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Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide

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Depends on the circumstances of course.

If you think that China doesn't hold any interests in Pakistan worth defending (especially recently), then go for it. :azn:

CCP can never lose face in front of their people.

That's the whole point of an authoritarian regime.

Keep the people from knowing too much for your discomfort.

As I said, the authoritarianism of CCP will come to its rescue like it has many times in the past.
China is our brotherly country you don't need to worry about her

Wait till the reality crashes all around you.

the thing is you have to choose your path that will determine your future relations/wars with Pakistan.

The 'you' if it refers to Pakistan, it will be more apt.

Peace with India or hostility with India is for Pakistan to choose.

...yes, we will not be agreeing to any peace that demands 'Kashmir' as a price. So you can rule out that possibility.
Lowering nuclear thresholds is a double edged sword. Indian planners, when & if they decide to strike will have to account for such behavioral tendencies within the Pakistani establishment.Any strike then would have to be assumed as having a nuclear response contingency planned for & the Pakistani establishment will have to decide whether an limited Indian attack warrants a decision to commit mass suicide by Pakistan.

No country can indefinitely allow an adversary to set the level of escalation at points of their inconvenience. Sometimes one has to decide that the threat of a terrible end is preferable to terror without end.

Actually, that is the whole point of lowering the nuclear threshold in the first place.

Cold start leads to Nasr, and Nasr leads to full-scale nuclear war. That's why it's called lowering the threshold of nuclear war.

Point is, CCP can never lose face in front of their people. Their authoritarian rule will inevitably come to their rescue.

The Chinese people won't even know that their govt. lost any face in the first place.

Problem solved for CCP.

Incorrect. Even the Chinese government cannot fully control something as vast as the internet, and China now has the number one largest internet population on Earth.

The Nationalists will cry for the CPC's blood if they back down in a military conflict against someone they see as weak, India for example. And even the CPC cannot control nationalism in China, it can easily topple the CPC if it gets out of control.
Depends on the circumstances of course.

If you think that China doesn't hold any interests in Pakistan worth defending (especially recently), then go for it. :azn:

Incorrect. Even the Chinese government cannot fully control something as vast as the internet, and China now has the number one largest internet population on Earth.

The Nationalists will cry for the CPC's blood if they back down in a military conflict against someone they see as weak, India for example. And even the CPC cannot control nationalism in China, it can easily topple the CPC if it gets out of control.

That will happen once military conflict begins.

I'm saying the military conflict with China will not even begin in the first place.

...and in that case it will be pretty easy for the CCP to keep people from knowing too much about what actually went on behind the scenes.

Like I said, the very authoritarianism of China will come to its rescue.

However, that is a luxury that the democratic GoI cannot afford.
Depends on the circumstances of course.

If you think that China doesn't hold any interests in Pakistan worth defending (especially recently), then go for it.

A war initiated on the western border by India will not bring the Chinese to war with India.

The interests they get to loose by that far outweighs the supposed interests they seek to defend in Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

Cold start leads to Nasr, and Nasr leads to full-scale nuclear war. That's why it's called lowering the threshold of nuclear war.

Spoken like a true amateur.
... Pakistani establishment will have to decide whether an limited Indian attack warrants a decision to commit mass suicide by Pakistan.

No country can indefinitely allow an adversary to set the level of escalation at points of their convenience. Sometimes one has to decide that the threat of a terrible end is preferable to terror without end.

As I have been saying an immediate and overt response is not always optimal.

As far as the Chinese are concerned, their losses would be very limited even if Pakistan commits suicide. Perhaps they may feel that Pakistan will be able to inflict sufficient damage on India, that China will not have to worry about India in the forseeable future.

Anyway, all of that is speculation. It is only prudent to plan for the absolute worst case scenario.
Wait till the reality crashes all around you.

The 'you' if it refers to Pakistan, it will be more apt.

Peace with India or hostility with India is for Pakistan to choose.

...yes, we will not be agreeing to any peace that demands 'Kashmir' as a price. So you can rule out that possibility.

Kashmir belongs to kashmiris not bharitis.
Old news posted again- Hindustan times is an inflammatory fool-
That will happen once military conflict begins.

I'm saying the military conflict with China will not even begin in the first place.

...and in that case it will be pretty easy for the CCP to keep people from knowing too much about what actually went on behind the scenes.

Like I said, the very authoritarianism of China will come to its rescue.

However, that is a luxury that the democratic GoI cannot afford.

This is the same authoritarian government that smashed India in 1962, and helped Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons. :azn:

You don't live in China, you don't know how weak the CPC is in the face of Nationalist sentiment. It is one of their Achilles heels, and one of the big things that keeps them awake at night.
A war initiated on the western border by India will not bring the Chinese to war with India.

That may be true, if they can inflict sufficient damage on India via the weapons they have given to Pakistan, then their purpose is served.
Kashmir belongs to kashmiris not bharitis.

Then give independence to Azad Kashmir ... why ban JKLF?

---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

This is the same authoritarian government that smashed India in 1962, and helped Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons. :azn:

You don't live in China, you don't know how weak the CPC is in the face of Nationalist sentiment. It is one of their Achilles heels, and one of the big things that keeps them awake at night.

Actually it is China's interest to not get directly involved, to try to damage India through Pakistan.

But I advocate that India must assume that China WILL get directly involved and prepare for the absolute worst case scenario.
This is the same authoritarian government that smashed India in 1962, and helped Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons.

And it was the same CPC that did not lift a finger when Pakistan was dismembered in 1971, that was the same CPC that actually condemned Pakistan in Kargil & refused to help.

Does that tell you something ?

If you don't know I will tell - that China will not come into a direct war with India for the sake of Pakistan.

And before you post the "smashing 1962" again..it was not for the sake of Pakistan.
This is the same authoritarian government that smashed India in 1962, and helped Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons. :azn:

Resorting to flamebaiting now?
This is also the same authoritarian govt. that kept the world from knowing what actually happened in Tiananmen Square and how many people dies in that rocket mishap (you know what I'm talking about, I forgot the name).

Point is, the CCP can use its authority to silence criticism and dissent anytime it deems fit.

Isn't that the whole point of being an authoritarian regime?
Then give independence to Azad Kashmir ... why ban JKLF?

---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

We Pakistanis support principle stand of kashmiris what ever kashmiris will decide we will accept. Let them decide through self determination.
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