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Pak Hindus in Paldi Meena don't want to return

^^we have been popping your bhagat singhs daily, please send more and please send that sardar of bhagat singh your so called emir of LeT...we will pop him too...

Also our bhagat singh popping soldiers enjoy their daily dose of target practice and are doing a good service of being a great courier company for the 72 virgins hiring agency
I dont call Maoists and Khalistanis as freedom fighters .

Why the decline in India? shouldnt it be flourishing more than others?

Why Hinduism dint loss grip after those invasions? Why Budhisim ?

Why decline of Budhism in INDIA?
because the invaders thought that buddhists are hindus and killed a number of them.
second the term hinduism is something coined by foreigners. Its just that different regions followed their version of religion.
Its only much later after adi shankara that hinduism as we know it today started taking root.
At one point in the north buddhism was the dominant religion.
We finding hard to provide for these late comers because what you left behind in '47 have grown from 10% of population then to 20% now. These folks are huge drain on economy , take them back, we will take back all Hindus left in Pak and BD. Along with the assets owned by IM here and we will throw in few billions dollars if you are ready to take along with them our commie comrades like Suzzana and Aiyar types.

If i am not wrong Pakistan was envisioned as land for all Muslims of India. So technically speaking India gave Pakistan enough land to house all Muslims of the subcontient. So there is nothing wrong in asking Pakistan to take back all these Shahrukh khans and their progenies.

I correctly guessed that they will not have a proper response for this post. My guess was right. All that they know is blabbering, lies and twisting.
If you knew the number of people of being killed in Pakistan daily you wouldn't say that shias are being massacred every friday because almost 85% of the time its not the shais that are being killed. Terrorism does not discriminate between a shia or a sunni and you might think that shia and sunnis are cutthroat enemies who are fighting each other for supremacy then i would like to burst you bubble but i have lived among shias as well as sunnis all my life and i haven't encountered any bloody clash.
Dude.. you misread my post.. Obviously common people like you and me have no issues between Shia - Sunnis etc. However we are talking of targeted attacks against a particular community by the radicalized terrorists.. And the freq of that has really shot up lately in Pakistan.
Learn to understand difference between riots and paid terrorisism. Every friday Pakistanis irrespective of sect are killed by these paid terrorists.

Whereas In India Hindus unleashed terrorism on other communities in riots.

Indian history is full of riots wherein Hindus went on rampage to kill non Hindus

Its all semantics... Everyday Pakistanis die.. I agree... but the ratio in which minority community like Shias and Ahmadis are killed by Sunni hardliners is much higher that their contributing percentage in the over all population. And that's what sectarian terrorism is.

You may chose to differentiate it from riots, but impact wise there is no difference. and where as the last such riot in India (that resulted in both Hindus and Muslims getting killed) was in 2002, in Pakistan, majority Sunni hardliners have been killing minority Shias/Ahmadis on frighteningly regular frequency (Latest one today) .. and that frequency curve has been on an upswing lately.. So dont give me the gyan on this mythical tolerance in Pakistani society for its minorities..

So while Indian history has been full of communal riots, its Pakistan's present and future that seems to have copied that terror in a more frightful and mutated form..
Its all semantics... Everyday Pakistanis die.. I agree... but the ratio in which minority community like Shias and Ahmadis are killed by Sunni hardliners is much higher that their contributing percentage in the over all population. And that's what sectarian terrorism is.

You may chose to differentiate it from riots, but impact wise there is no difference. and where as the last such riot in India (that resulted in both Hindus and Muslims getting killed) was in 2002, in Pakistan, majority Sunni hardliners have been killing minority Shias/Ahmadis on frighteningly regular frequency (Latest one today) .. and that frequency curve has been on an upswing lately.. So dont give me the gyan on this mythical tolerance in Pakistani society for its minorities..

So while Indian history has been full of communal riots, its Pakistan's present and future that seems to have copied that terror in a more frightful and mutated form..
More over in Pakistan, the riots are just one sided. Majority kills defenseless minority. You never hear of any kind of fighting back. It is a systematic cleansing process.
Muslims do migrate but that is primarily for economic reasons.
The Hindus, Sikhs,Christians migrate primarily because of religious intolerance in Pakistan.

Ahmadis and to a lesser extent Shias are.new additions to the list.
I am also well aware of the influence of elite Shias in Pakistani polity as well as the military. Yet I also know how the social attitudes of the common man on the street is changing against Shias increasingly.

As I said the Sikhs and Hindus are welcome.

Some chrisitians migrate. Like they do in India. Mostly live in Pakistan. Huge Chrisitian population in different cities of Pakistan is an ample proof of it. As for shias it is only terrorist organizations that are attacking shias. Punjabi taliban that is. We aren't seeing massive shia-sunni riots among the masses like it has happened in some other countries.
Dude.. you misread my post.. Obviously common people like you and me have no issues between Shia - Sunnis etc. However we are talking of targeted attacks against a particular community by the radicalized terrorists.. And the freq of that has really shot up lately in Pakistan.

I am not saying shias are never attacked but there are much more targetted killings of sunnis than shias anyday which you obviously tend to ignore to turn it into sectarian violence.
Why should India care about foreigners in Pakistan????

India is not a backward religious country. This country`s constitution does not favour any religion.

We are also a nation that has sheltered refugees from everywhere- from Rohingya Muslims to an entire Buddhist government-in-exile. Heck, we even offer rehabilitation to "ex-terrorists" along with their Pakistani wives and kids. So why should anyone see red over the matter of Pakistani Hindus?

Try and understand the situation. If Pakistani Hindus are willing to leave everything that they've known or owned behind in order to essentially become criminals(illegal immigrants) in India, imagine the hell they must have experienced to accept these odds.
I am not saying shias are never attacked but there are much more targetted killings of sunnis than shias anyday which you obviously tend to ignore to turn it into sectarian violence.

You are wrong.. Just because Sunnis are almost 80% of Pak population, any random terror strike will kill more of sunnis than shias. That does not make sunnis being targeted.. However there are specific incidents where Shia and Ahmadi mosques and other cultural places are intentionally targeted. That's called sectarian violence..
I dont call Maoists and Khalistanis as freedom fighters .

Why the decline in India? shouldnt it be flourishing more than others?

Why Hinduism dint loss grip after those invasions? Why Budhisim ?

Why decline of Budhism in INDIA?

Buddhists in South Asia in medieval times were concentrated in Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan (the non Sindh Punjab places in Pak), East Bengal (current day BD), Kashmir and Eastern/South Eastern India.

The only place in current India that Buddhism died in is the Eastern/South Eastern states, in the rest of India it has actually increased in numbers. Expecially NE India, and recently in North India Buddhism is growing too.

All the other places (Kahsmir, East Bengal, Northern Pakistan-Afghanistan), Islam violently got rid of it, read the burning of Buddhist monks and literature by Muslims in Takshashila University, in modern day Pak.
You are wrong.. Just because Sunnis are almost 80% of Pak population, any random terror strike will kill more of sunnis than shias. That does not make sunnis being targeted.. However there are specific incidents where Shia and Ahmadi mosques and other cultural places are intentionally targeted. That's called sectarian violence..

No but according to your theory then only minorities should be targetted by the talibans or anyone who is triggering the violence. There been cases where mosques have been attacked here and they weren't Shia or Ahmadi mosques in fact there are a lot of such incidents that have took place don't you understand when there is no peace in the society terrorists are on the loose do you expect them to only kill the majority and not target the minority? They would obviously target anyone to send a message and to create further turmoil.
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