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Pak not to grant relief work visas to Indians


May 3, 2009
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Pak not to grant relief work visas to Indians and Israelis - Visa Power - Travel - Services - News By Industry - News - The Economic Times
ISLAMABAD: India and Israel are the only two countries whose aid workers will not be granted special visas by Pakistan to join relief efforts for the millions of people affected by the country's worst floods.

Following a suggestion from Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi for easing visa regulations for foreign aid workers, the Interior Ministry decided to issue three-month "relief work" visas for those coming to Pakistan to join relief operations.

A letter sent by the Interior Ministry to the Foreign Office made it clear that this special facility will not be available to Indian and Israeli nationals.

The Foreign Ministry was also asked to circulate the letter to all Pakistani missions abroad.

According to a standard operating procedure approved by the government, Pakistan missions will grant three-month visas to aid workers joining the large-scale rescue and relief operations across the country.

Workers of reputed organisations will be granted visa on arrival free of charge by the Federal Investigation Agency at all entry points.

Hundreds of aid workers and special personnel, including members of the armed forces of the US, Japan and other countries, are currently in Pakistan to aid the 20 million people affected by the floods.

US military helicopters have flown dozens of sorties in sensitive areas in northwest Pakistan.

Though the government has barred the entry of Israeli and Indian aid workers, some Indian peace activists who recently visited Lahore had raised funds for flood victims by taking up a donation drive on the streets of the city.

Pakistan took almost a week to accept five million dollars offered by India for the flood victims.

Media reports have suggested that Pakistan finally accepted the offer due to pressure from the US.

Foreign Minister Qureshi announced the acceptance during a visit to the US, giving rise to speculation that the Pakistan government was pressured on the issue by the Obama administration.

Despite the liberal visa policy adopted by the government, there have been complaints that foreign aid workers are facing difficulty in reaching flood-hit areas of Balochistan, Pakistan's poorest and insurgency-hit province.

Former Senator Sanaullah Baloch has said foreign workers and NGOs are being prevented from going to Balochistan.

He alleged that the National Disaster Management Authority had "banned international donor agencies, aid organisations and NGOs" from helping flood victims of the province.

Pakistan had adopted a soft visa policy in the wake of the 2005 earthquake that hit parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and ***************** Kashmir.


Israelis I can understand because Pakistan does not have any diplomatic relations, but not allowing Indians like in 2005 is unfortunate. I know that COVA which is based in Hyderabad was planning to send 400 doctors and collecting money for medicines and other items and this would be disheartening for sure.
Israelis I can understand because Pakistan does not have any diplomatic relations, but not allowing Indians like in 2005 is unfortunate. I know that COVA which is based in Hyderabad was planning to send 400 doctors and collecting money for medicines and other items and this would be disheartening for sure.

That's just stupid.... Politics and bloody politics...First a whopping one week to accept the Aid, now Visa hurdles for peace activists.....I honestly don't understand what are the apprehensions here???? These politicians should know that it is the common man who suffer while they enjoy comforts of their homes....Anyways i think India should do whatever she can and whatever Pak is willing to let her do...May god have mercy on flood victims and they get much needed help On Time
That's just stupid.... Politics and bloody politics...First a whopping one week to accept the Aid, now Visa hurdles for peace activists.....I honestly don't understand what are the apprehensions here???? These politicians should know that it is the common man who suffer while they enjoy comforts of their homes....Anyways i think India should do whatever she can and whatever Pak is willing to let her do...May god have mercy on flood victims and they get much needed help On Time
It should be allowed in manageable numbers.

You have to understand that India may infiltrate spies and terrorists under the guise of aid workers so not exercising caution against the Indians would be criminal negligence.
eh guys think about had it been the other way around you guys would allow it ?, forget doctors you didnt even allow ordinary cricket players.

And on another note, where these blokes would be going, its not exactly a walk in the park these days so if something unfortunate were to happen to these good people, things might get out of hand fairly quickly..and we'd be at eachother's throats again ..sooo from a lot of perspectives, not a good idea.

