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Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader

yup all of them are died in defending the territory occupied by United States, 0.405 million of them are US innocent citizens....
Also not forget to mention 2 lac people died in hospital beds of the United States due to corona virus is more than two times, the sum of all the casualties in Pakistan due to terrorism. So does it makes US an inhabitable country for the Christians????
There is a difference between Government backed Genocide of minority then in a war like scenario against biohazard or terrorism.
You will understand for sure now.
Nope. My question was if they died in the United States. They did not die IN the US. The only casualties on American soil in WW2 were in Hawaii.

And Pakistanis bombing churches and mosques and killing fellow citizens is not the same as dying of Covid because of rubbish policies.
Pakistan has betrayed the Uighurs. Is it so shocking that they now make pro-India statements?

This is the problem with not standing up for each other. We just become more divided and act silly towards each other.

Betrayed?... really since did we ever support them?..
Indian troops open fire on procession in occupied Kashmir
AFPUpdated 30 Aug 2020
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About 25 people were taken to a nearby clinic with pellet wounds, some with their faces and bodies covered in pellet marks, a doctor there said. — AP

About 25 people were taken to a nearby clinic with pellet wounds, some with their faces and bodies covered in pellet marks, a doctor there said. — AP
SRINAGAR: Indian forces opened fire with shotgun pellets and tear gas on Saturday on a procession by Muslims in occupied Kashmir, injuring dozens of people who had ignored a ban on religious gatherings, witnesses said.
Indian authorities had re-imposed the ban on Thursday after clashes with Muslims wanting to stage traditional processions for the holy month of Muharram.
Jafar Ali, a witness, said the procession started in the Bemina area on the outskirts of Srinagar and that government forces were present in heavy numbers.
Ali and other people who saw the clashes said security forces fired pellets and tear gas to break up the gathering.

“The forces fired pellets at the procession that was mainly peaceful and included women,” said another witness Iqbal Ahmad.
At least 40 people were injured, according to witnesses.
About 25 people were taken to a nearby clinic with pellet wounds, some with their faces and bodies covered in pellet marks, a doctor there said on condition of anonymity.
“We moved about a dozen people to other facilities for more advanced treatment,” the doctor said.
Published in Dawn, August 30th, 2020
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Brother, the reason is these God haters consider us Muslims as stupid, idiots and terrorists.

What's worse is unlike other atheistic nations, they can't get information other than what Xi Jinping feeds them.

And Xi Jinping feeds them all kinds of evil against Muslims and Islam.

Muslims in rest of China (not Xinjiang) who are free but they are NOT allowed to preach Islam.

It's no surprise that Chinese have such a low opinion of Pakistanis and Muslims generally.
Uyghur exiled leaders are no different than the Baloch exiled leaders.

Same breed - Supported and sponsored by RAW and CIA.

No sympathies for them and their followers. I fully support China's efforts in rehab of their followers after they were brainwashed by these leaders. Pakistan is doing the same with the Baloch fighters who are putting down their arms, a full rehab!

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @beijingwalker

They are different.

Uighurs want separation from oppressive Kafirs who want to force them to become Kafir and give up Islam.

If you don't have sympathy for them, that's your problem. But don't speak for Muslims.
Nope. My question was if they died in the United States. They did not die IN the US. The only casualties on American soil in WW2 were in Hawaii.

And Pakistanis bombing churches and mosques and killing fellow citizens is not the same as dying of Covid because of rubbish policies.
If a territory Held by a country then the word "IN" is used for it i.e Pearl Harbour and Iwo Jima Island. Don't give me the Sanghis logic.

It has always been the same cause First Nazis Brainwashed Germans that Jews are Devils then Taliban did the same that you will go straight to Heaven after a suicide bomb blast in public places and Now, RSS doing the same thing against minorty of muslims in India.
Are you understand now?....
One thing has been made certain to me.

The administration here is highly biased towards China. Whether it is because of state policy or the CCP actually bribes the administration here or some CCP members are part of the team, i don't know and care.

Look at you twice insulting me directly in this thread and elsewhere Chinese have the liberty to speak the worst against me without any repercussions.

At this point, i don't even care especially since i have received death threats from the so called "respected" members and labelled a terrorist by my Pakistani/Muslims brothers and what is my crime? Doing what Islam ordered me to do. Nahi anil munkir - forbid evil. What's ironic is these people complain of West calling them terrorist while they themselves freely use it against their Muslim brethren just for having a difference of opinion.

Anyhow, I am just mentioning it to prove who is the rat here. Anyone smart enough can see it.
They are not biased but doing patriotic thing based on the national interest of Pakistan and Islam. Rats like you of cos will always shedding the crocodile tears in the eye of Islam siding the evil to harm alliance helping Pakistan and world peace.
They are not biased but doing patriotic thing based on the national interest of Pakistan and Islam. Rats like you of cos will always shedding the crocodile tears in the eye of Islam siding the evil to harm alliance helping Pakistan and world peace.

Lol what do you know about Islam
They are different.

Uighurs want separation from oppressive Kafirs who want to force them to become Kafir and give up Islam.

If you don't have sympathy for them, that's your problem. But don't speak for Muslims.
How different are they? Making up false allegation and lies in the name of Islam against others? Nobody force them to abandon religion. You are making extreme allegation to gain emotion and sympathy to help your anti-China clause.
If a territory Held by a country then the word "IN" is used for it i.e Pearl Harbour and Iwo Jima Island. Don't give me the Sanghis logic.

It has always been the same cause First Nazis Brainwashed Germans that Jews are Devils then Taliban did the same that you will go straight to Heaven after a suicide bomb blast in public places and Now, RSS doing the same thing against minorty of muslims in India.
Are you understand now?....
So you agree that more Muslims have been killed in Pakistan than in India thru violence?

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