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Pak nukes are fully secure: India

I am unable to comprehend this new "development". Why on earth India will change its stance on Pakistan's Nuclear insecurity?
I don't doubt that Pakistan's nukes appear secure. I believe, instead, that the current wave of 'pindi terror attacks have the aim of undermining the esprit de corps and resolution of the Pakistani Army. So the guards' resolve will be weakened so they will allow terror groups to sneak in and swipe a few nuclear munitions, or even corrupt the guards to TTP service, via the threat of terror applied to their families.

Though why terrorists should bother with hidden and scattered nuke storage areas when they have PA HQ in their sights is another good question.

Before you poo-poo these ideas, remember that a year ago hardly any one would have imagined that Rawalpindi could become subject to multiple waves of terror attacks.

So does it mean's you have also doubt on the security of nuclear weapons of USA too ? because there are people like Hasan Nadal in your army too and they will easily manage to swipe a few nuclear munitions ? and what if some one say if Pentagon is not secured (9/11) enough how do you guarantee the security of your nuclear :sniper:weapons ?

Updated at: 2023 PST, Sunday, December 06, 2009

NEW DELHI: Indian Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor, rejecting concerns about safety of Pakistan nukes falling at the hands of terrorists, said Sunday that they are fully secure.

In an interview with an Indian TV channel, he said India has no doubt about the safety of Pak nukes. “A peaceful and stable Pakistan is in the interest of India,” Tharoor said.

He said there is no danger that Pakistan would fall apart. The Indian state minister admitted Pakistan was fighting a war against the terrorism.



Link or source please..cheers
well just for the fun of it-----> this means india knows where paks nukes are so pak here we come to take away your nukes:devil:

by the way i ve seen that a lot of people here believe that india and usa wants to take away pakistans nuke's........even if the usa manages to take them...i mean cant you guys make another one or something !you have the technology and the nuke reactors for making new bombs....then why are you guys always feel insecure about your nukes ...the other countries are worried not about pakistan possessing nukes but by the possiblity of falling in the wrong hands......any if you can have them safely within your reach ....kudoos no probs!!!!!!

i think you have intuitions:rofl::hitwall: that our a bomb going in the hand of terror.
don't worry yar never going wrong:sniper:
Guys, basically this can only be described as India turning the other cheek.
Just last week, Indian top brass was saber rattling, talking of limited war and all, when they realized Pakistan is in no mood to blink, the tone from New Delhi has suddenly changed. Now they are willing to pull out a large number of troops from held Kashmir, and now convincing the world on Pakistan Nukes.
Realistically, Indians have cried wolf once too often, hence Pakistan doesn't give two monkeys as to what the Indians think or rant. Period.
well just for the fun of it-----> this means india knows where paks nukes are so pak here we come to take away your nukes:devil:

by the way i ve seen that a lot of people here believe that india and usa wants to take away pakistans nuke's........even if the usa manages to take them...i mean cant you guys make another one or something !you have the technology and the nuke reactors for making new bombs....then why are you guys always feel insecure about your nukes ...the other countries are worried not about pakistan possessing nukes but by the possiblity of falling in the wrong hands......any if you can have them safely within your reach ....kudoos no probs!!!!!!

Nukes can go into the wrong hands blah blah I m sick and tired of this sentence are we childs who cannot able to protect their own toys ?.

And if we see this from indian prospective this can happened to india in real scenario dude not applies on Pakistan.
He responded to a question posed by the interviewer. Tharoor is a bit of a misfit in this Govt, his twitters have been controversial but he wasnt taken to the US during Dr Singh's visit to the US even though he is the Min - Foreign Affairs. Mr Krishna who is his senior instead went to the US.

So just ignore what he says, he is still trying to be relevant within the cabinet.No one listens to him. However, I do hope no one from Taliban get those nukes.

Im sure Mumbai will be targetted...and Im living there right now !!! So have a personal interest in that.
He responded to a question posed by the interviewer. Tharoor is a bit of a misfit in this Govt, his twitters have been controversial but he wasnt taken to the US during Dr Singh's visit to the US even though he is the Min - Foreign Affairs. Mr Krishna who is his senior instead went to the US.

So just ignore what he says, he is still trying to be relevant within the cabinet.No one listens to him. However, I do hope no one from Taliban get those nukes.

Im sure Mumbai will be targetted...and Im living there right now !!! So have a personal interest in that.

How Taliban get those Nukes ?

How is it Possible ?

20,000 SSG Commandos guarding those Nukes .. !!! :pakistan:
So does it mean's you have also doubt on the security of nuclear weapons of USA too ? because there are people like Hasan Nadal in your army too and they will easily manage to swipe a few nuclear munitions ? and what if some one say if Pentagon is not secured (9/11) enough how do you guarantee the security of your nuclear weapons ?
I strongly doubt anyone like Maj. Hasan (whose mental instability was suspected not just by colleagues but by people who contacted him casually) would be entrusted with any WMD responsibilities. Nuclear security has indeed been tightened up since 9-11, especially in the USAF, which has seen numerous heads roll for various infractions. I'm still worried, but the U.S. system of choosing especially stable persons and dual-key arming systems does tend to relieve one's mind.
I strongly doubt anyone like Maj. Hasan (whose mental instability was suspected not just by colleagues but by people who contacted him casually)

Just for the record, the US media reported that Maj. Hasan was subjected to repeated racial abuse during his tenure in the armed forces. Doesn't excuse what he did, but that part of the story got conveniently pushed aside in the Fox News frenzy of Muslim bashing.
I am unable to comprehend this new "development". Why on earth India will change its stance on Pakistan's Nuclear insecurity?

Simply, because mr. 10% is out of the loop.
I see no other change!
Just for the record, the US media reported that Maj. Hasan was subjected to repeated racial abuse during his tenure in the armed forces. Doesn't excuse what he did, but that part of the story got conveniently pushed aside in the Fox News frenzy of Muslim bashing.

Why was he singled out? Arent there hundreds if not thousands of Muslims in the US armed forces? And I am not talking about African Americans who follow Islam, but those of Middle eastern or Pakistani or Indian or even European origin.

Catching on to straws? Your's sir, is a very ridiculous statement. As for as Fox News is concerned, they are a bunch of clowns like their counterparts in MSNBC!!
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