital, Mumbai. Has the Congress High Command or any Chief Minister of Maharashtra ever explained why they have not made Mumbai terror-resistant? The lackadaisical approach of the state government can be explained by the fact that the trial for the 2006 train blasts accused is still on nearly seven years after the event. Further, in February 2012, the Bombay High Court upheld the death penalty for three convicts in 2003 twin blasts case. What happened after that?
Be it riots or terror attacks, the Congress too has a lot of answering to do. Surely Narendra Modi must answer for 2002, but is he alone? Successive US Presidents must explain why the US supports regimes with a poor human rights record and why it attacked a country in a fraudulent search for weapons of mass destruction that never existed.
The author is a national affairs analyst, Chartered Accountant and founder www.esamskriti.com
He made a BS comment..

He is the President of the World Uyghur Congress, a secular separatist group of Uyghurs living in Western countries and recieving direct funding from Western governments. Here we see that they have begun taking dirty blood-stained Indian too.

They willfully took the side of Hindu fascists occupying Kashmir, inspite of the reality which the whole Muslim world knows of the tremendous human rights abuses and rapes of Kashmiris.


He, Golkun İsa, made a similar comment last year against Pakistan.

Indian troops open fire on procession in occupied Kashmir
AFPUpdated 30 Aug 2020
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About 25 people were taken to a nearby clinic with pellet wounds, some with their faces and bodies covered in pellet marks, a doctor there said. — AP

About 25 people were taken to a nearby clinic with pellet wounds, some with their faces and bodies covered in pellet marks, a doctor there said. — AP
SRINAGAR: Indian forces opened fire with shotgun pellets and tear gas on Saturday on a procession by Muslims in occupied Kashmir, injuring dozens of people who had ignored a ban on religious gatherings, witnesses said.
Indian authorities had re-imposed the ban on Thursday after clashes with Muslims wanting to stage traditional processions for the holy month of Muharram.
Jafar Ali, a witness, said the procession started in the Bemina area on the outskirts of Srinagar and that government forces were present in heavy numbers.
Ali and other people who saw the clashes said security forces fired pellets and tear gas to break up the gathering.

“The forces fired pellets at the procession that was mainly peaceful and included women,” said another witness Iqbal Ahmad.
At least 40 people were injured, according to witnesses.
About 25 people were taken to a nearby clinic with pellet wounds, some with their faces and bodies covered in pellet marks, a doctor there said on condition of anonymity.
“We moved about a dozen people to other facilities for more advanced treatment,” the doctor said.
Published in Dawn, August 30th, 2020

In last few years we have seen Indians trying to divide Kashmiris on sectarian basis and feeding this information to Hindus. However in the Kashmir valley, we see Sunnis and Shias completely united in the cause for freedom.

To push our Shia brothers and sisters, they raided Imambara, burned and ripped Qurans, desecrated musala (prayer area,) and broke all decorations. They even stomped on the inside with dirty shoes. This is the true face of Indian terrorists.

Now they claim they support Uyghurs. It is same like US claim, while US brought innocent Uyghurs, uncharged, to Guantanamo to rape and torture them.

Now they claim to have found new love for Uyghurs.

Lol, keep making lies, if so why Xi personally visited Mosques many times and insisted on taking off his shoes to show respect? why he keeps stressing the Chinese official stance that China respects all religions? You are making lies that even you have trouble to convince yourself to believe.


Xi Jinping reiterated that Chinese Muslims are the important, vital factor to push for China's future development when visiting a local Mosque in Ningxia province.

Beautiful picture brother, notice how President Xi Jinping took off his shoes to pay respect to that masjid, and look at bearded and cap wearing Muslims in that picture.

Masjid looks lovely and active from the picture. Good to see such posts.

You look it up... you are one posting lies and nonsense

He will also deny anyrhing wrong in Kashmir, while Kashmiris suffer a fate worse than death. They don't know when them men will be killed, they boys abducted and sexually tortured, and their women raped.

We owe the Kashmiris this atleady, that we should stand united and crush IIndians.they have the blood of our people on their hands.
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Not just Modi: Guide to riots before 2002 and after
Given the political obsession with Modi's guilt, we fail to see that communal riots have been rampant both before and after Gujarat 2002

hidden April 06, 2013 14:26:57 IST
Not just Modi: Guide to riots before 2002 and after

By Sanjeev Nayyar
From political discourse and media obsessions, a Martian landing in India would conclude that Gujarat 2002 was possibly the only communal conflagration to happen in independent India. Sometimes, BJP spokespersons, when pushed to the ropes in media interactions, try to inject Delhi 1984. But 2002 is the pre-dominant theme.
A related obsession is to show that one man – Narendra Modi – is responsible for it all, when common sense tells us that a communal riot, even when it is organised by one community, happens between two communities.
More often than not, rioting and attacks involve the direct or indirect collusion of political parties in provoking attacks, but in the case of 1984, it was Congress party members who led mobs in attacks on the Sikh community in retaliation for the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her body guards. 1984 thus does not fall into the category of communal riots between communities, and was in fact a direct attack by political party cadres on one community.
Not just Modi Guide to riots before 2002 and after

