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Pak Navy test fire Antiship missiles in Arabian Sea

finally top leadership wearing masks :dance3: and nice video of missile testing
and link for navy official YouTube channel?

They are wearing masks from earlier days as I have seen in a funeral at least one month earlier of my aunt. My uncle is a Lt. Col so there were dignitaries and high ups there all of them wearing masks.
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Could be a torpedo as Harpoon should accelerate faster using the rocket motor just as C802A and AM39 Exocet did. Whereas this weapon seems to be dropping fast and i dont see the flame nor rocket motor smoke.

The distance between the plane and the object is high enough that if it was a Missile it would have the rocket engine fired by now. You are correct this object is free falling could be a torpedo.
Well we know thst F-22P, P-3C and Sea Kings were used. That pretty much identifies all the missiles used as we know that F-22P so far is not equipped with Harba but is equipped with C-802A (180km). We know the P-3C is only equipped with Harpoon and we know that Sea King is equipped with Exocet.

The target does indeed look like a Type 21. Badr was retired in 2014, Babur in 2015.it appears one of these was scuttled and made an artificial reef during this test. The reason to use old warships is that they are made with the appropriate steel to really test the missiles (a civilian ship is not as armored) beyond this, why would a service like PN want to waste money maintaining or tearing down the ship. As a target is served a purpose for Missile testing and will serve a continued environmental purpose as a reef.
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Folks i came to know about this test 18 hours ago but was waiting for official confirmation. i was sharing my concern with yhe military leader in PA about Indian navy capability and the PA folk was laughing and said, “Sir we have packed a lot of surprises for them and some of them i cant share and it wont be known to public” but he did share that we just conduxted a test with extended range naval anti ship missile .. i didnt ask and he didnt share much .. then he said that we knew where indian aircraft carrier moved and we tracked tracked them all along after Feb 27 .. said sir, “ please dont worry we have a lot more capability than shared to the world ... he said that 3 major global surprises will be revealed soon, the leadership is contemplating whether they should do it as it will send shock waves to the world and with all honesty sir lungis will be wet and they wont be able to change them”
Last thing was that Su35 has been cleared by Russia two areas ago and chinese have agreed to finance it but leadership is working on something else. i wonder about all of this ..
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No warship is sitting ducks like the one in target practice, at leat it should have 1 CIWS
Folks i came to know about this test 18 hours ago but was waiting for official confirmation. i was sharing my concern with yhe military leader in PA about Indian navy capability and the PA folk was laughing and said, “Sir we have packed a lot of surprises for them and some of them i cant share and it wont be known to public” but he did share that we just conduxted a test with extended range naval anti ship missile .. i didnt ask and he didnt share much .. then he said that we knew where indian aircraft carrier moved and we tracked tracked them all along after Feb 27 .. said sir, “ please dont worry we have a lot more capability than shared to the world ... he said that 3 major global surprises will be revealed soon, the leadership is contemplating whether they should do it as it will send shock waves to the world and with all honesty sir lungis will be wet and they wont be able to change them”
Last thing was that Su35 has been cleared by Russia two areas ago and chinese have agreed to finance it but leadership is working on something else. i wonder about all of this ..

While I am not doubting whether your source is legitimate or not, we have all heard military men make claims such as this, but often nothing comes of it. 3 big surprises at a time where Pakistan receives additional help on Coronavirus from major financial institutions, it would unlikely be a good thing politically. Beyond this plans change so frequently and some are flat out inaccurate. You have given hype, I hope you are right cuz the news lately is boring, but I am not holding my breath. Lolz.
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he said that 3 major global surprises will be revealed soon, the leadership is contemplating whether they should do it as it will send shock waves to the world and with all honesty sir lungis will be wet and they wont be able to change them”

1- Pakistani ICBM
2- Pakistani nuclear submarine with longer range babur missiles (and even a sublaunched ballistic missile)
3- Pakistan's SLV launch.

Three global surprises :D

Right @Zarvan....
1- Pakistani ICBM
2- Pakistani nuclear submarine with longer range babur missiles (and even a sublaunched ballistic missile)
3- Pakistan's SLV launch.

Three global surprises :D

Right @Zarvan....
Yes keep laughing I am just amused at your childish behaviour. Senior guys and MODS of these forum know about all three things but you kid can keep laughing. Pakistan had developed nukes by 1984 but tested in 1998. But you keep smiling
Yes keep laughing I am just amused at your childish behaviour. Senior guys and MODS of these forum know about all three things but you kid can keep laughing. Pakistan had developed nukes by 1984 but tested in 1998. But you keep smiling

May be there are some plans for these things---nothing concrete, or may be some work is being done.

But I only laugh at the notion that these things are 'ready-to-go' and Pak can test a working, long-range ICBM anytime the govt gives authorities a go ahead.

While I am not doubting whether your source is legitimate or not, we have all heard military men make claims such as this, but often nothing comes of it. 3 big surprises at a time where Pakistan receives additional help on Coronavirus from major financial institutions, it would unlikely be a good thing politically. Beyond this plans change so frequently and some are flat out inaccurate. You have given hype, I hope you are right cuz the news lately is boring, but I am not holding my breath. Lolz.

I am wondering myself what can it be. Nuke sub, Sparco satellite launch etc.

Nuke sub is quite plausible. other 2 i am not sure of, Azm is far out.
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