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Pak navy chief torpedoes nation's 26/11 confession


Dec 20, 2008
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Pak navy chief torpedoes nation's 26/11 confession


Islamabad: Pakistan on Friday contradicted its statements on the Mumbai terror attacks, saying Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone gunman captured during the attacks, didn't take the sea route to the Indian city.

"There is no proof that Kasab took the sea route," Pakistani Navy chief Admiral Noman Bashir said at a press conference in Islamabad.
“The evidence that I have doesn’t show that the terrorists went from this country. This is India's claim from day one. Even before the Mumbai incidents had ended, India was saying that the terrorists have used sea route," he said.Bashir called the Mumbai attacks a "failure" of the Indian navy and coast guard.

Bashir’s statement contradicts the Pakistan government’s stand. The country’s interior minister had admitted that “part” of the conspiracy to attack Mumbai was hatched in Pakistan and terrorists took the sea route to reach Mumbai.

Pakistan’s Interior Ministry has named three boats used by the terrorists to reach Mumbai and its Federal Investigation Agency has arrested a person who sold engines for the boats.

If there is no evidence that Kasab took the sea route to reach Mumbai, Bashir’s statement doesn’t explain how the Indian navy “failed”.

India says Kasab and nine other Pakistanis had set sail from Karachi, hijacked a trawler after entering Indian waters and finally used a rubber boat to sneak into Mumbai Nov 26, 2008 and embarked on a killing spree that lasted over 60 hours.

Kasab is now in the custody of the Mumbai police, which Wednesday filed a charge sheet naming him and 34 others, all of them operatives of the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror groups, for the Mumbai carnage that claimed the lives of more than 170 people.

Kasab is also one of the eight men named in a case registered by Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency on the Mumbai attacks.
This guy is making a laughing stock of himself. Is this done to deflect the double billing accusations against Pak Navy.
This guy is making a laughing stock of himself. Is this done to deflect the double billing accusations against Pak Navy.
The nation never accepted. One of the most lowest rated governments in Pakistan's history has.
He is suggesting Technically , in the presense of SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG NAVY & COAST GAURD .....................

This guy is making a laughing stock of himself. Is this done to deflect the double billing accusations against Pak Navy.
Errr he is head of the Navy and he knows what he is talking about unlike your navy who could not stop few terrorist from entering your country!
Errr he is head of the Navy and he knows what he is talking about unlike your navy who could not stop few terrorist from entering your country!

It looks like ur navy chief dont believe investigation done by ur FIA which clearly stated how the group of terrorists set sail from Karachi for mumbai.

After pakistan govts admission about 26/11,how can a navy chief contradict his govt??

Hey,it looks like business as usual in pakistan where one branch of govt is often totally unaware of what another one doing e,g Kargil...
This guy is making a laughing stock of himself. Is this done to deflect the double billing accusations against Pak Navy.

Lets not mix all the things together, Pak Navy Billing is a separate issue.

what he really said was that "I don't have any evidence or proof that Kasab went from Pakistan coastal area and EVEN IF HE really used Pakistani Coast then how Indian Navy which Claims to be a Blue water Navy with Global Reach and which is 10 times Bigger than use Could not Catch him so its their Failure as well"

So blaming PN alone is not a Good Idea and IN is also responsible for Failing to Catch the terrorists.
Navy Chief Statement

“The evidence that I have doesn’t show that the terrorists went from this country. This is India's claim from day one. Even before the Mumbai incidents had ended, India was saying that the terrorists have used sea route," he said.Bashir called the Mumbai attacks a "failure" of the Indian navy and coast guard.

He says terrorists didn't took the sea route to Mumbai but on the other hand has the audacity to say Indian Navy and Coast Guard failed to stop the attacks. Does he even know what he is blabbering?.
He says terrorists didn't took the sea route to Mumbai but on the other hand has the audacity to say Indian Navy and Coast Guard failed to stop the attacks. Does he even know what he is blabbering?.

