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Pak Hindus want to make Delhi their home

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ya if they want to go, then let them go... no need to stop them. everyone has a right to decide what suits them best.
btw wat exactly is their complain? that the gov is not protecting them? they r being killed?

well who isnt? its not as if muslims in this country are being spared by these extremists.

Forced Conversion/Kidnap/Rape/jijiya (religious tax)/Forced to study 'Islamiat' at school etc.
IF what you are saying was true, Indian would never need to subject 7,000,00 of its armed troops to suppress them and that must have been an internal dispute within Kashmir. How blind you are trying to become when it is matter of Kashmiris and how deaf you are to their hue, cry and demands. However those 150 which is not even 0.0001% of Kashmiris is giving you mental organisms. Indiotic!

Kashmiris are suffering from Indian Military Personnel atrocities, true. Kashmiri are suffering from terrorists exported by our neighbour is also true. 200,000 Kashmiri Hindus fled the valley because of communal violence is true as well.

Their number is actually dwindling as per recent report by Russia Today.

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Forced Conversion/Kidnap/Rape/jijiya (religious tax)/Forced to study 'Islamiat' at school etc.

give me a break! many more atrocities have happened with the muslim population.... mosques bombed, girls taken for forced marriages with militants, heads cut for not keepin beard, kidnappings, rapes, and u name it...

when hard times come on a nation, everyone suffers. Hindus or for that matter any other religious community (including muslims) has not done anyone any favour..
Once again why are Indians on the Pakistan forums. They should all be banned.

As for these Hindu's I'm glad they are gone. Pakistan is a Muslim country it has no need for these minorities now or ever. Every Hindu should be deported.

I'm glad someone is candid.

Maybe these hindus are patriots like you but are relocating for better conditions.... just like you did to canada???
give me a break! many more atrocities have happened with the muslim population.... mosques bombed, girls taken for forced marriages with militants, heads cut for not keepin beard, kidnappings, rapes, and u name it...

when hard times come on a nation, everyone suffers. Hindus or for that matter any other religious community (including muslims) has not done anyone any favour..

Yes, I agree with your post to a large extent. But, Muslims in Pakistan do not face atrocities like forced conversion, Jijiya etc. As per Pakistan Hindu Panchayat every month 22-30 incidents of Forced conversion/Kidnap happen to the Pakistani Hindu community alone. I think tolerance for other religion won't come unless reforms being done in education curriculum. As you know recent study suggest that how school children are taught haterade towards minorities. This is the result of Zia Ul Haq's poison which he injected during 1970s 'educational reform'.
If true than very sad & concerning for Pakistan.

@ Some Pakistanis who saying Kashmiris want to come to Pakistan so please for heaven's sake don't drag them here cuz Kashmir is not Indian province/state but an occupied territory forcefully occupied by naked indian aggression. But yes i know some indian muslims from gujarat state who love Pakistan & wish they were Pakistanis. Also Pakistani minorities are Pakistanis & it is reponsibility of every Pakistani to respect them & treat them equally. Even the religion Islam says to treat the minorities equally plus our founder Quaid e Azam(RAA) stated that the country Pakistan is for every one who resides there.
The number is not few hundred. But THOUSANDS

Over 7,000 Pakistani Hindus cleared for Indian citizenship

More than 7,000 Pakistani nationals living in India even after their visas expired seeking permanent residency will be able to get Indian citizenship.

In a communication to Punjab Rajya Sabha MP, Avinash Rai Khanna, the Union home secretary has said that those Pakistani nationals living in India, who have not been able to procure renunciation certificates from their country – which were earlier mandatory for getting Indian citizenship – would also be considered for Indian citizenship.

The government of India has identified 7,635 such Pakistani nationals in the country who have been living here before December 2004. Their cases would be taken up on an individual basis.

Khanna said the government has adopted a humanitarian approach and relaxed the norms on renunciation certificates.

“People would now be able to get the same from Indian authorities by simply submitting an affidavit,” he added.
These are mostly Hindu families who fled Pakistan following a growing number of incidents of rape and looting by the extremist elements. Besides Rajpura, these families from Pakistan are settled in Amritsar, Jalandhar, Panipat and Karnal.

