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Pakistan 100-120 Nuclear Warhead and India 90-110 SIPRI

Which Country has more Nuclear Weapons?

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What sort of a trash poll is this? How can college students and miscellaneous Farigh nationalists know?

A total waste of time.

It is the perception that matters not the actual numbers. So, the perception that Pakistan has more weapons is the view of the majority for now, even though I did not for Pakistan.
Pakistan should have 7 times the nuke warheads that India has, as India is seven times bigger! Has anyone thought of that?

Therefore, Pakistan should have at least 700 nukes if it wants parity with India!

Pakistan should have 7 times the nuke warheads that India has, as India is seven times bigger! Has anyone thought of that?

Therefore, Pakistan should have at least 700 nukes if it wants parity with India!

lol...excellent analysis.....:cheers:

so usa need 3 time the weapon than Russia to cover her up...:P
The US alone has more than 4000 operational warheads, plus 2000 in reserve, not counting its stockpile of HEU and Plutonium, maybe enough for another 10 000 bombs on order. The same with Russia.
Both India and China have enough plutonium(india) and HEU + Plutonium for at least 2000 bombs each.
Pakistan with its 100 warheads seems like a midget in comparison to these numbers.
The article of this thread is very different in the number of operational warheads than any official US or Russian site !!!
really??koi source??
I voted for Pakistan because this title seems meant about fully assembled battle ready Nuclear Weapons .In that case Pakistan is ahead of us.But GoI is using another method.They have fissile material for more than 1000 warhead.
But I always support such methods.Because maintaining of Nuclear devices is absolutely expensive.We only need less 100 weapons.
If we developed more devices it will bleed our economy. We already showed this world about our nuclear deterrent .So no one will attack us.
Somewhere I read that Pakistan nukes is bleeding their fragile economy.
I voted for Pakistan because this title seems meant about fully assembled battle ready Nuclear Weapons .In that case Pakistan is ahead of us.But GoI is using another method.They have fissile material for more than 1000 warhead.
But I always support such methods.Because maintaining of Nuclear devices is absolutely expensive.We only need less 100 weapons.
If we developed more devices it will bleed our economy. We already showed this world about our nuclear deterrent .So no one will attack us.
Somewhere I read that Pakistan nukes is bleeding their fragile economy.
How creating nuclear warhead effect economy:confused::confused::confused::confused:Logical reasons Please by Your thinking Russians economy might been Collapsed by Now
How creating nuclear warhead effect economy:confused::confused::confused::confused:Logical reasons Please

Nuclear warhead isn't just one time investment but a long term one (as long as the weapon lasts) - construction, security, storage costs etc.

Acc. to estimates, we invest approx. 3-4 billion dollars on nukes, which is a big amount & obviously will only INCREASE with more nukes.

I seriously think after a particular no. nations making more nukes are just doing this for the sake of STATUS SYMBOL.

we should stop producing them now, we have enough to annihilate whole world once.
That is all that would be required to accomplish the goal that those terrible weapons are used for.
How creating nuclear warhead effect economy:confused::confused::confused::confused:Logical reasons Please by Your thinking Russians economy might been Collapsed by Now

Creating thousands of nuclear warheads will bleed our economy.Russians is developed than us and they dont face challenges that we are facing.
We can spike up our warheads up to 500 without economic problem .But when it comes to Pakistan it will be a problem and you know the reason.
There is no disputing the fact that Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world but this hardly proves the conclusion drawn by Bruce Riedel and other analysts that Pakistan is building more bombs for Saudi Arabia. They lose sight of the fact that it is technically not possible to transfer nuclear weapons from one country to another as a mere commodity. In addition, Saudi Arabia does not have the nuclear infrastructure and scientific expertise to be able to maintain and use nuclear weapons.
There is no disputing the fact that Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world but this hardly proves the conclusion drawn by Bruce Riedel and other analysts that Pakistan is building more bombs for Saudi Arabia. They lose sight of the fact that it is technically not possible to transfer nuclear weapons from one country to another as a mere commodity. In addition, Saudi Arabia does not have the nuclear infrastructure and scientific expertise to be able to maintain and use nuclear weapons.
How did you come to that conclusion? The KSA have already displayed their nuclear capable DF- 3 missiles. So, they do have the infrastructure in place. The Pakistanis will just transfer the warhead during any conflict. You should go through this thread to get more info.
Is Saudi Arabia a nuclear weapon state now?
Who cares. We have enough.

That is precisely the point that India made when it showed a willingness to sign the FMCT (Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty) in Geneva, while pakistan is unwilling to sign.
The number of warheads at present is less important than the ability to create warheads in the future. That is where the Fissile Material Stock-pile matters. And India is way ahead in this matter, with its own sources of material..

All that having been said, this whole stock of Nukes are a possession of 'dubious' value, because these are weapons that will not get used.
If they do get used, then the Country that chooses to use them is one that is keeling-over and going down like a stone.
Nobody will (or should) have the "pig-headedness" to do so. That will be the most dubious (and doobta-hua) distinction in History!! :lol:
That is precisely the point that India made when it showed a willingness to sign the FMCT (Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty) in Geneva, while pakistan is unwilling to sign.
The number of warheads at present is less important than the ability to create warheads in the future. That is where the Fissile Material Stock-pile matters. And India is way ahead in this matter, with its own sources of material..

All that having been said, this whole stock of Nukes are a possession of 'dubious' value, because these are weapons that will not get used.
If they do get used, then the Country that chooses to use them is one that is keeling-over and going down like a stone.
Nobody will (or should) have the "pig-headedness" to do so. That will be the most dubious (and doobta-hua) distinction in History!! :lol:

To be honest, I would be surprised but not too surprised if our neighbour decided to use it sometime. Just an opinion formed after observation.
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