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PAK ISI/Security behind killings and abucting in Balochistan

The Balochistan Students Organisation–Azad (BSO-Azad) claims Chaker to be a member of its central committee. He had been arrested earlier in a similar fashion in July 2009 from Quetta. He was released after about ten months without being charged. His family blamed security forces for brutally torturing him during confinement. Second time they were unluckier to receive him dead. His body was found on January 5, 2011 in Pedarak area in Pasni subdivision along the Makran Coastal Highway. According to his uncle, four bullet wounds were visible on his chest while one bullet had hit his forehead. His right arm appeared to be dislocated at the shoulder and the wrist.
People, however, clearly know who is responsible for the extrajudicial killings. “I do blame the FC and intelligence agencies for killing my nephew,” says Qayyoom’s uncle Abdur Rasool. “But I also hold Baloch legislators sitting in the National Assembly, Senate and the provincial assembly even more responsible not only for his murder but also for those of hundreds of Baloch youth who are being slaughtered like goats,” he tells the Herald. “Do they still believe that we can get our rights through parliamentary means? Mark my words, that will never happen and they will be treated as traitors by coming generations of the Baloch,”

ISI and Pak security forces are behind these heinous acts shame on them :tdown:
Those you quoted are BLA terrorists and BLA terrorists are backed by India so these terrorists surely going to blame Pakistan.

India is sheltering BLA terrorists

You call them terrorist I call them innocent civilians most of whom were teens
In short the Intelligence agencies from whole world is working against pakistan along with RAW.

RAW is the most pathetic organisation. you can only work when others are doing the main task and your raw is just hiding behind them.

anyway despite Indian terrorism you guys failed to harm Balochistan Province of Pakistan
Pakistan: Separatism and its Discontents | Human Rights Watch

What is your view of the role of state agencies in Balochistan?

We have long maintained that the Pakistani state, particularly the military and its intelligence agencies, has been extremely abusive in the province. We have documented numerous serious human rights violations by security forces, including large-scale enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, torture, forced displacement, and excessive use of force against protesters. We have repeatedly and publicly called upon the Pakistani government to account for the disappeared and will be publishing a report in the spring that documents our findings. While the political government has made some effort to address grievances in the province, military intransigence and a failure of political will in the face of the same, has created a situation where the root causes of the conflict have remained unaddressed. Unless the military stops being an agent of abuse in Balochistan, there can be no sustainable peace.
People, however, clearly know who is responsible for the extrajudicial killings. “I do blame the FC and intelligence agencies for killing my nephew,” says Qayyoom’s uncle Abdur Rasool. “But I also hold Baloch legislators sitting in the National Assembly, Senate and the provincial assembly even more responsible not only for his murder but also for those of hundreds of Baloch youth who are being slaughtered like goats,” he tells the Herald. “Do they still believe that we can get our rights through parliamentary means? Mark my words, that will never happen and they will be treated as traitors by coming generations of the Baloch,”

ISI and Pak security forces are behind these heinous acts shame on them :tdown:

shame on bharati terrorists for sheltering these BLA terrorists.

GO ISI kick the low life terrorist and their terrorist supporters

No traitor be pardon. just go slaughter the terrorists who are killing Innocent Pakistanis .
You call them terrorist I call them innocent civilians most of whom were teens

You are BLA terrorist groupie so you are surely calling terrorists as innocent =.

By your yardstick Maoist youth being killed by Indian forces are innocent civilians most of whom are not only in their teens but also kids.
Maoist men women and their kids being killed by Indian forces are innocent as well.
RAW is the most pathetic organisation. you can only work when others are doing the main task and your raw is just hiding behind them.

anyway despite Indian terrorism you guys failed to harm Balochistan Province of Pakistan

No need to harm Balochistan when ISI is busy carrying out killings and abductions you will dig your own grave and the world knows ISI is in a rogue out of control agency just ask the British PM :agree:
Nope the balochi people are blaming ISI and Pak forces

how can you say people are blaming...do you ever meet a Baloch or do you ever know history of Balochistan...you are just barking on media reports...
Pakistan: Balochistan atrocities continue to rise | Amnesty International

The Pakistan government must immediately provide accountability for the alarming number of killings and abductions in Balochistan attributed to government forces in recent months, Amnesty International said today.

