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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Another interesting view (Pakistani) on Kargil.. Answers some of the questions put forth by Mercenary...

25:00 Onwards is the impact of this misadventure on Pakistan..
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i'll never forgive that a-hole for selling out Pakistan and running to bill clinton

The bigger A-hole called Musharraf begged him to go their to save his hide...

and by the way, nawaz sharif was NOT kept out of the loop...he's a liar for saying he was.
Its a he said , she said.. But a lot of Pakistanis (including on this forum) say that he WAS kept out of loop...

trust me on that

You.. Nevvaaahh :D

I find General Pal on the indian side credible, he believes india actually lost the war on strategic terms.
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i'll never forgive that a-hole for selling out Pakistan and running to bill clinton

and by the way, nawaz sharif was NOT kept out of the loop...he's a liar for saying he was.

trust me on that

Yes he was aware of what was going on and what PA's intentions were. But believe me no information regarding the planning and execution was shared with him. This 4000 casualty number was pulled out of thin hair by NS, he just wants to defame Musharraf to gain some browny points.
Yes he was aware of what was going on and what PA's intentions were. But believe me no information regarding the planning and execution was shared with him. This 4000 casualty number was pulled out of thin hair by NS, he just wants to defame Musharraf to gain some browny points.

Totally appropriate in NS case, he had even less going on inside his skull as I can recall

And in this see from 6:30 on how Indian Military cornered and started eliminating Pakistani army well before American got involved.. And how many soldiers who died, even their bodies didnt make it back..

I just wanted everyone to make sure they watched these videos because it will do 1 thing for sure, it will prove this Indian guys credibility and his abilities to lie, post BS and attempt bluffs. Nowhere in this video does the General say that the Indian Military had cornered Pakistani Army at any point, infact for 1965 he states the fact that it should not have been a stalemate as we were in a better position and for Kargil he says that the fighters fought beyond anybody's imagination to the point where even the Indian Military had to applaud their heroics!
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The fact is that we hold vital positions in the sector that can close down a vital indian highway -

The fact that india attempted to take back this post on numerous occasions - points to it's strategic nature - from here our artillery observers can bring in accurate artillery fire to close this vital national highway, that supplies occupied J&K.

well pointed out. it is a conflict zone and beyond the will and bother of the international community. it is down to both countries in the end to decide how long they want to keep this going?

Indian military in the recent times seems to be influencing the civilian leadership on keeping up the military bravado but it is unsustainable to keep up forever. there will be time when Indian people will put its leadership on the spot and demand to know why billions were wasted on something that could have been spent on healthcare and poverty alleviation.

our time has come, our political and military leadership is held responsible and brought to courts to answer itself in Pakistan. maybe one day it will happen in India as well.

until that happens... let the internet warriors continue their Saffron crusade. their interest gives some life and fame to some people in Pakistan who chose to speak to the Indian liking then so be it.

lets enjoy the show

I just wanted everyone to make sure they watched these videos because it will do 1 thing for sure, it will prove this Indian guys credibility and his abilities to lie, post BS and attempt bluffs. Nowhere in this video does the General say that the Indian Military had cornered Pakistani Army at any point, infact for 1965 he states the fact that it should not have been a stalemate as we were in a better position and for Kargil he says that the fighters fought beyond anybody's imagination to the point where even the Indian Military had to applaud their heroics!

Americans never got involved to bail out Pakistan, thats the biggest BS ever.. they wanted this conflict to end because it didnt suit them.
full stop

they couldnt care less for few Pakistani soldiers fighting behind the enemy lines. Nawaz Sherif didnt go there to save Pakistan army but actually he was bullied and summoned by Uncle Sam to announce the end of the conflict.

how could a war that was being fought in the area under Indian occupation be of any danger to rest of Pakistan when there was no movement of troops on the rest of the international borders?

Yes he was aware of what was going on and what PA's intentions were. But believe me no information regarding the planning and execution was shared with him. This 4000 casualty number was pulled out of thin hair by NS, he just wants to defame Musharraf to gain some browny points.


I recall him visiting the forward positions in Kail sector during that time. I agree that the plans were a secret but he did give a go ahead eventually. watch that 4000 figure with due time it will be topped up with another 0...
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I find General Pal on the indian side credible, he believes india actually lost the war on strategic terms.

And I agree with you.. Kargil gave an opportunity to India to not just push out the Pakistani army from the posts it occupied in the winters but also inflict significant diplomatic and international political damage on Pakistan, which the Indian govt refrained to inflicting.. Thats what the good general is refering to and I agree with him.. Our political leadership always chases the elusive dream of peacefully coexisting with Pakistan and never learns from its past mistakes..

I just wanted everyone to make sure they watched these videos because it will do 1 thing for sure, it will prove this Indian guys credibility and his abilities to lie, post BS and attempt bluffs. Nowhere in this video does the General say that the Indian Military had cornered Pakistani Army at any point, infact for 1965 he states the fact that it should not have been a stalemate as we were in a better position and for Kargil he says that the fighters fought beyond anybody's imagination to the point where even the Indian Military had to applaud their heroics!

No one has ever debated that the pakistani military men in kargil did not have their share of heros.. That is certainly not a point of debate of discussion.. All armies do.. But do listen to him from 6:30 onwards in the second video and also the Nazam Sethi video I posted subsequently..

