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PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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Gr8 news. Am desperate to see how pak-fa looks like. December whole world will know it. i hope video or atleast pics will be shown of pak-fa taking off in sky by december.

i too would very much like to see a vid or pics of the prototype when it flys
i too would very much like to see a vid or pics of the prototype when it flys

Russia probably won't be able to honor their word that a prototype will fly before 2010, so don't keep your hopes up. But I do believe they made substantial progress. They might leak a few photos to keep Bharat's appetite salivating and to keep the Gorskov deal alive.
Russia probably won't be able to honor their word that a prototype will fly before 2010, so don't keep your hopes up. But I do believe they made substantial progress. They might leak a few photos to keep Bharat's appetite salivating and to keep the Gorskov deal alive.

do you have any idea about the pakfa program just mere make up stories isnt it,
3 prototypes are ready in irkuts siberia plant with ground testing beeing done the plan was to showcase it in maks 2009 in august but the ground testing is to take further time ,
designs have been locked sukhoi dosent want to release the pictures they can release the design pictures right now but the plan is to keep it away from the public eye because sukhoi is going ahed with the su-35 bm they want to win the brazil tender and not reveal pakfa till su-35bm final trials are over

meanwhile sukhoi have offered to project internal weapons bay on its flanker mki block 2 they want to cash in on other projects before they release pakfa, also designs are finalized for the naval version of pakfa

so please make some research before you make stupid comments
do you have any idea about the pakfa program just mere make up stories isnt it,
3 prototypes are ready in irkuts siberia plant with ground testing beeing done the plan was to showcase it in maks 2009 in august but the ground testing is to take further time ,
designs have been locked sukhoi dosent want to release the pictures they can release the design pictures right now but the plan is to keep it away from the public eye because sukhoi is going ahed with the su-35 bm they want to win the brazil tender and not reveal pakfa till su-35bm final trials are over

meanwhile sukhoi have offered to project internal weapons bay on its flanker mki block 2 they want to cash in on other projects before they release pakfa, also designs are finalized for the naval version of pakfa

so please make some research before you make stupid comments

You just supported what I just said. Did I say the PAK-FA wasn't beyond design stages? NO. Did I say ground tests might not be ready by year end? YES. Doesn't Moscow play these "games" with India? YES.

Now where was my mistake? :) Take it easy, these political games are played all the time in the big leagues. Lots of broken promises, freezing of payments, delays, etc. I've been part of the "Industry" and see this all the time. :agree:
Russia probably won't be able to honor their word that a prototype will fly before 2010, so don't keep your hopes up. But I do believe they made substantial progress. They might leak a few photos to keep Bharat's appetite salivating and to keep the Gorskov deal alive.

Hi friend. i didn't know you are chief of project PAK-FA. Glad to hear from you sir. Would you like to tell me how your J-XX doing? Engine ready? Or waiting for our PAK-FA get ready? Lol. Anyway back to topic. Russia desperate for 5th generation jet fighter (more than india). So for a moment even if i believe u that russia might delay it than its russia who would be dissapointed. Aint india. Our PAK-FA would be double seater. So that would take time to get build as india clever. India wanted russia to make us part of 'Design' of the aircraft. Now by going for double seater (modification needed in design) india ensured it would gain knowlege of design. in short 'india dont care when pak-fa fly. We care we should gain knowledge of stealth design. Anyway pak-fa will fly this december. Whether u like it or not friend. Cheers.
You just supported what I just said. Did I say the PAK-FA wasn't beyond design stages? NO. Did I say ground tests might not be ready by year end? YES. Doesn't Moscow play these "games" with India? YES.