Amnesty International also called on Baloch armed groups to avoid attacks that target or endanger civilians, in the face of escalating attacks on government workers and non-Baloch residents of the province.

In the last four months, at least 90 Baloch activists, teachers, journalists and lawyers have disappeared or been murdered, many in ‘kill and dump’ operations, according to information compiled by Amnesty International. Their bullet-ridden bodies, most bearing torture marks, have been recovered across Balochistan.

“Since October, every month has seen an increase in the cases of alleged disappearances and unlawful killings,” said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Director. “These atrocities are carried out with flagrant impunity. Credible investigations into these incidents – resulting in prosecutions – are absolutely necessary to establish some trust between the Baloch people and the Pakistan government.”

The victims’ relatives and Baloch groups blame the ‘kill and dump’ incidents on Pakistani security forces, particularly the Corps and intelligence agencies. Many of the victims were abducted by uniformed Corps soldiers, often accompanying men in plain clothes, in front of multiple witnesses.

Security forces deny the charges, claiming that the deaths were a result of rivalry between Baloch militant groups.

“The human rights crisis in Balochistan has largely been ignored, even inside Pakistan, but thousands of people are not only suffering from extreme deprivation but discrimination, insecurity and human rights abuses on a massive scale,” said Sam Zarifi. “Human rights abuses attributed to the security agencies have created a climate of fear for the families of the disappeared. They are terrified to speak out in fear that security agents will kill their loved ones or abduct other family members in reprisal.”

Armed Baloch groups have also been implicated in a surge in targeted killings of non-Baloch civilians and government employees, including teachers at government education institutions. Hundreds of teachers have fled the province as a result of these killings, bringing the education system to breaking point.

Baloch armed groups have claimed responsibility for a series of bombings on gas infrastructure causing a desperate shortage of fuel for cooking and heating throughout the province during the coldest period of the year. Sectarian targeted killings have also increased, and Balochistan’s Hazara Shi’a community claims that Taleban and Sunni extremists have murdered hundreds of their members since 2004.

“Baloch armed groups must also avoid endangering civilians,” said Sam Zarifi. “The apparent targeting of civilians, teachers and government officials by Baloch groups, has forced many of them to flee the province, which only worsens conditions for the already poorly-served Baloch people.”

In November 2009, the Pakistan Government attempted to address long-running Baloch grievances about economic and political disenfranchisement and human rights abuses with a package of laws called the Aghaz Huqooq-i-Balochistan (“the Beginning of Rights of Balochistan”). However, according to a recent report in the Dawn newspaper, only a quarter of the proposed measures have been implemented thus far.

Amnesty International calls on the Pakistan government to:
• Investigate all alleged human rights abuses, including all “disappearances” recorded by the judicial Commission of Inquiry for Missing Persons;
• Bring all perpetrators of abuses to justice, whether they belong to security forces or non-state armed groups; and
• Ensure that all individuals brought to justice receive a fair trial and are not subjected to torture or other abuse in detention.

“Pakistan’s foreign allies should ensure military assistance is not linked to human rights abuses in Balochistan,” said Sam Zarifi. “As Pakistan’s most significant international allies, Amnesty International calls on the United States and China to ensure their support for security forces in Balochistan does not assist human rights abusers.”


Balochistan has a long history of civil and armed unrest since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, with ethnic Baloch groups advocating greater autonomy within the state or complete separation.

Balochistan holds the largest single source of domestic energy reserves in Pakistan, but Baloch groups argue these resources disproportionately benefit other provinces and ethnic communities.

