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Pak Hindu MPs stage walkout over terror slur

I think what the Chief Justice meant was that HINDUSTANIS were financing terror attacks in Pakistan.

Sometimes when we say Hindus we actually mean Hindustanis, Bharatis, Indians, whatever you wanna call them.

Listen to some famous speeches of our former leaders. When they mention hindus its actually meant for the next door hostile neighbour of ours.

Just proves that some of your above former Leaders are clods too. Wonder if you will give the same latitude when the next time some one ( CLOD) calls all muslims - terrorists and then clarifies later that he only meant the AQ/TTP and not all muslims of the world?

No wonder you thanked gazzi. Mutual appreciation club of college boys or clods here?

More like if you sleep with dogs you wake up with flees........more in your case huh.....

Good to know you think you are flea. Will keep far away from you. Still waiting for some erudite observations from you about my post.

Ok I agree it must be too much of an effort since you need to study hard for your college exams and can't multi task.

Just proves that some of your above former Leaders are clods too. Wonder if you will give the same latitude when the next time some one ( CLOD) calls all muslims - terrorists and then clarifies later that he only meant the AQ/TTP and not all muslims of the world?

No wonder you thanked gazzi. Mutual appreciation club of college boys or clods here?


A tree is judged by its fruit............YOU

Keep your sh!t to yourself and you won't get it such comments at you........I mean, WTF do you think you are coming here calling members, boys, college kids, blah blah blah....

Either have a decent conversation keeping in mind others too are members and deserve some respect despite having a different viewpoint, which ultimately everyone will have and should be respected.....or Pee off and don't spoil the thread........

Back to the point, having dealt with this distraction.......

Does anyone have the case for which the judge made these comments and the context of his speech yet
Good to know you think you are flea. Will keep far away from you. Still waiting for some erudite observations from you about my post.

Ok I agree it must be too much of an effort since you need to study hard for your college exams and can't multi task.


Still waiting for some erudite observations from you about my post

When I decide to come on a mastermind show with you as the stupid host I will let you know........again,.....keep your pathetic lame sh!t to yourself never neutral
No wonder you thanked gazzi. Mutual appreciation club of college boys or clods here?

I'm gonna cry like a baby as you thanked Gazzi now..........huh huh huh......loser....get a life and have a decent conversation and grow up a little
India financing terrorists to destabilise Pakistan: LHC CJ

LAHORE: Lahore High Court Chief Justice Khawaja Muhammad Sharif expressed grief over series of suicide attacks in the country, which, according to him, were being carried out by Muslims, as non-Muslims could not dare take risk of their lives.

Well, that is his view, but what the F*** is he doing labelling hindus in a Court with the comment he had made unless it had something to do with a case he was ruling over.......clearly, a confusing event which will come to light in the near future hopefully
A tree is judged by its fruit............YOU

Keep your sh!t to yourself and you won't get it such comments at you........I mean, WTF do you think you are coming here calling members, boys, college kids, blah blah blah....

Either have a decent conversation keeping in mind others too are members and deserve some respect despite having a different viewpoint, which ultimately everyone will have and should be respected.....or Pee off and don't spoil the thread........

Back to the point, having dealt with this distraction.......

Does anyone have the case for which the judge made these comments and the context of his speech yet

Other than personal attacks you have only produced horse manure here.

I have not called any particular member (NO ONE ) on this forum personally a clod but i guess reading is a science which may not be your forte?

I have called everyone who equates a Hindoo = Indian a clod or college boy and I think you have taken it personally as you probably do the above.

But what is true is true and so maybe you need to respect hindoos of Pakistan not me.

I'm gonna cry like a baby as you thanked Gazzi now..........huh huh huh......loser....get a life and have a decent conversation and grow up a little

So says someone who does not know the difference between a Hindoo and an Indian?

Well you could be the next judge of LHC?

so maybe you need to respect hindoos of Pakistan not me.

Hindus of Pakistan are Pakistanis also, and they do get respected........you are no judge for that anyway..........then again, a little too much comprehension for you now isn't it.

Anyways, back to the thread conversation with the adults again.......I wonder why the judge would give such a comment in court when this is the job of the Home Ministry and Foreign Office
So says someone who does not know the difference between a Hindoo and an Indian?

Well you could be the next judge of LHC?



can you tell me when and where I have said "Hindoos" and "Indians" don't have a difference..........

Holy God...........your stupidity knows no bounds...........:bunny:
Someone needs to teach you language actually; you are a senior member and that is how you talk about the honorable Justices? What qualifies you to make such derogatory comments?

Post reported!

What was up for discussion, neither you know nor do I. Apparently there was a case hearing during which a conversation between a lawyer and the honorable Justice took place, now no one knows about the context, even about the exact sentences. That is why I am asking to hold your horses until things become clear.

Dude you can report the posts all you want. but i stand by my comments.
No were in the world do we here the Judges making so much news as in Pakistan. Everyday we here that they said something about this that or the other. There sole purpose is to hear cases and JUDGE them as per there official tittle. He should spend more time trying to finish the back log in the courts than giving us his opinion about issues. :pakistan:

As for him saying that muslims can only do this because apparently they are so brave. Doesnt that show to the minorities in Pakistan that we believe that they are not brave and makes his opinion on cases regarding minorities prejudice.

In your post it seems that you are insinuating that i am not showing the proper respect to the LHC CJ.
My reply to that would be "respect is never demanded respect is always commanded"
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Hindus of Pakistan are Pakistanis also, and they do get respected........you are no judge for that anyway..........then again, a little too much comprehension for you now isn't it.

Anyways, back to the thread conversation with the adults again.......I wonder why the judge would give such a comment in court when this is the job of the Home Ministry and Foreign Office

See you jumped into a well without checking how deep it is ?

Clod or College Boy take your pick.

Read the below and chill

DAWN.COM | Front Page | A judge is judged in NA, with walkout

See I was right. Judges can also be un witting clods.

Some members of the Awami National Party too joined the first walkout against the judiciary in Pakistan’s parliament before the protesters were brought back to hear words of sympathy for the injured sentiments and some advice for judges to focus on delivering justice rather than publicity despite a government minister’s statement that the remark by Justice Khawaja Mohammad Sharif while hearing a case in Lahore on Thursday seemed to be “a slip of the tongue”.

The member said if a country was suspected of sponsoring such attacks it should be named, but blame should not be put on just Hindus who, he said, were as good patriots as other Pakistanis.

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