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Pak Hindu MPs stage walkout over terror slur

Dude you can report the posts all you want. but i stand by my comments.
No were in the world do we here the Judges making so much news as in Pakistan. Everyday we here that they said something about this that or the other. There sole purpose is to hear cases and JUDGE them as per there official tittle. He should spend more time trying to finish the back log in the courts than giving us his opinion about issues. :pakistan:

My reply to that would be "respect is never demanded respect is always commanded"

I agree! Judges should be famous for their wise judgements and not their unwise slip of tongues ( GOP says it was slip of tongue).

In UK he would probably be made to resign.

See you jumped into a well without checking how deep it is ?

Clod or College Boy take your pick.

Read the below and chill

DAWN.COM | Front Page | A judge is judged in NA, with walkout

See I was right. Judges can also be un witting clods.

Some members of the Awami National Party too joined the first walkout against the judiciary in Pakistan’s parliament before the protesters were brought back to hear words of sympathy for the injured sentiments and some advice for judges to focus on delivering justice rather than publicity despite a government minister’s statement that the remark by Justice Khawaja Mohammad Sharif while hearing a case in Lahore on Thursday seemed to be “a slip of the tongue”.

The member said if a country was suspected of sponsoring such attacks it should be named, but blame should not be put on just Hindus who, he said, were as good patriots as other Pakistanis.



I replied with

Hindus of Pakistan are Pakistanis also, and they do get respected........you are no judge for that anyway..........then again, a little too much comprehension for you now isn't it.

Anyways, back to the thread conversation with the adults again.......I wonder why the judge would give such a comment in court when this is the job of the Home Ministry and Foreign Office

to a point made by you of

Other than personal attacks you have only produced horse manure here.

I have not called any particular member (NO ONE ) on this forum personally a clod but i guess reading is a science which may not be your forte?

I have called everyone who equates a Hindoo = Indian a clod or college boy and I think you have taken it personally as you probably do the above.

But what is true is true and so maybe you need to respect hindoos of Pakistan not me.


Let me put that again, as a meaningful conversation doesn't sink too well with your IQ level

so maybe you need to respect hindoos of Pakistan not me.
so maybe you need to respect hindoos of Pakistan not me.
so maybe you need to respect hindoos of Pakistan not me.
In your post it seems that you are insinuating that i am not showing the proper respect to the LHC CJ.
My reply to that would be "respect is never demanded respect is always commanded"
From the use of your language, its clear that it has nothing to do with 'respected is commanded' or what not. You simply don't like the supremacy of the Judiciary, for whatever the reason (maybe you are s Musharraf supporter, I don't know). Even if I do not agree with someone, I would not use abusive language, let alone for a person who is older in age, more educated and experienced in his field, and on a very respectable and responsible post.

For you, this is your style, you would use the similar abusive language for anybody whom you dislike, or disagree with. This is something personal, not professional.

Hazrat Ali said 'Personality of a man is hidden underneath his tongue'.
Always neutral always 'debates' using personal attacks and ad hominems so don't talk to people like that.

As far as the story goes, that's a stupid mistake judge. Clearly he should have said indians, not hindus. Let's hope the issue does not get out of hand.
From the use of your language, its clear that it has nothing to do with 'respected is commanded' or what not. You simply don't like the supremacy of the Judiciary, for whatever the reason (maybe you are s Musharraf supporter, I don't know). Even if I do not agree with someone, I would not use abusive language, let alone for a person who is older in age, more educated and experienced in his field, and on a very respectable and responsible post.

Just because i think that the Judiciary should act within its limits i am a Musharaf supporter, now thats rich. I totally support an Independent Judiciary but i agree with Kurd when he said that Judges should not be giving statements and should stick to their job. Now i dont believe that Ali Ahmed Kurd is a Musharaf supporter.

For you, this is your style, you would use the similar abusive language for anybody whom you dislike, or disagree with. This is something personal, not professional.

First of all I at no point in time attacked the LHC CJ on anything personal. (in-fact you are the one who is getting personal so i will restrain). I did attack him on his proffesionalism because he as i have said before should not be making these types of remarks. I will say again look in England they have an independent Judiciary but i dont here Judges there making statements on how brave christians are, or how the crazies are being funded. Yon know why they dont say these kind things because it is not in there official purview. :pakistan:
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Always neutral always 'debates' using personal attacks and ad hominems so don't talk to people like that.

As far as the story goes, that's a stupid mistake judge. Clearly he should have said indians, not hindus. Let's hope the issue does not get out of hand.