Pakistani Army is capable and is doing more than what any other army would be able to do for their country. I think burdening them with security of these personnel would hamper their efforts and terrorists might use them as scape goats just as they did in Iraq.

So yeah there might be politics behind this reason, but unknown to our woefully shortsighted politicians they have done "something" right.
Unfortunate. Distrust is the reason a few needy souls cant get the help they need.
Stupid so-called peace activists.
If pakistan does not need any help why pressurise them to accept doctors from India.

Good going pakistan.
But in another thread the Indians were yupping about security of these Indian doctors and were suggesting it was not a good idea to send them to Pakistan.
To those talking about spies. Do you really think RAW or MOSSAD would be sending apies with Indian or Israeli passports??

I bet if they wanted they would probably be holders of American or European passports as they would have no attention on them.

Its just an example of PA/ISI hijacking foreing policy.

And btw, after 26/11 India did not cut diplomatic realtions nor did it stop giving visas to Pakistanis.
One other thing we have to look is the security..Indian and Isrealis are not welcomed by all of them..Their security will be a headache for the agencies ..securing 400 doctors is not child play and now the agencies have their hands full.by sending rescue workers by Indian and Israel is doing them more harm than good according to me...just thinking from their sides..i may be wrong..
To those talking about spies. Do you really think RAW or MOSSAD would be sending apies with Indian or Israeli passports??

I bet if they wanted they would probably be holders of American or European passports as they would have no attention on them.

We have taken measures for checking that too. So no slipping with foreign passport even

Its just an example of PA/ISI hijacking foreing policy.

That would be in best interests of Pakistan

And btw, after 26/11 India did not cut diplomatic realtions nor did it stop giving visas to Pakistanis.

India's visa rule is unfairly persecuting innocent Pakistanis | Robert Wintemute | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

India's visa rule is unfairly persecuting innocent Pakistanis

Being born in Pakistan is not a evidence of predisposition to commit terrorist acts. The visa rules are racist, and must change

Most people would be shocked if they went to the visa website of a London embassy and read: "Processing time is two to three days for British citizens, but seven to eight weeks for British citizens of Jewish origin". Indeed, advertising an intention to discriminate is contrary to the Race Relations Act 1976. Yet, explicit discrimination of this kind can be found on the website for visas for India: "Processing time for UK Nationals is a minimum of 2-3 working days ... Processing time of applications received from persons of Pakistani origin [including British citizens] will be minimum 7-8 weeks."

Pakistani ethnic origin is detected through questions about place of birth and previous nationality, both for the applicant and their parents. Disclosing a link with Pakistan triggers demands for extra information and a long processing period, which in many cases makes travel to India impossible. India is effectively banning more than half a million British citizens of Pakistani origin from travelling to India as tourists, on business, or to participate in academic conferences or student exchange programmes.

Looking behind a British passport and treating an individual differently, because they or their parents were born in Pakistan, is direct or indirect racial discrimination violating UK, European and international human rights law. It cannot be justified under any circumstances, because it is a first step down a very slippery slope of racism.

In 1933, Nazi Germany excluded German citizens of Jewish origin from the civil service. In 1942, the United States arrested all US citizens of Japanese origin living on the west coast, and transferred them to prison camps. It makes no difference that India is practising racial discrimination against British citizens rather than its own. India would object very strongly if Australia, Canada, China or the US made it much harder for British citizens of Indian origin (but not Pakistani origin) to obtain a tourist visa.
If GoP does not want to issue visas let it be. Hope they will find additional relief workers for the victims.

I'm not a fan of these visa procedures. Look at the Dawood Gilani/David Headley case. Did strict visa procedures for PAkistan prevent him from coming to India? What about the boats on 26/11,did they ask for visa in Indian consulates in Pakistan?

Its only good police work that at the end of the day will stop terrorist attacks. US started a fingerprint and filter system where they have scanned fingerprints of 1.5 million people mainly from muslim countries, have they got a single coviction. Did it stop Faisal Shazad from trying to blow up his car? No.