Read carefully before you start blabbering. He is saying that the evidence that he got does not show anything about terrorists going from his country and to this he adds that this is what India is saying from day one. So what is wrong in it, stop mixing thing up just to suit the flavor. Moreover it is indeed the failure of the so called blue water navy that could not detect the presence of an unknown boat/ship in their waters, he is pointing out the same failure.

This is the real news: God i hate when the Indians mix things up, now read the article.

No evidence on Kasab’s entry into India via Pak sea route: CNS

Updated at: 1956 PST, Friday, February 27, 2009
No evidence on Kasab’s entry into India via Pak sea route: CNS KARACHI: The Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Admiral Noman Bashir said on Friday that no evidence has been provided that Ajmal Kasab had gone to Mumbai from Pakistan.

He was addressing a news conference in connection with exercise 'Aman 2009' to be held in Pakistani waters from March 5 to 14.

When asked a question about Ajmal Kasab, the CNS replied that no evidence has been provided that he travelled to Mumbai from Pakistan.

The CNS said that India claims that some people from here had travelled in the boats. He said it was difficult to comment on this unless it is supported by evidence.

Admiral Noman said that the information he has with him so far does not prove that Ajmal Kasab had boarded a boat from Karachi. He said even if Ajmal Kasab had gone from here and entered the Indian waters, where were the Indian Coastguards and the Indian Navy.

The CNS said that there are a number of questions in this regard which need to be answered. He stated that the Government of India should provide evidence to the Government of Pakistan for investigation.

Admiral Noman said that the Indian claim from day one is that those responsible for the Mumbai attack had entered from the sea route. He said that the Indian Navy is 10 times bigger than that of Pakistan while the Coastguard was 12 times bigger than that of Pakistan.

This is what he said. Now stop mixing things up. Mods please change the title of the thread. It misrepresents the whole thing.
^^The point is the GoP has already accepted that the terrorists have entered through sea route based on the GPS data and Kasab's confession. Now, why CNS is saying there is no evidence to support. Its a case of 'Right hand doesn't know what Left hand is doing and Vice-Versa'. You guys are full of contradictions.
Listen....combating terrorism is like being a goalie in soccer game....you may save 99 shots but everyone will remember only the one you missed. Just because india has a blue water navy ...dosent imply that there is NO CHANCE of terrorists entering the sea route...infact the terrorists hijacked an indian fishing trawler (there are about a 100,000 trawlers at sea at any point of time btw) which makes it even harder for IN to detect the terrorists.
I cant belive that some people actually even now are in denial of the facts. Facts which are backed up and improved upon by the pak govt itself. And for doing this the pak govt is one of the weakest govts ever..i see...
Read carefully before you start blabbering. He is saying that the evidence that he got does not show anything about terrorists going from his country and to this he adds that this is what India is saying from day one. So what is wrong in it, stop mixing thing up just to suit the flavor. Moreover it is indeed the failure of the so called blue water navy that could not detect the presence of an unknown boat/ship in their waters, he is pointing out the same failure.


A blue-water navy, is the capability to to operate in highseas.The main objective of Indian Navy, is to defend India's Maritime boundaries and not costal boundaries. The latter is the responsibility of the coast gaurd, which failed and not the navy.

What Pakistan's Naval Chief said was a clear indication of miscommunication or difference in views of Pakistan's military and the civilian government. But then tell me something new?
you may save 99 shots but everyone will remember only the one you missed
Apparently you missed the first shot and seemingly there will be no credit for your comming 99 saves!
It's high time to lay off your blue (faced) navy and just sing to your gods.

Pakistan's Naval Chief said was a clear indication of miscommunication or difference in views of Pakistan's military and the civilian government
Naval Cheif is very close to President Zardari and was hand picked by him.

If you'r naval cheif have seen 'Qasai' entering india from sea route than he should correct him!

Mods please change the title of the thread. It misrepresents the whole thing.
Didn't you get it! indians are always misdirected.
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This guy didn't deny that the terrorists used the sea route, only that there was no evidence to prove it. Sounds like he's saying, "Don't blame me, I did my job, the coppers didn't find out anything from us!"

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