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Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide

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Actually, that is the whole point of lowering the nuclear threshold in the first place.

Cold start leads to Nasr, and Nasr leads to full-scale nuclear war. That's why it's called lowering the threshold of nuclear war.

Wrong ! Factoring in "Nasr" might mean a "Hot Start" instead of a cold start. No one is going to wait & watch if they believe that the enemy is about to do something drastic. The threshold might indeed be lowered but not necessarily in the manner that Pakistan favours.
If Kashmir issue not solved forget peace then , and we will burn ur chita with nuclear fire.

What is the matter with you young man? How come you are so upset? Go ahead try your imagination. By the way have you been to illegally occupied Kashmir? If yes get a VISA to visit Kashmir on Indian side than come back to post and tell us if you still want to burn the Chita. These hollow threats are the result of Chinese syndrome.
Actually it is China's interest to not get directly involved, to try to damage India through Pakistan.

India chose that path for herself in 1959.

And it is all circumstantial of course. The last Sino-Indian war was triggered when India was trying to meddle in our "core interests" in Tibet... today it is the South China Sea, which also qualifies as a "core interest".

Everything is an opportunity.
India chose that path for herself in 1959.

And it is all circumstantial of course. The last Sino-Indian war was triggered when India was trying to meddle in our "core interests" in Tibet... today it is the South China Sea, which also qualifies as a "core interest".

Everything is an opportunity.

Come back to topic. :offtopic:
This is also the same authoritarian govt. that kept the world from knowing what actually happened in Tiananmen Square and how many people dies in that rocket mishap (you know what I'm talking about, I forgot the name).

Then they failed miserably, because everyone in China knows about the Tiananmen incident. :lol: Our 1989, compared to India's 1984.

I find it funny how you Indians always either overestimate the CPC, or underestimate them, depending on what argument you want to put forward. Even the most powerful and efficient organization on Earth would not be able to stop the spread of this kind of information in the internet age, it is a practical impossibility.

Right now you're overestimating them, tomorrow you will be back to underestimating them again. Both are good for us. :azn:
Wrong ! Factoring in "Nasr" might mean a "Hot Start" instead of a cold start. No one is going to wait & watch if they believe that the enemy is about to do something drastic. The threshold might indeed be lowered but NOT necessarily in the manner that Pakistan favours.

I think this is what you meant.
Everything is an opportunity.

Opportunity is a door that opens both ways. The fact that the Chinese are only throwing tantrums & seem unwilling to do anything more proves my point that the Chinese leaders don't believe that 2011 is 1962 irrespective of the tall claims made by its representatives on this forum.
Wrong ! Factoring in "Nasr" might mean a "Hot Start" instead of a cold start. No one is going to wait & watch if they believe that the enemy is about to do something drastic. The threshold might indeed be lowered but necessarily in the manner that Pakistan favours.

Then please explain to me how a lowered nuclear threshold is in India's interests, compared to Pakistan. :lol:

In the event that you both wipe each other out, who has more to lose?
What is the matter with you young man? How come you are so upset? Go ahead try your imagination. By the way have you been to illegally occupied Kashmir? If yes get a VISA to visit Kashmir on Indian side than come back to post and tell us if you still want to burn the Chita. These hollow threats are the result of Chinese syndrome.

Wording are just to express that the issue should be solve in first priority with justice , i don't hate Indians , i have Indian friends.
the "dire consequences" warning which india gave after 26/11 and this one given by a gora- Both are just words-
Although i believe the indians loves it when some one else does it dirty work- more to do with the "balls" the amrikans apparently have-
Then they failed miserably, because everyone in China knows about the Tiananmen incident. :lol: Our 1989, compared to India's 1984.

I find it funny how you Indians always either overestimate the CPC, or underestimate them, depending on what argument you want to put forward. Even the most powerful and efficient organization on Earth would not be able to stop the spread of this kind of information in the internet age, it is a practical impossibility.

Right now you're overestimating them, tomorrow you will be back to underestimating them again. Both are good for us. :azn:

Authoritarian CCP can anyday pull the plug on things it deems unfit and internet is no holy cow.

The Google incident speaks for itself.

Being able it prevent the people from raising doubts and dissent.

Isn't that the whole point of being an authoritarian regime?
And it was the same CPC that did not lift a finger when Pakistan was dismembered in 1971, that was the same CPC that actually condemned Pakistan in Kargil & refused to help.

Does that tell you something ?

If you don't know I will tell - that China will not come into a direct war with India for the sake of Pakistan.

And before you post the "smashing 1962" again..it was not for the sake of Pakistan.

They'll make a lot of noises but will never come to Pakistans rescue, probably use the opportunity to sell more weapons to Pakistan and hope that the war destabilizes India and pushes India back a few years. This scenario will come into play if and when there is a major terrorist attack on Indian soil by Pakistan but Pakistan is reining in its jihadi elements at the moment and will for a couple of more years till 2014, when the US exits AF after that it remains to be seen what Pakistan does with its jihadi assets. China will be very happy when terror attacks do start happening again in India thats their way of reining in India and will be quite pleased to have a war like scenario between India and Pakistan, we are the suckers here.
Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide

The US has warned Pakistani leaders of dangerous consequences if there is another terror attack on India that originates from Pakistan, a former top adviser to President Barack Obama has said, asking Islamabad to give up the policy of supporting extremist elements.

Gen (retd) James Jones, who was the national security adviser to President Barack Obama from January 2009 to October 2010, said the message that they should give up the policy of supporting terrorist and extremist elements has been conveyed to Pakistani leaders several times by top US officials.

Jones stated this on the Charlie Rose show on the PBS news network in response to a question.

"I've said this in exactly those words, and I think my former colleagues at the NSC (National Security Council) and at the State Department have done the same thing -- is that you really don't understand, or we don't understand why you don't understand that you're playing Russian roulette here with your future because if there is another attack originating from Pakistan in India, you know, Prime Minister Singh isn't going to be able to (hold back)," he said.

Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which participants place a single round in a revolver, spin the cylinder, place the muzzle against their head and pull the trigger.

"Russian" refers to the supposed country of origin, and roulette to the element of risk-taking and the spinning of the revolver's cylinder being reminiscent of spinning a roulette wheel.

Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide - Hindustan Times

No we will not resume NATO supplies!!!!!!!!!! :D
the "dire consequences" warning which india gave after 26/11 and this one given by a gora- Both are just words-
Although i believe the indians loves it when some one else does it dirty work- more to do with the "balls" the amrikans apparently have-

Actually, this is what the ex-Obama aide said:

"... because if there is another attack originating from Pakistan in India, you know, Prime Minister Singh isn't going to be able to (hold back)," he said.

If there is another Mumbai attack, Manmohan Singh is not going to be able to hold back.

Now where have we heard that one before?
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