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Pak Hockey crushes India in India: Hero Champions Trophy 2014

This tells how pathetic Indian slave like media is. This picture is from the times of India, Indian newspaper here, including the comments: Timeline Photos - The Times of India | Sports | Facebook

I remember the cricket world cup 1999 when Indian crowd showed their sportsmanship by abusing and throwing bottles on Sri Lankan players, where was the Indian media then ? I always expect this from these pathetic Indians who do not show sportsmanship, quoted.
The Indian Attitude .....

If You cannot Win , Stop Playing with the Nation who has defeated you ...

Win or lose, a part of the game..somebody will win or lose.

Even wooing the opposite player by the spectators are also not uncommon in any spot, specially any India-Pak match,

But replying to such behavior by players who are in the lime light is unprofessional, not to the sportsman spirit.

Must be the worry about FIH / Olympic rules

Players have to behave under a SET of rules governing international players and events

Crowds can only be POLICED by policemen present
'Indian people are 90 percent pathetic' and Indian media comes from them. it is said by Indian chief justice of supreme court.

Must be the worry about FIH / Olympic rules

Players have to behave under a SET of rules governing international players and events

Crowds can only be POLICED by policemen present

Oh that is true, but that is for the FIH to worry about...
Good to see Head Coach tendering a written apology to the Hockey Federation, but the problem here is the indian hockey fed is not accepting this, even thou the International Hockey Fed, accepted & refused to take any further action.... which puts india in a very awkward position..
This is tit for tat in sports. Truth is always bitter. Who plays good game always wins, and here Pakistanis won a crucial match in the champions trophy and in the heat of match, this was great way to shut-up the violent and mentally retard crowds of India.. Indian crowds are knows as the worst crowd in the world, who cannot take on a defeat.Indian media should digest the loose. This is a tit for tat response from a pakistani player on Pakistani players being called names. Great Response after a great historical victory over Indians. You must agree with this....otherwise Shut Up.
Indians are such despicable sore losers! Throughout the match they were relentlessly shouting abuses at the Pakistani team, every time Pakistan scored a goal thy fell dead silent, and after they lost they assaulted the team's coach with even more abuse, making him walk out of the press conference (for which he was later forced to apologize). And now look at how those pathetic cry-babies are acting. Such petulant children.

Remember that the Indians are the people who serve our blind cricket team players phenyl in branded water bottles at luxury hotels to sabotage their chances of winning, they are the people who wouldn't give our female cricket team a decent accommodation, forcing them to live in the stadium they'd play in.

With this attitude these shameless wretches deserved to be beaten on their own soil.


The players were also called out for celebrating shirtless:http://www.bbc.co.uk/…/sport/2014/12/141213_hockey_controve…
2 main players banned, 1 given warning by the SAME authority that cleared players first.

Just a crystal clear example of sell souls/ decisions under pressure.

Indians living by their moto..."If you cant win over them, adopt any means to be an arsehole."

Would be a huge fcking slap on their fugly faces if Team Pak manages a win without two main players.

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