The Baloch people remain one of the poorest communities within Pakistan with some of the lowest literacy and employment rates and life expectancies.

Notes to editors

A breakdown of victims of reported disappearances and alleged extrajudicial and unlawful killings in Balochistan is available here.

Both Amnesty and Human rights watch have slated Pak security service and these are not 'green media'

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

how can you say people are sying...do you ever meet a Baloch or do you ever know history of Balochistan...you are just barking on media reports...

Met many Balochi people and ive asked them what goes on there and yes i know the history

Met many Balochi people and ive asked them what goes on there and yes i know the history

You can continue with your bharati propaganda but oh wait let us check record of Indian forces and agencies viz a viz human rights violation

Human Rights Violations in Assam

Cases of extra-judicial killings, torture, disappearance and rape are on the increase as the Indian Army fights various insurgency groups in the state.

Cheniram Nath, a human rights activist, was picked up by the Indian Army on 30 May, 1997. On 1 June, 1997, his dead body was handed over to the Police. Part of his skull was missing and his body bore bayonet marks. According to the Army, he was killed in an encounter on 31st May, 1997; even though there was no encounter on that day with the insurgents.

On the night of 13th January 1997, Army personnel raided Rajbari village in Nagaon district. In the raid, Dashrat Singh, a villager was pushed by a jawan with his loaded rifle which went off. The bullet tore open Dashrat Singh's skull. When the commanding officer cried "Raju", the jawan replied "Galti Hogayi, Saab" (It was a mistake, Sir). That was the end of the matter.

On July 25, 1997, jawans of the 25 Punjab Regiment raided Kumarchuburi village, Sonitpur district. The villagers were made to assemble in the center of the village. Meanwhile two of the jawans entered the house of Umesh Koch and tried to molest his wife. When she managed to escape, the jawans raped his twelve year old daughter, Mamoni. When Mamoni's grandmother tried to intervene, she was kicked. After the incident, the jawans left a ten rupee note for Mamoni. [details]

Introduction The Human Rights situation in the northeastern Indian state of Assam deteriorated rapidly after the Indian Army was deployed in November 1990 to fight against secessionist insurgents.

To contain the insurgents and to diminish the support they enjoyed, especially in the rural areas, security forces have indulged in extra-judicial executions, custodial deaths, torture and rape. One the one hand, common villagers are intimidated and terrorized to divulge information about insurgents and on the other, insurgents are physically eliminated. The security operations, conducted under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, give soldiers blanket immunity against any legal interference, have reduced the region to a killing field. And strangely, even though the security actions were initiated to reverse growing insurgency, the subsequent period saw an increase in insurgent activities and mushrooming of insurgent outfits.

The situation, especially the human rights conditions, are not well known outside the region. The national media, both government and non-government controlled, have not given the region (Assam and the adjoining areas) the due coverage. In order to avoid a popular protest against the present policy by the more articulate urban population, the security operations have been confined mainly to the rural areas. The local media, which is more sensitive to the situation, have come under government attack attack. The groups involved in human rights activities too have come under repeated attacks, as the killing of Cheniram Nath above shows.

Insurgency in the state of Assam rose in a political context, as has happened in the other adjoining states. But the government has chosen to view it solely as a security problem, and has adopted policies to root out insurgency militarily. Not only has it borne no fruit, but it has aggravated the human rights situation drastically. In these and other linked pages, an effort is made to paint a non-official picture of the human rights situation in the state of Assam, with information regarding human rights violations and the context in which this has been happening.

Methods of Human Rights Violations Beginning of Security Operations Human rights violations in Assam and the adjoining region are due to a pre-meditated and systematic state policy to contain insurgency.