Surely Narendra Modi must answer for 2002, but is he alone?
However, now that the 2014 elections will make 2002 relevant again, it is as good a time as any to analyse all the riots India has witnessed since independence, and the 5 March issue of Outlook gives us a good bird’s eye-view on the issue. It shows the Gujarat 2002 communal riots in perspective.
Outlook notes that there have been “58 major communal riots in 47 places since 1967. Ten in South India, 12 in East, 16 in West and 20 in North India. Since 1964, Ahmedabad has seen five major riots and Hyderabad four. The 1990s saw the most riots in the last five decades: 23. The 1970s saw seven riots, the 1980s 14; the 2000s have seen 13. Total toll: 12,828 (South 597, West 3,426, East 3,581 and North 5,224). In 1964, a wave of rioting in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Jamshedpur and Rourkela killed 2,500.” Riots with a toll of less than five were excluded; deaths due to communal bomb blasts were also excluded. (Read the full Outlook story here).
Now, let us see which party ruled the relevant state during the riots and who was Chief Minister in incidents where more than 100 lives were lost.
Table 1: Who ruled the state when more than 100 people died in riots -1967 onwards
Not just Modi Guide to riots before 2002 and after

Table 1
Of the 17 riots mentioned in Table 1, nine took place under Congress/Allies rule, three under President’s Rule, four under other parties and one under BJP rule. President’s rule includes Kanpur and Bhopal, which could be included under BJP rule because party state governments were dismissed in the aftermath of the events of 6 December 1992.
Prior to 2002, there were four riots in Ahmedabad with a toll of 912, and three riots in Surat and Vadodara with a toll of 197. One holds no brief for Narendra Modi but most intellectuals have failed to highlight the fact that Gujarat has a history of Hindu-Muslim riots. They also forget that about 30 percent of the 1,267 killed in the post-Godhra violence were from the majority community.
But barring Modi, no Chief Minister has ever been demonised for the communal riots that happened during their watch. As the data show, many, many parties and CMs have to be in the dock if Modi has to be held accountable for 2002.
A point worth pondering is what happened even before independence. In the aftermath of Gandhi’s efforts at Hindu-Muslim unity during the Khilafat Movement, Babasaheb Ambedkar examined Hindu-Muslim relations between 1920 and 1940 in his book, Thoughts on Pakistan (published 1941). Here are some excerpts from his listing:
“1920 - Moplah Rebellion was essentially a rebellion against the British government but Hindus were raped, converted and killed, foul outrages upon women.
1924 - riots at Kohat, where about 155 were killed, Hindus had to evacuate city.
1925-26 - antagonisms between Hindus-Muslims became widespread. Riots in Calcutta, United Provinces and Bombay Presidency.
40 riots took place during the 12 months ending 1/4/1927 resulting in the deaths of 197 and injuries to 1,598. In 1927, the Afridis and Shinwaris were called upon to expel all the Hindus living in the neighborhood of the Khyber Pass. The year 1937 was full of communal disturbances at Panipat, Punjab, Sind to name a few places". (Read more excerpts from Ambedkar’s book here).

The point is not that riots ought to be seen as routine, but that there is a history of communal conflict that predates 2002, and there is a recent history that postdates 2002 as well. Assam 2012, several riots in Uttar Pradesh after the Samajwadi victory in the last elections, and today's report on rioting in Rajasthan are part of the same story.
Why do riots occur? When anger gets accumulated in the minds of a community and society/government is unable to find a solution, political elements may provide the tipping point for a conflagration. A small incident could trigger violence, where the intent is to injure, destroy property and/or kill members of the other community. The intent behind terrorists exploding bombs in crowded places is similar. It also creates fear in the minds of all concerned. For example, the Mumbai train blasts of July 2006.
Unlike a riot, where the attackers are local and identifiable, those responsible for blasts are not visible, and might not even be local, but the message is loud and clear. Further, the reasons for blasts are mostly unknown to (or unacknowledged by) the common man. This makes it easier for any government to blame Pakistan after a bomb-blast even though every mission needs local support. In a deeper sense, riots and bomb blasts are similar.
Indian’s tryst with bomb blasts and terror attacks started with the 1993 Mumbai blasts, where convictions were recently confirmed by the Supreme Court. Some 1,446 Indians died and 4,333 were injured in blasts from 1993 to 6 March 2013. The figures exclude those killed in the Khalistani/Kashmiri terrorist movements and Ulfa violence in Assam. (To read details of each blast, click here)
An analysis of who ruled the state when terror attacks took place is insightful is given in Table 2.
Table 2: Terror attacks/blasts since 1993 to date in which more than 25 lives were lost*
*Excludes dead in the Khalistani/Kashmiri terrorist movements and ULFA violence.
Not just Modi Guide to riots before 2002 and after

Table 2
Note that 10 of the 14 attacks took place under Congress/Allies rule and law and order is a state subject. No wonder, noted security expert B Raman wrote in 2009, “there have been four acts of mass terrorism since 1981. All the four were carried out when the Congress was in power in New Delhi. There have been three instances of targeted attacks on foreigners since 1991 - two in Jammu and Kashmir and one in Mumbai. All the three were carried out when the Congress was in power. There have been seven acts of ISI-sponsored aircraft hijackings since 1971. Six of them were carried out when the Congress and one when the BJP was in power. There has been one instance of an Air India plane being blown up in mid-air killing over 250 persons. This took place when the Congress was in power."
Around 52 percent of the 1,446 killed are in India’s terror capital, Mumbai. Has the Congress High Command or any Chief Minister of Maharashtra ever explained why they have not made Mumbai terror-resistant? The lackadaisical approach of the state government can be explained by the fact that the trial for the 2006 train blasts accused is still on nearly seven years after the event. Further, in February 2012, the Bombay High Court upheld the death penalty for three convicts in 2003 twin blasts case. What happened after that?
Be it riots or terror attacks, the Congress too has a lot of answering to do. Surely Narendra Modi must answer for 2002, but is he alone? Successive US Presidents must explain why the US supports regimes with a poor human rights record and why it attacked a country in a fraudulent search for weapons of mass destruction that never existed.
The author is a national affairs analyst, Chartered Accountant and founder www.esamskriti.com
Forget East Pakistan - what's the equivalent number for erstwhile West Pakistan and later Pakistan?
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