Another Intereting tid bit on the same misadventure of Mian Musharraf.. This time an American POV..

This is an excerpt from the book by Strobe Talbot, the former senior U.S. Department of State official, who was in the room with Bill Clinton when the U.S. president received Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, then the Pakistani prime minister, who came to see Clinton regarding the war in Kargil:

former US deputy secretary of State Strobe Talbot writes in his new book Engaging India - Diplomacy, Democracy and the Bomb. ' Clinton came as close as I had ever seen to blowing up in a meeting with a foreign leader,' and told Sharif, 'If I were the Indian Prime Minister, I would never do that. I would be crazy to do it. It would be nuclear blackmail. If you proceed with this line, I will have no leverage with them. If I tell you what you think you want me to say, I will be stripped of all influence with the Indians.' 'I am not - and the Indians are not - going to let you get away with blackmail, and I will not permit any characterization of this meeting that suggests I am giving in to blackmail,'

Talbot writes, adding, Clinton also refuted Sharif's accusation that the Indians were the instigators of the crisis and intransigents in the ongoing standoff. When Sharif insisted he had to have something to show for his trip to the US beyond unconditional surrender over Kargil, Clinton pointed to the dangers of nuclear war if Pakistan did not return to its previous positions. Seeing they were getting nowhere, Clinton told Sharif he had a statement ready to release to press that would lay all the blame for the crisis on Pakistan . 'Sharif was ashen.' 'Clinton had worked himself back into real anger - his face flushed, eyes narrowed, lips pursed, cheek muscles pulsing, fists clenched. He said it was crazy enough for Sharif to have let his military violate the Line of Control, start a border war with India, and now prepare nuclear forces (U.S. had received intelligence Pakistan was preparing nuclear forces for attack against India) for action,'

Talbot says in his book. 'Sharif seemed beaten, physically and emotionally' and denied he had given any order with regard to nuclear weaponry. Taking a break, Clinton spoke to then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee over phone and told him what had happened until then. 'What do you want me to say?' Vajpayee asked. 'Nothing,' Clinton replied, he just wanted to show he was holding.”
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I find General Pal on the indian side credible, he believes india actually lost the war on strategic terms.

The same general pal have been refuted by Indian army cheif General VP malik.

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I find General Pal on the indian side credible, he believes india actually lost the war on strategic terms.

The same general pal have been refuted by Indian army cheif General VP malik.

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The same general pal have been refuted by Indian army cheif General VP malik.

even we take it as a controversy, between 2 vetern experienced soldiers, what it means?
that indian brocrcy is full of liars, fighting for thier TA DA,s?

The same general pal have been refuted by Indian army cheif General VP malik.

even we take it as a controversy, between 2 vetern experienced soldiers, what it means?
that indian brocrcy is full of liars, fighting for thier TA DA,s?:woot:
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And you think Musharraf is trust worthy.. After all, Nawaz Sharif is still an elected leader (elected by your people ) and may well end up being the next prime minister/president where as Musharraf is a proclaimed fugitive who is wanted for murder in Pakistan..

Really ? What makes you believe that corrupt Nawaz who looted billions during his tenure as the PM of Pakistan and put the country into a state of imminent financial collapse in 1999 , a man who had personal grudges to settle with the army and hence came up with a near impossible and believed only by the naive figure of 4000+ casualties ? Just because it suits you , huh ? :azn:

Musharraf's a fugitive ? :lol: For political reasons and nothing else ... He's blamed for killing a traitor in Baluchistan who wanted unlimited royalty , a man under who's leadership Pakistan's economy and image in the international arena grew exponentially !
Believe me , he can still come and live in Pakistan and the courts cant do jack **** against him ...

Whom do we believe now ? :azn:
The fact is we liberated territory that was under indian occupation, Peak 5353 was previously held by india.

Really ? What makes you believe that corrupt Nawaz who looted billions during his tenure as the PM of Pakistan and put the country into a state of imminent financial collapse in 1999 , a man who had personal grudges to settle with the army and hence came up with a near impossible and believed only by the naive figure of 4000+ casualties ? Just because it suits you , huh ? :azn:

Musharraf's a fugitive ? :lol: For political reasons and nothing else ... He's blamed for killing a traitor in Baluchistan who wanted unlimited royalty , a man under who's leadership Pakistan's economy and image in the international arena grew exponentially !
Believe me , he can still come and live in Pakistan and the courts cant do jack **** against him ...

Whom do we believe now ? :azn:

I know the exact ORBAT of the troops that fought in the conflict, it comes to less than 4,000 - there goes NS's credibility -just because he was won elections with more than 100% votes cast, does not mean it is the case in Military affairs. Of those who fought in the conflict less than 350 were KIA.
Well if you are willing to pay the price you did(4000 dead, military coup, disgrace of not accepting your dead soldiers, humiliation internationally and having failed to get siachen) for One peak which lies on the loc..please try again..!

Not that you will ever be able to 'liberate' more than the amount of territory India has already 'liberated' from Pakistan. Just saying. Keep trying.
The fact of the matter is we suffered less than 350 casualties - we liberated land occupied by the IA, General Pal seems to think it was a strategic defeat for india.
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