Since Independence in 1947, regions of northeastern India, the most backward of all India, have seen uprisings and secessionist activities and as a remedy to that was born the Armed Forces Act (AFSPA) in 1958. Such armed activities spread to Assam and increased in the late 1980's. In particular, insurgent groups managed to increase their local support and to step up fund raising activities by extortion and intimidation of economically advanced groups. In 1990, Surender Paul, an influential member of the tea-producing groups, was killed by insurgents. Soon after, the army was deployed to flush out the militants.

Methods Army operations began as Operation Bajrang, and has been finally given a more institutional frame work under the Unified Command in the beginning of 1997. The Army operations started with extensive search-and-arrest operations in the villages. Villagers were required to line up in a nearby field, usually in the dead of night, and questioned. Some are taken to Army camps for further questioning, which generally include torture.

Many innocents have either lost their lives or have been maimed for life. Villagers have been threatened, harassed, raped, assaulted and killed by soldiers attempting to frighten them into identifying suspected insurgents. These exercises became more intensive if there occurs insurgent activities in the neighborhood. As a result, in the villages of Assam, any insurgent activity signals mass exodus of villagers for fear of Army operations. Since insurgency has an ethnic component, members of particular communities are targeted.

Rapes - Rapes generally take place during search-and-arrest operations. They also occur, with security personnel, belonging to the Army, paramilatary or the state police forces, forcibly entering a house and committing the crime.

Torture - Almost all persons picked up for questioning, whether belonging to any insurgent group or not, whether combatant or non-combatant, are tortured for information. Some of the methods used include: electric shocks to genitals, cigarette burns, pulling out of finger-nails, dunking the head under water/urine repeatedly, hanging upside-down for prolonged period, etc. A favorite method of beating is wrapping the victim in a quilt and hitting with a thick bamboo stick. These beatings are difficult to prove as they leave no signs on the outside, though they cause severe internal injury.

Extra-judicial killings - In general, intransigent members of insurgent groups are eliminated out-right. Sometimes when the conditions of torture victims deteriorate the victims are killed and the killing passed of as due to an encounter. A standard story put out is that during a swoop on a militant hideout on the basis of the information provided by the victim, a shoot-out took place in which the victim was killed.

Vigilante Groups - A number of vigilante groups are active in the region. Parag Das, a well know human rights activist and journalist, was killed by unidentified gunmen, suspected to be members of a vigilante group. In a well planned and orchestrated operation, suspected gunmen again killed family members of leaders of armed opposition groups in the month of August 1998.

"Specific Information" - It is of deep concern that an unrestrained and trigger happy security force can be used by vested interests to settle personal scores. In a number of instances, the Army had admitted to acting on "specific information" but the victims have turned out to be innocent, without any relation to any insurgent group. Chances are very high in such cases that the armymen were tipped off by sources with personal/political vendetta with the victims.

Most of the operations are conducted by security forces either in civil dress, or with identifying insignia missing from their uniforms. They take care to park their vehicles away from the scenes of the operation to avoid identification.

Disappearances - In certain cases, persons picked up by the security forces have simply disappeared. The army deny having arrested them. Non-state Agencies Killings by non-state agencies have not only continued, but increased. Insurgent outfits continue political killings and kidnappings. Of particular concern in the recent year has been ethnic killings in certain regions of Assam, which are generally mob executed, instigated by either armed opposition or vigilante groups. Thought these killings have increased only recently, and they give the security forces reason for continued operation even though such killings have started and increased only after the deployment of security forces.

