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Pak will have to fight war if India doesn't talk, says Hafiz Saeed

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Why doesn't India investigate? Hire a private lawyer, and file a case. He has agreed to stand trial whenever asked to. We have already done so, you're not satisfied, why don't you come here and do it.
The question is that are you approaching his case as you are for the AT leadership captured in Pakistan since both have yet not been proven guilty in Pakistani courts. The answer is a big NO. Hence my point. Also, Criminal cases are always State vs individual and hence India can not do what you are suggesting. Only Pakistan govt can put someone on trial in Pakistan in a criminal case..If you want India to do this, send him over...:azn:

Right now as things stand he has admitted to be working for Jamaat-ud-Dawa. He worked for LeT when it was not banned, LeT got banned and he started charity work and there is actual charity work happening, they have schools dispensaries, ambulance services and what not. He has shown plenty of evidence for that. Can you show any evidence of him still working for LeT?
He worked for LeT during the period when LeT was indulging in terror activities. How does leaving it after it got banned absolve him of what he did in LeT prior to that?? Isnt JuD also a banned organization?? Has he left JuD as well??

How many people do you think are colluding to save one Hafiz Saeed?
A whole lot...
How many people do you think are colluding to save one Hafiz Saeed?

Must be a heck of a lot. You actually make the argument that he is only involved in charitable work. Fine ! Why, in that case is he advocating war and a few days ago - Jihad against India ?

Since a lot of you keep calling this Indian propaganda, let me give you a very un-Indian source. Here's an article from Newsweek quoting Ambassador Daniel Benjamin, the U.S. State Department's top counterterrorism official :

The Next Al Qaeda? - Newsweek.com

Some excerpts:
For some analysts, LeT may be an even greater threat than Al Qaeda because of its technological sophistication, its broader global recruiting and fundraising network, its close ties to protectors within the Pakistani government, and the fact that it is still a less high-profile target of Western intelligence. Since about 2003 its fingerprints have been found on anti-Western attacks and plots from Afghanistan to Iraq, Dhaka to Copenhagen. And the choice of targets in LeT's most spectacular operation to date—the carefully choreographed November 2008 assault on Mumbai, including luxury hotels popular with Western travelers and a Jewish center—have been cited by Blair and other top U.S. officials as a sign of LeT's increasing interest in attacking the West. "In Mumbai the targets they went after were the targets of the global jihad," says terrorism expert and former CIA officer Bruce Riedel. Shortly after Mumbai, Pakistani authorities arrested alleged LeT communications specialist Zarar Shah and reportedly discovered on his laptop a list of 320 potential targets, most of them outside India. They included sites in Europe, says a Western intelligence official.

As further evidence of LeT's increasingly global agenda, U.S. authorities point to the case of David Coleman Headley, a Pakistani-American living in Chicago who was arrested in October for allegedly conducting surveillance on behalf of LeT for the Mumbai attacks. (He has pleaded not guilty.) Investigators say he and LeT had another plan as well: attacking the offices of the Danish newspaper that had run a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad in 2005. Reportedly acting on information provided to the FBI following his arrest, authorities in Bangladesh late last year picked up a number of LeT operatives whom they believe were preparing to attack the American and British embassies in Dhaka. "Very few things worry me as much as the strength and ambition of LeT, a truly malign presence in South Asia," Ambassador Daniel Benjamin, the U.S. State Department's top counterterrorism official, told reporters in January, after the Dhaka plot was uncovered. To Riedel, the plot against the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka shows that "we are now at war with Lashkar-e-Taiba." And in February a previously unknown faction of LeT claimed responsibility for the bombing of a café in Pune, India, that was popular with foreign tourists and expats. Before Mumbai, Western intelligence officials say, LeT had seemed careful to avoid killing foreigners in India. Now, as in Mumbai and Pune, the group seems committed to "internationalizing" even its Indian attacks.

LeT's roots date back to the guerrilla war against the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Among its founders was Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian who, along with Osama bin Laden, formed the influential Afghan Services Bureau, a precursor to Al Qaeda. Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, LeT sent its militants to fight in the Tajik civil war as well as in Bosnia. But it found its first real calling in the violent uprising against Indian rule in Kashmir. Pakistan's formidable spy agency, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence, eagerly backed LeT, among other proxies in Kashmir, with money, weapons, and training. LeT headquarters in Muridke was set up on 77 hectares of land donated by the Pakistani government. Its construction was funded by many of the same Saudi moneymen who financed Al Qaeda. To this day, analysts say, some in the Pakistani military regard LeT as an important reserve force that could be unleashed in the event of a conflict with India.