I would normally do that........however, dimwhits like him wont learn unless they get a mouthful like just now........hence he cut and ran.......what a "F"ing loser
Just because i think that the Judiciary should act within its limits i am a Musharaf supporter, now thats rich. I totally support an Independent Judiciary but i agree with Kurd when he said that Judges should not be giving statements and should stick to their job. Now i dont believe that Ali Ahmed Kurd is a Musharaf supporter.
I said not a word about what you said was right or wrong; I objected on the words you used. As a free citizen, you have all the right to express your disagreement, but you have no right to use abusive language such as this 'Some one needs to put a boot up there *** to show them their limits', at least in a civilized society.

First of all I at no point in time attacked the LHC CJ on anything personal. (in-fact you are the one who is getting personal so i will restrain). I did attack him on his proffesionalism because he as i have said again should not be making these type of remarks. I will say again look in the England they have an independent Judiciary but i dont here Judges there making statements on how brave christians are, or how the crazies are being funded. Yon know why they dont say these things because it is not in there official purview. :pakistan:
First of all, you were not present in the court, so you did not hear the conversation in the correct perspective first handed. Your source of information is not even second handed; it is based on some media report, and how accurate the media is in reproducing things is not a secret. All I am asking from the beginning of this thread to hold your horses till more information is available.

Don't bring a British Judge into this because there is simply no comparison between the situations of the two countries.
I have read your first post before replying, so stop acting like schmuck. The sarcasm and the rest of the post clearly points to what I am talking about. I remember talking to you a few times and only form of defence you had was personal attacks. 3,000 posts seems awfully too many for someone like that.
I am not gonna deal with trolls like you. I have said what I wanted to say, that's enough.
I said not a word about what you said was right or wrong; I objected on the words you used. As a free citizen, you have all the right to express your disagreement, but you have no right to use abusive language such as this 'Some one needs to put a boot up there *** to show them their limits', at least in a civilized society.

I said those words because i am sick and tired of the lawyers taking the law into their own hand and beating up journalists and police. I again think the LHC CJ should understand his limits and stop issuing statements that have nothing to do with the court.

First of all, you were not present in the court, so you did not hear the conversation in the correct perspective first handed. Your source of information is not even second handed; it is based on some media report, and how accurate the media is in reproducing things is not a secret. All I am asking from the beginning of this thread to hold your horses till more information is available.

No i was not present but that is what the media is for. I looked at three different reports from three different newspapers and then i posted my remarks. Surely not all of them can be wrong. Plenty of information is available and it clearly shows that the LHC CJ made these comments.

Don't bring a British Judge into this because there is simply no comparison between the situations of the two countries.

The only reason i give the British example is that they have a very similar penal code and judicial system as we do.
Ha Ha typing with a flashlight under your bed sheet?

Read my post, its in english!


I respect every hindoo, muslim, martian where ever he is from.

I dont respect clods and fanboys or journalists who equate

Hindoos = Indian

Muslims = Terrorist / Pakistani.

Now of to bed before the headmaster catches you.


Is "Indian" an offensive word that you are comparing it to terrorist.

Yes for Pakistanis, being called indian is very offensive but didnt know it was offensive for you british indians as well.
I said those words because i am sick and tired of the lawyers taking the law into their own hand and beating up journalists and police. I again think the LHC CJ should understand his limits and stop issuing statements that have nothing to do with the court.
You said those words not because of the reasons you are giving here but because, in your own words 'these comments make me so angry'. The comments were allegedly made by the Justice not by the lawyers. When did Justice Shareef took the law in his hands and beat the media and Police?

Again, you are free to express your opinion, but not using abusive and bazaari language.

No i was not present but that is what the media is for. I looked at three different reports from three different newspapers and then i posted my remarks. Surely not all of them can be wrong. Plenty of information is available and it clearly shows that the LHC CJ made these comments.
Since it was a case hearing, I do not think media representatives were allowed in the Court; this must be a work of one person who was present there and he was the single source who spreaded this information or disinformation while not reporting it in the correct context. Plenty of information is not available; for instance, the Registrar HC has denied that any such comments were ever made.
Is "Indian" an offensive word that you are comparing it to terrorist.

Yes for Pakistanis, being called indian is very offensive but didnt know it was offensive for you british indians as well.

You make me laugh.


if you read my first post then you would have realised i criticized the Indian Journalist.

Clearly jumping into wells without knowing how to swim is your forte tOOOOO.

Since it was a case hearing, I do not think media representatives were allowed in the Court; .[/QUOTE]

Sorry you are wrong on this point. Media is allowed in all case hearings unless the judge declares an "In camera hearing"

In that case even a journalist cannot report it.

The judge was stupid and lets accept it and move on.

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