Now, citizenship cases would be processed on a case-to-case basis considering an affidavit filed before the authority prescribed under rule 38 of the Citizenship Rule, 2009, as renunciation certificate.

Khanna said there were around 25 members of three families residing in Peer Colony area of Neelpur village in Rajpura, about 45 km from here, whocame to India in 1994 and since then had been doing menial jobs to make both ends meet.

“We are living without voter ID cards, ration cards, and our passports have expired. We moved to India following riots near Loralai in Balochistan in 1994 in which our houses were burnt,” said Rajesh, a Pakistani Hindu.

As per the letter, certain categories of foreigners (especially Pak nationals) have been exempted from the provisions of Passport (entry into India) Rules, 1950, to facilitate grant of long-term visas. The Indian government had also issued a gazette notification on May 15, 2010, in this regard.

However, the main problem was getting renunciation certificate, which Pakistani authorities issue. The ostensible reason behind the Pakistani government not issuing such a certificate was that most of the people did not possess computerised national IDs. This situation arose because when such field work was being done in Pakistan, these people were living in India.

“Life in Pakistan was hell, especially for girls. As Pakistani nationals, we have to go back once every five years and visit our embassy in New Delhi every two years to get our stay permit renewed. We are scared to go back because of the harassment meted out to the members of the minority communities,” said Naam Singh, who hails from Peshawar.

Over 7,000 Pakistani Hindus cleared for Indian citizenship - India - DNA

After 2006 number of Pakistani Hindus entering India has increased significantly, most of them are poor people coming via Thar Express.

7000 out of 7 million isn't a big deal. They made a personal choice, good for them.
7000 out of 7 million isn't a big deal. They made a personal choice, good for them.

I think Forced to made. For them very hard to leave behind everything where they're living for generation.
I don't think so.

It's not only what I think but it's what they think as well. This report is by Headlines Today. ( I know you'll say I don't believe Indian media)

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I hope Roy and Karan and other indians on PDF can now see what I was talking about yesterday.

oh by the way, this article was posted several days back and it was sent to the trash bin (where it belonged)

i see a similar fate here
I hope Roy and Karan and other indians on PDF can now see what I was talking about yesterday.

oh by the way, this article was posted several days back and it was sent to the trash bin (where it belonged)

i see a similar fate here

Ya we all know its belongs to Pakistan so any how it will gonna reach to trash but if its belongs to India then you have no problem ???
well first and foremost, you and these people of yours should have the common sense to check whether the topic has or hasnt been posted before

quite frankly, I've never heard of any Pakistani hindus migrating to hindustan....in fact, in Pakistan (despite their small numbers) they are living just fine. A few isolated incidents have occured but their patriotism isn't questioned. They are largely concentrated in rural Sindh but also have presence even in the tribal areas (FATA).....we have hindu migrants settled permanently in my native Kurram Agency; they mind their own business and dont bother anyone....they work hard on their small farmlands

there is no scheduled caste-system in Pakistan --which is a good thing, as many of the hindus in Pakistan were by birth born into what you call in india "untouchable/dalit" status......if they were to migrate to hindustan, they'd be treated as worse than slaves. . .probably even be accused of being ISI informants or something liek that

Their number is actually dwindling as per recent report by Russia Today

uh huh

Kashmiri Pandits: Why we never fled Kashmir - Kashmir: The forgotten conflict - Al Jazeera English
Also realize that these are 7000 people since God knows when... probably since 1947, who knows. They visited their families in India & didn't want to come back. Full power to them, they are free to do as they wish. Most of the Hindus that went there were very poor people, & I am sure if the very poor Muslims of Pakistan could get out of the country, many of them would want to leave as well.
Also realize that these are 7000 people since God knows when... probably since 1947, who knows. They visited their families in India & didn't want to come back. Full power to them, they are free to do as they wish. Most of the Hindus that went there were very poor people, & I am sure if the very poor Muslims of Pakistan could get out of the country, many of them would want to leave as well.

i watched the video mentioned above .They clearly told that money or poorness is not the reason to come here.They left every thing there and wont go back in any condition.and from sindh many families came here,they are quite rich and thy made very good houses here afaik.

so your logic of poor is flawed:lol:
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