The Law and Human Rights Violations Unified Command The Unified Command was instituted in the early part of 1997 and all anti-insurgency operations are conducted under this. But the restriction imposed on the security forces are commonly flouted. It is mandatory to conduct search operations in the presence of a judicial magistrate, a rule which is hardly ever followed. On the arrest of a suspect, it is mandatory for the Indian Army to hand him over to the local police, for questioning, etc; a practice which is never followed. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act The Army Operations in Assam are conducted under the infamous Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, revised 1972. Under section 4 of this Act, any personnel of the Indian Army, above the rank of private (jawan), can shoot to kill, destroy property, search without warrant or arrest anyone, who has committed, is suspected of having committed or about to commit, a cognizably offense. And to invoke this provision, the officer need only be "of the opinion that it is necessary to do so". This, in effect, gives the Indian army the right to kill anybody at will. Under section 6, no legal proceedings can be brought against Army personnel without the permission of the central government. This section effectively shields the Indian Army completely from any responsibility for its actions. In other words, with this Act, the government of India has imposed an undeclared emergency in the state. This Act is applicable only in the seven northeastern states of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram.[footnote 1] Preventive Detention Laws In 1995 the infamous Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act, 1985 (TADA) lapsed, but prisoners arrested under this Act still languish in jails. It is in the process of reenactment under the name of Criminal Law Amendment Law. Among various other powers, this Act conferred on the security forces the ability to detain prisoners without any trial for upto one year. There is a plethora of preventive detention acts which gives the government and the security forces to curtail the fundamental rights of life and liberty. The one most often used in the state of Assam is the National Security Act (NSA) 1980.[footnote 2] National Human Rights Commission Under pressure for its dismal human rights records, the Indian government set up the National Human Rights Commission, under the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993. But it is a body without adequate power to enforce human rights. Clause 19 of this Act prevents the Commission from investigating any complaints against the armed forces, thus reducing the Commission to a toothless tiger. International Convention/Law The government has been a flagrant violator of Human Rights norms. India has signed (and ratified with reservation on Article 9, thus blocking right to satutory compensations) the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which along with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights form the backbone of international law and convention on Human Rights. According to this Covenant, under article 4, State Parties can derogate from certain articles in times of emergencies, but not the most central ones like right to life (article 6), and has to inform other State Parties. With the promulgation of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, the government has imposed an undeclared emergency and even derogated the right to life but failed to inform the State Parties of an emergency situation in the northeast. This was pointed out in the Report of the Human Rights Committee to the General Assembly of the UN in its Fifty-second session, September 1997. It is also the view of the Report that terrorism and armed insurgency are essentially political in character and that the approach to resolving such problems must also, essentially, be political, and it emphasizes that terrorism should be fought with means that are compatible with the Covenant. [footnote 3]

Since India is yet to ratify the First Optional Protocol of the ICCPR, victims of human rights violations cannot make individual submissions to the Human Rights Commission. This means a victim of Army atrocity has little chance of obtaining justice within the domestic or international legal system.
Summary Human Rights have been violated both by state and non-state agencies in the state of Assam. The situation continues to get worse. Even though the central government has set up the National Human Rights Commission, the NHRC does not have any power to investigate complaints against the Indian army, which is a major hindrance. Security forces continue operations in a manner which is at variance with both local laws and international norms.

Insurgency in Assam has a political root. We appeal to the government to see it as such and formulate its policies accord.


Armed Forces Special Powers Act: A Study in National Security Tyranny; South Asia Human Rights Documentation Center, Delhi November 1995.
For a full report, Click here.
Human Rights and Human Rights Instruments in India; South Asia Human Rights Documentation Center, Delhi November 1995.
For a description of Preventive Detention laws in India, Click here.
Report of the Human Rights Committee (A/52/40); United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Sept 1997.
Read paragraphs 433 onwards in the report for comments on India and the north-east. For the report, click here.

Human Rights Violations in Assam | Assam Portal
Jana I expected better from you than trolling when you know this thread is nothing to do with Assam so either provide some counter arguments or better still some actual sources or quit derailing it :tup:

Ive given you multiple evidence from Dawn, Amnesty and Human rights watch slating Pak secuirty services can you counter that without going offtopic?
shame on bharati terrorists for sheltering these BLA terrorists.

GO ISI kick the low life terrorist and their terrorist supporters

No traitor be pardon. just go slaughter the terrorists who are killing Innocent Pakistanis .

So do we have another operation Searchlight in offing?
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