Similarly the paronoid apprach of PA/ISI will not help. IT has to stop using Islam and Jihad for politcal purposes. Not saing all officers in it are like that but there is still a strong influential section that is. A mess has been created by using this policy in Afghanistan and Kashmir. The Saudis have realised it and have started re-educating thier people and coming back ot the right track. Its time the same is done in Pakistan or else how can stop the TTP attack Pakistan when PA/ISI is being the puppet of the US (according to them).

Anyways, if the decision is taken that is their perogative. Pakistanis need to realise that they can only live in peace if they have good realtions with India. Otherwise they will continue to have an insecure state of mind with too much dependance on foreign powers like US or China or Saudi Arabia.
its a good move by the GoP, our Army is doing a good enough job in rescue operations across the country, and we already have enough foreign nationals working in relief efforts!
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Gop should also stop american aid workers!they may be cia trying to steal nukes.
Pak not to grant relief work visas to Indians and Israelis - Visa Power - Travel - Services - News By Industry - News - The Economic Times
ISLAMABAD: India and Israel are the only two countries whose aid workers will not be granted special visas by Pakistan to join relief efforts for the millions of people affected by the country's worst floods.

Following a suggestion from Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi for easing visa regulations for foreign aid workers, the Interior Ministry decided to issue three-month "relief work" visas for those coming to Pakistan to join relief operations.

A letter sent by the Interior Ministry to the Foreign Office made it clear that this special facility will not be available to Indian and Israeli nationals.

The Foreign Ministry was also asked to circulate the letter to all Pakistani missions abroad.

According to a standard operating procedure approved by the government, Pakistan missions will grant three-month visas to aid workers joining the large-scale rescue and relief operations across the country.

Workers of reputed organisations will be granted visa on arrival free of charge by the Federal Investigation Agency at all entry points.

Hundreds of aid workers and special personnel, including members of the armed forces of the US, Japan and other countries, are currently in Pakistan to aid the 20 million people affected by the floods.

US military helicopters have flown dozens of sorties in sensitive areas in northwest Pakistan.

Though the government has barred the entry of Israeli and Indian aid workers, some Indian peace activists who recently visited Lahore had raised funds for flood victims by taking up a donation drive on the streets of the city.

Pakistan took almost a week to accept five million dollars offered by India for the flood victims.

Media reports have suggested that Pakistan finally accepted the offer due to pressure from the US.

Foreign Minister Qureshi announced the acceptance during a visit to the US, giving rise to speculation that the Pakistan government was pressured on the issue by the Obama administration.

Despite the liberal visa policy adopted by the government, there have been complaints that foreign aid workers are facing difficulty in reaching flood-hit areas of Balochistan, Pakistan's poorest and insurgency-hit province.

Former Senator Sanaullah Baloch has said foreign workers and NGOs are being prevented from going to Balochistan.

He alleged that the National Disaster Management Authority had "banned international donor agencies, aid organisations and NGOs" from helping flood victims of the province.

Pakistan had adopted a soft visa policy in the wake of the 2005 earthquake that hit parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and ***************** Kashmir.


Israelis I can understand because Pakistan does not have any diplomatic relations, but not allowing Indians like in 2005 is unfortunate. I know that COVA which is based in Hyderabad was planning to send 400 doctors and collecting money for medicines and other items and this would be disheartening for sure.

EhazR Sir,

You have to accept Pakistan's final Decision as it is they who have to look after Pakistan's Interest which are Paramount to them.

The Pakistani Government must have a "Pakistan's Interests come First" rather than jeopardize Pakistan's Safety and Integrity.

If Indian Government is Foolish enough not to look after India's Interests then so be it, but, it or you or anybody else do not have any authority to Pontificate what they must do.

India has Offered. If it is acceptable to Pakistan then it is Fine and Dandy for both Countries. If Pakistan does not accept then India has not reason to complain.

Let India look after its Interests First and let Pakistan consider its Interests Paramount.

Have a Nice Day.

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