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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

This has been said before and it's being said again: the Chinese really haven't ACTED against us.

The two-front war may never happen.

HOWEVER, in my very humble opinion, we need to be able to withstand such an eventuality in military terms, and should simultaneously work our b*******s off to build an effective peace with both Pakistan and China.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick.'

Good advice for a tough neighborhood.

JS,keep your dignity and get off talking to these clowns or for that matter any one of these.

Actually thats the martial tradition of--" holding the gun to ones own head and negotiating."

Isn't it pathetic to see Bhartis going off-topic to troll me for exposing their propaganda?

You bharti cyber trolling clowns provide much entertainment to all.


We serve a useful social purpose.

Rather more than you can claim.
This has been said before and it's being said again: the Chinese really haven't ACTED against us.

The two-front war may never happen.

HOWEVER, in my very humble opinion, we need to be able to withstand such an eventuality in military terms, and should simultaneously work our b*******s off to build an effective peace with both Pakistan and China.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick.'

Good advice for a tough neighborhood.

I concur with that. This conceptual idea about a 'two-front war' is related to building up a capability, not an intention. In the past (in 1971), inspite of all kind of entreaties and blandishments offered to the Chinese, they steadfastly avoided getting into the morass. To put it simply- They simply did not want to step into $hit! Never mind that the $hit was the creation of a friend, ally or whatever. Now 'Tricky Dick' Nixon was not suffienctly possessed of such intelligence, so even he lent his weight to the efforts to draw China in. But to no avail.

In contrast, during the Kargil episode; matters were even more cut and dried for the Chinese. They made up their minds very quickly and went to the extent of counselling Pakistan that they were headed up the proverbial "Sh** Creek" and would do very well to wind down the Misadventure (however exciting it may have seemed to the architects of that plan); later Clinton put NS out on his ear.

Now taking it on from ajtr's view on the star-crossed Zia chapter in the history of the PA.
Zia and his imprint have created a paradigm shift in the professionalism of the PA. This has been shown up already in the context of PA's efforts to handle insurgency within the country. Apart from tactical areas, this will remain the Achilles Heel of the PA's COIN capability. PA will now always have to consider an element within that can subordinate professionalism to fundamentalism. Since it will be largely latent, hence the element of unecpected and unpleasant surprises looms very large.
LoL the indians wetting their under garments has just proven my point, to all the Pakistanis who think that any sort of accommodation can be made with these people.

Are you guys allowed to talk dirty in Ramzan .......i guess your 71 virgin to gayi ab tel lene :lol:
Only on man benefitted from Kargil,pervez musharaff,the quintessential UP brain,i really admire him.
Internet Hindus that have never been to Pakistan are now masturbating to a picture of my baby cousin. I thought I was amongst mature people here and I regret that these pedophiles will have impure thoughts of my cousin.


You are a conceited fool that has never been to Pakistan, I didn't know a doctorate was a license to blow steam out of your backside.

Nation full of Kasabs?

Pure entertainment you folks are.

If visiting Pakistan creates humble , wise people like you, could I stay a conceited fool, please?
How so?

In 1948, we managed to capture 1/3 of Kashmir and still hold it.
You went there when we were not even present in Kashmir. You call it a victory? :rofl:
In 1965, it was a stalemate. And the fact that India was numerically superior to Pakistan speaks volumes of the kind fight power Pakistan displayed.
Stalemate? lol you wanted to TAKE Kashmir, did you do that? Oh you didn't? well, that doesn't sound like victory to me. I'm not sure about Pakistani meaning of victory lol.
In 1971, our Army was totally cut off in Bangladesh. And many Strong military powers faced with similar circumstances have surrendered. Such as British in Tobruk and Singapore in 1942, Americans in Bataan in 1942, Germans in Stalingrad in 1942, or French in Dien Bien Phu in 1953, etc.
What is the result sir? We cut your country in 2 different pieces, it denied the so called 2 nation theory, and the Pakistan that your jinna made, don't even exist now.

I'm sorry for you people. :(
In 1999, we successfully infiltrated into Kargil and held you guys at bay for months.
Lol. The same thing you did in '48. You went there when we were not present. Then you denied your involvement. Then you went to US. They ordered you to get out from India. You BACKED OFF. You call it victory? :lol:
Can you tell me what's the meaning of victory in Pakistani dictionary?
And lets not forget India lost bad when they send troops to Sri Lanka in 1987.

Musharraf exposing bharti propaganda.
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But the problem is Indian soldiers also pay the price for these Generals adventurism, these policies are making India spend exponentially on defense - to top it all Pakistan has the Bomb which with the volatility that exists in the PA might create an accidental launch towards India. Afghanistan is also suffering due to these antics of such people. What is the solution to this problem?

Ah good sir, solutions are only required if there are problems and the current structure of Pakistani politics is extremely comfortable for those in charge. Feudals and Generals alike would have the status quo continue for many more years.

While I understand your sentiment, do also think about the Pakistanis that have died due to these misadventures. For every Indian or Afghani or even American, far more Pakistanis have given their lives simply because someone in Islamabad decided he will make a name for himself. The cause of those in power is only strengthened when Pakistani soldiers die, because what no nation will do is to abandon its soldiers; the common public invariably falls behind the Generals and the whole ordeal turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. As I said before, a war just has to be started and everything falls into place.

If there is going to be a change, it would require either the elimination of external threats (unlikely) or continuous failure and exposure of the PA in protecting its citizen (painstakingly slow). In the end, the fear is: Pakistan may over play it's hand one too many times in global politics and give the USA or India the convenient excuse to take matters into their own hands. Guess who'll make up the bulk of the dead in that situation? As usual, the Pakistanis of course.

I say this not to undermine the loss of Indians, but to point out that we are all sufferers in this grand chess game that the Pakistani elite are playing and none are more desperate than Pakistanis, who seem to die for no cause at all. They don't even have the benefit of their government exacting revenge on those responsible as the Indians and Americans often promise; since those responsible for these crimes are the very people that lead them.

To my Pakistani brethren - watch this video - and let the internet indian's continue to wet themselves.
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