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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

I heard some Officers took pity on the wounded indian soldiers and ordered sharp shooters to put them out of their misery, It sounds terrible, but it was actually a merciful act, those poor guys had no chance of being medi-vac'd and were just suffering like animals.

Quit acting like schizophrenic, whose record is stuck in the same asinine fairytale ..and go ahead prove these tall claims of yours!!
Your then serving Prime Minister has said that Pakistan suffered over 4000 dead.

As soon as it was clear that the then serving prime minister had animosities with the then army chief-
his statements and numbers or what ever he blabbers on the issue loose credibility- it becomes personal-
What I can confirm that the indians suffered tremendous casualties both KIA and Wounded, some of the outfits were units in name with 60% to 70% injured or KIA. What was sad, is most of these boys were just 19 or 20 years old, so young, their faces in death almost like children. :(
Pakistan's Kargil Operation was in the works since the 1980's.

What happened was in 1984, India captured the top part of Siachin Glacier after ISI goofed up and placed a large order of Arctic Weather Gear with the same British Company that supplied the Indian Army with its gear. The Indians were easily alerted to the large Pakistani Order and captured the Glacier before Pakistan.

So in order to punish India, Pakistani Generals produced the Kargil Operation in 1987 to cut off Indian supply lines to the Glacier but it was put on hold. Again it was presented in 1995 and it was shelved by Bhutto. And then finally Musharraf greenlighted the attack.

What Pakistan failed to calculate is the Global response was totally on India's side. Even China did not support Pakistan's adventure in Kargil.

So don't think another Kargil like operation will occur.

Maybe Pakistan might use Bangladeshi proxies to create havoc in Eastern India.
It was a military operation. Casualties happen. Even IA might have conducted operations where they have suffered serious casualties and gained very less in return. Anyways those posts do have significance by the way.

They did have significance. The only significance is that they would have been able to direct arty fire on the sole highway. That however is changing.
Under a plan already under execution, in the state of J&K and Arunachal Pradesh many strategic roads and tunnels are being made - and this time all weather roads are being made to provide all year round and faster military movement as well as alternate routes.

Frankly, with the infrastructure being built in J&K now, from all year tunnels to alternate access routes and railways, Indian Military's access and logistics in J&K is being exponentially increased.
It means, that if Pakistan couldnt do anything militarily till now, they sure are never going to be able to change anything in the future.
The indian soldiers were thrown into the deep end, they were given absurd orders to frontally charge our posts - the injuries and carnage was awesome to behold, barrels of our GPMG's going red from the sheer amount of firepower being put out. Also RPG's with anti personnel warheads were devastating to the close ranks of indian infantry.

Bro, what is wrong with you? And whats with these fairy tales about dogs eating bodies at4000 mtrs.?
In your heart I am sure you know that almost everything you typed today is BS. How will you sleep at night ? This hate must be eating you up.
It was a military operation. Casualties happen. Even IA might have conducted operations where they have suffered serious casualties and gained very less in return. Anyways those posts do have significance by the way.

The one peak you hold is surrounded by Indian peaks on 3 sides..you can do little from there ..as suppressing fire from rest of peaks won't let you.
No, its the other way round the Indian soldiers buried your Army soldiers after they were abandoned.

what i am seeing here- a Pakistani soldier in blue pajamas?-
are you mentally sick?-
Your then serving Prime Minister has said that Pakistan suffered over 4000 dead.


I dont know if you know how things used to work in Pakistan during the 1990's or heck even now. The military does not bother to share an info with the serving executive leader. This was the biggest complaint both BB and NS that the Army would not brief them on any sensitive topics that the military was involved in. To put it simply, the military leadership did not trust the civilian government. Thus, NS statement regarding the casualties sustained by PA are as useless as those of President Zardari. There is simply no factual data to support this ludicrous claim. The only reason NS has made this claim is just to get back at Musharraf for ousting him off his premiership.
The one peak you hold is surrounded by Indian peaks on 3 sides..you can do little from there ..as suppressing fire from rest of peaks won't let you.

Good for you. Doesn't deny the fact that Pakistan is holding highest peak at least in drass sector. It is good you are taking precautions.
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