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Pak Media - India Orders 36 Rafale Jets from France, Bharat Ke upar Jangi Jnun Sawar hai

I am aghast at Air Marshal Shezad's ill-informed comments. Firstly he talks about the Cold Start Doctrine. He seems totally unaware that there is no such doctrine!! Epic fail!

Secondly, he says that India wants to become a permanent member of the UN but has failed to comply with the UN Resolutions on Kashmir. It is obvious that he is unaware of the fact that Pakistan itself signed the Resolution under Chapter VI of the UN Charter. Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.

So where is the question of 'compliance'? Again, epic fail!
I am aghast at Air Marshal Shezad's ill-informed comments. Firstly he talks about the Cold Start Doctrine. He seems totally unaware that there is no such doctrine!! Epic fail!

Secondly, he says that India wants to become a permanent member of the UN but has failed to comply with the UN Resolutions on Kashmir. It is obvious that he is unaware of the fact that Pakistan itself signed the Resolution under Chapter VI of the UN Charter. Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.

So where is the question of 'compliance'? Again, epic fail!
Ask Any PAK PM or even GEN, what is UN resolution on Kashmir and they started thinking and go into deep hibernation,

They need to learn , its PAK who didn't made UN resolution into picture . its the thief who making noise about theft.
Dear dot heads, Don't box above your weight, why do you spend so much time on a Pakistani forum.......i tell you, there's no where else for you to gloat all the big talk.

Far from that actually.You see,unlike you guys,we are not afraid to confront or to interact with citizens of our so called enemy nation.And besides,we Indians bring the much needed "spice" (read traffic) here on this website,which is among the most important things for a site to grow,more so for a discussion oriented one like this one here.So for ****'s sake,stop playing this same old stupid record,it's not even funny anymore.You are an 'ELITE MEMBER',it's about time you start acting like one.
I am aghast at Air Marshal Shezad's ill-informed comments. Firstly he talks about the Cold Start Doctrine. He seems totally unaware that there is no such doctrine!! Epic fail!

Secondly, he says that India wants to become a permanent member of the UN but has failed to comply with the UN Resolutions on Kashmir. It is obvious that he is unaware of the fact that Pakistan itself signed the Resolution under Chapter VI of the UN Charter. Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.

So where is the question of 'compliance'? Again, epic fail!

Why are you aghast ? Fear mongering is the standard bread and butter of Pak Army. That is how they keep the civilians in line and exploit them.

The epic fail is you take this stuff seriously. It's as absurd as taking any "peace talks" with pak seriously. :disagree:
Far from that actually.You see,unlike you guys,we are not afraid to confront or to interact with citizens of our so called enemy nation.And besides,we Indians bring the much needed "spice" (read traffic) here on this website,which is among the most important things for a site to grow,more so for a discussion oriented one like this one here.So for ****'s sake,stop playing this same old stupid record,it's not even funny anymore.You are an 'ELITE MEMBER',it's about time you start acting like one.
It's always good to know that one has a dedicated following even though not on the parallel lines. Your bravery to confront your enemy is thoroughly acknowledged, obviously nothing to do with the host forum to have the ability heart and vision to accept the opposite side and take abuse, criticism and challenge. Hell no, you honour us by being both brave and generous for dishing out the so called spice. Wonder why rest of your country fellows don't exhibit such bravery by allowing the citizens of an enemy state to add some variety to their forums which represent nothing less than a zoo where it's an acute case of blind leading blind with no appetite to face criticism or get to know the other side of story. You are also reminded not to just pluck a post out of air and generate advise without even comprehending as to what or whom the post was addressed. By being an Elite member doesn't mean you become oblivious to abuse and derogatory remarks from any quarters, least the citizens of an enemy nation.
It's always good to know that one has a dedicated following even though not on the parallel lines. Your bravery to confront your enemy is thoroughly acknowledged, obviously nothing to do with the host forum to have the ability heart and vision to accept the opposite side and take abuse, criticism and challenge. Hell no, you honour us by being both brave and generous for dishing out the so called spice.
Dude,do not make it sound so dramatic.Of course we are grateful to the admins of this site that they allowed us in here and we do acknowledge this fact from time to time.And do not go into that abuse or criticize part,shall we??"LMAO we'll see you lil curry rapist." - this is how your so called tolerant countrymen treat us,so don't try to get on some moral high grounds,cause you do not have any...............no one here does.

Wonder why rest of your country fellows don't exhibit such bravery by allowing the citizens of an enemy state to add some variety to their forums which represent nothing less than a zoo where it's an acute case of blind leading blind with no appetite to face criticism or get to know the other side of story.
If you are talking about the B.R,then I can't comment on that and what you said about them is true to most parts.But it's their forum policy,what can we do about that??And B.R is not the only one,I myself had told you to check out the D.F.I who are as neutral as they come.Did you check it out??Do not bother answering,a rhetorical question which by the way,I already know the answer of.
So how could you say such thing when you didn't do anything on your part??

You are also reminded not to just pluck a post out of air and generate advise without even comprehending as to what or whom the post was addressed. By being an Elite member doesn't mean you become oblivious to abuse and derogatory remarks from any quarters, least the citizens of an enemy nation.
Oh,I do know the context of your post,thank you.You could have easily realized it,had you not been so rash in delivering me with the 'befitting reply' of yours.Just a cursory look at my post would have made it clear that I didn't quote the whole of your post.Did you ever stop to think why - let me spell it out for ya.I didn't cause,the first part made perfect sense to me,but the 2nd part,which I quoted,was totally uncalled for and unjustified and moreover,totally off topic.

P.S - I almost forgot,don't you find it odd that so many Indian members join this site,instead of going to BR??Have you ever bothered to think WHY??May be,just may be because we are not like them,because we do not support such a position??Think for a moment.I know you hate us Indians,for being born as Indians,but there is no need to get it on your head all the time.
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