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Pak Rejects Indian Proposal to Declare Nuclear Doctrine

what if they dont keep on their word . Its better we prepare for the worst scenario .
In an interview, Gen. Hameed gul had outlined this policy as

"If Pakistan finds attack on it is eminent, it would attack the aggressor using all the power it has which also includes nuclear weapons to cause maximum damage".

That is a foolish comment to make...but then it is my personal view...
Pakistan has to declare its nuclear doctrine, makes it a lot clearer for everyone, no point in everyone second guessing it, the second guess will always be threatening to the whole world which again could be counter productive. If its arsenal is for India then say so, Otherwise everybody would want to believe that its a rogue state with a big nuke pile with no clear cut strategy.

Is it when India would attack PK conventionally than PK would use its nukes? or will it use it without any provocation, just to start a war at the behest of its ally?

Will it use its nukes when there is a war between India and china? will it use it against India if it is attacked by the US?

Or will it do it if its threatened in any way, a open doctrine will help in engaging with PK more responsibly, we will know our limits and will strive to not cross the limits, but PK has to tell us that these are our limits and u will face nukes from PK if you cross them. A blind game can go only so far. India has to know its threshold vis a vis PK so as to be alert to not cross it. India has stated that it has a defensive posture with its no first use policy. Everybody has to know PK's doctrine which will help in projecting yourself as a responsible state. The current image carried by the world wrt PK could be wrong, but u r the one to tell us that.
no need to declare anything......but get ur nukes insured if they fall mid way on its way to India..as u cant trust chinese stuff....lol...:-)
In my opinion, India's doctrine is very moral and simple: No first use but MASSIVE retaliation. As long as we have the capability to completely obliterate any country that is foolish enough to nuke us, I am happy.
Expected response from Pakistan.

Good job from India trapping Pak in it's own game..:tup:
Most likely Qureshi's public disclosure have put bharti lobby in Pakistan under pressure.
Pakistan's nuclear doctrine therefore is based on the first strike option. In other words, the Pakistani government will use nuclear weapons if attacked by India even if the attack is with conventional weapons. With his experience of a graduated nuclear response, Professor Stephen P. Cohen feels that Pakistan would use what he calls an 'option-enhancing policy'. This would entail a stage-by-stage approach in which the nuclear threat is increased at each step to deter India from attacking. These stages are as follows:
A public or private warning.
demonstration explosion of a small nuclear weapon on Pakistani soil.
The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) on Pakistani soil against Indian attacking forces.
The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) against critical but purely military targets on Indian soil, probably in thinly populated areas in the desert or semi-desert, causing the least collateral damage.

Forward it to your Govt ! I cant risk sending a memo after the whole Haqqani fiasco :rofl:
As long as your enemy is not sure about your exact response in the time of war , you are at advantage .
Dont show all the cards , So its a good move by Pakistan that we rejected to disclose what we will do and what we will not in the time of war .
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