It's not clear when LeT began plotting against Western targets, but its grudge against the West is longstanding. LeT's philosophy is similar to other Pan-Islamic jihadi groups, including Al Qaeda, but with a uniquely Pakistani twist. It wants to establish a Muslim caliphate across South Asia, re-creating the dominance of the 17th-century Mughal empire. In addition to being virulently anti-Jewish, LeT is rabidly anti-Hindu. It blames British imperialism and the West for what it perceives as the weakness of Pakistan, and Muslims in South Asia generally. In its official literature, the group has called for the "reconquest" of Europe, which it claims was once in Muslim hands but was stolen away by Christian Crusaders. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, one of LeT's founders and its top spiritual leader, has repeatedly proclaimed that the Western world "is terrorizing Muslims." "We are being invaded, humiliated, manipulated, and looted," he told a Pakistani newspaper in 2003. "How else can we respond but through jihad?" He has urged his fellow Muslims to "fight against the evil trio: America, Israel, and India." As recently as this past spring, his son, Hafiz Talha Saeed, had publicly preached that it is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad against Jews and Christians wherever they are.

..........If Pakistan is reluctant to go after (or allow the U.S. to go after) Al Qaeda in the border regions, it is less eager to go after LeT's base in the Pakistani heartland. Unlike Al Qaeda, LeT has a large charity arm that is popular in both Punjab and Kashmir, where it runs schools, an ambulance service, mobile clinics, and blood banks. It earned tremendous good will in Kashmir for providing humanitarian assistance after a devastating earthquake in 2005. Moving against it could provoke serious civil unrest—or even civil war. LeT and the Pakistani Army draw many recruits from the same poor Punjabi areas, often from the same families. LeT's humanitarian wing worked alongside the Pakistani military to help civilians displaced during the Army's campaign to retake the Swat Valley from the Taliban. Zarate describes Is-lama-bad as being in "a delicate dance with a Frank-enstein of their own making" when it comes to LeT. He says that many Islamabad officials realize that the group has become a liability, but want to avoid provoking LeT into turning on the state.

Even without direct attacks on the West, LeT could deal a severe blow to Western interests. Few believe New Delhi would allow another major attack from a Pakistani-based group to pass without a military response. And any conflict between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan has the potential to spiral out of control. Even a limited Indo-Pak conflict could have severe effects on the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan. Nearly 80 percent of supplies for NATO forces in Afghanistan are offloaded in the Pakistani port of Karachi. An Indo-Pak war would also distract Pakistan from pursuing the Taliban. One solution, then, is for the U.S. and its allies to move more aggressively to ferret out and dismantle LeT cells located throughout the Pakistani diaspora.
Must be a heck of a lot. You actually make the argument that he is only involved in charitable work. Fine ! Why, in that case is he advocating war and a few days ago - Jihad against India ?

Since a lot of you keep calling this Indian propaganda, let me give you a very un-Indian source. Here's an article from Newsweek quoting Ambassador Daniel Benjamin, the U.S. State Department's top counterterrorism official :

Dude many Indians Chinese Pakistani Bangladeshi members keep saying we should attack them and they should attack those. Does that make them terrorist.???
Dude many Indians Chinese Pakistani Bangladeshi members keep saying we should attack them and they should attack those. Does that make them terrorist.???

does any one holds rallies and threaten to bomb other nations cities???

Do they come to TV and say against neighbour countries???

Are their Charity organisations banned by UN???

answer lies in these questions
Hafeez said is confused some time he says he will wipe out India:blah:

Other day he says wo hindustan ka khoon piyega

now he wants talk

iska ilaz karbao
Hafiz Saeed is a khatmal ju chupkar khoon pina chahta hai, aur phir chup jata hai

both countries India - Pakistan have to realize it should be taken care of.
Seiko , wrong. Only Pak indulges in terror. india does not. It does not interfere in pak internal affairs.

The same old Story:disagree::disagree::disagree:
Baghal main Chhuri Mun Main Ram Ram ......
Yar what the hell is india doing in Swat, SWA and Balochistan...
i lived in Quetta i knew some people who were asked to study and ....... in india and then come to pakistan for more bulshit... cause in balochistan. :hitwall:
what was kashmir singh doing in pakistan........ he didn't came here for good purpose.....
all the world know what are your agencies doing in afghanistan to destablize pakistan.
Hafiz Saeed is a khatmal ju chupkar khoon pina chahta hai, aur phir chup jata hai

He challenged to prove your allegations but india dont have any solid prof ..
and as always the negative propaganda against pakistan. it is not hafiz saeed or any one else who you want to blame but to damage pakistan position in world....
Hafiz Saeed is a khatmal ju chupkar khoon pina chahta hai, aur phir chup jata hai

I don't think he is hidden from anyone. Last night we saw his interview on Express TV. He expresses his views in open gatherings and crowds.

KIT Over
man o man this kashmir obsession is going to take pakistan back to the stone ages.even when india was nothing at world stage the super powers didnot dare to meddle with india along with kashmir line and now it is a whole different story..No body on this planet can get kashmir away from the hindu occupation(as pakistan terms it).hafiz is a cockroach even thousands of 26/11 will not acheive kashmir for him in contrast another 26/11 will put pakistan survival in question.
Must be a heck of a lot. You actually make the argument that he is only involved in charitable work. Fine ! Why, in that case is he advocating war and a few days ago - Jihad against India ?

Well said bangalore, remember that JUD poster in Faridkot telling people to go on Jihad ;) since 'charity' beging at home, the terrorist saeed should do some of that at home too.

Plausible deniability only frustrates people when it bites them in the face.
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