Now where was my mistake? :) Take it easy, these political games are played all the time in the big leagues. Lots of broken promises, freezing of payments, delays, etc. I've been part of the "Industry" and see this all the time. :agree:

Friend lets presume pak-fa would get ready by 2020 (for your happiness). What does that mean? J-XX would get ready before? Or by 2030??? even jet fighter JSF F-35 wont be ready by 2015 or so. Do you think china would produce J-XX before indo-russia? So friend you should pray PAK-FA gets ready fast. That would benefit your china (if russia agree to help china) lol.
Friend lets presume pak-fa would get ready by 2020 (for your happiness). What does that mean? J-XX would get ready before? Or by 2030??? even jet fighter JSF F-35 wont be ready by 2015 or so. Do you think china would produce J-XX before indo-russia? So friend you should pray PAK-FA gets ready fast. That would benefit your china (if russia agree to help china) lol.

dont know any any of the dates for the aircraft but...about the russian help.

why wouldn't russia help if needed? please explain to me this
Friend lets presume pak-fa would get ready by 2020 (for your happiness). What does that mean? J-XX would get ready before? Or by 2030??? even jet fighter JSF F-35 wont be ready by 2015 or so. Do you think china would produce J-XX before indo-russia? So friend you should pray PAK-FA gets ready fast. That would benefit your china (if russia agree to help china) lol.

Does it really matter who makes it faster? We are not at war here. And even if there is a war in Asia by 2020, (which I doubt) none of these fighters are going to make any difference as there are going to be too few of them available to make any difference.
meanwhile sukhoi have offered to project internal weapons bay on its flanker mki block 2 they want to cash in on other projects before they release pakfa, also designs are finalized for the naval version of pakfa

so please make some research before you make stupid comments
Mosow, can you provide more infos, or reliable news of the MKI block 2 upgrades and of course more infos about Pak FA capabilities?
Does it really matter who makes it faster? We are not at war here. And even if there is a war in Asia by 2020, (which I doubt) none of these fighters are going to make any difference as there are going to be too few of them available to make any difference.
May I disagree here!
Even these fighters won't be fully invisble for latest radars, they will enter enemy airspace without much problems and can take out fighters, or ground targets like no actual fighter could do. There were simulations of F22 against numbers of actual US fighters and specially in BVR combats it will have an edge, even in small numbers next gen fighters will make a difference!
May I disagree here!
Even these fighters won't be fully invisble for latest radars, they will enter enemy airspace without much problems and can take out fighters, or ground targets like no actual fighter could do. There were simulations of F22 against numbers of actual US fighters and specially in BVR combats it will have an edge, even in small numbers next gen fighters will make a difference!

Hi Sancho, My contention was not that stealth fighters dont/wont make a difference to the outcome of a conflict. Rather, since only a very few, if any are likely to be available by 2020, they are not likely to really make an impact in case of war. Accurate figures for PAK-FA/FGFA or the Chinese fighter are not available. So we have to go by the yardstick of the F-22. Which is the following (wiki):-
1. "The first production F-22 was delivered to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, on 14 January 2003 and "Dedicated Initial Operational Test and Evaluation" commenced on 27 October 2003."
2. "As of 2008, F-22 Raptors are being procured at the rate of 20 per year."
Going on the premise that we get to see the first FGFA in 2017, I dont see us holding more than at best one squadron of the aircraft by 2020. In all probability, it will be more likely 10-15 aircraft. China is expected to perform along similar lines. Now I really dont see such a small handfull of fighters making a big dent. More likely, these frightfully expensive aircraft will be kept away from the war zone to avoid the possibility of losing some at the hands of pilots with limited exposure to the machines. All this is mere conjecture really. You may be entirely right in your appreciation.
Going on the premise that we get to see the first FGFA in 2017, I dont see us holding more than at best one squadron of the aircraft by 2020. In all probability, it will be more likely 10-15 aircraft. China is expected to perform along similar lines. Now I really dont see such a small handfull of fighters making a big dent. More likely, these frightfully expensive aircraft will be kept away from the war zone to avoid the possibility of losing some at the hands of pilots with limited exposure to the machines. All this is mere conjecture really. You may be entirely right in your appreciation.
That's exactly what I meant, even such a small number can make a real difference!
During Exercise Northern Edge 2006 in Alaska in early June, the F-22 proved its mettle against as many as 40 "enemy aircraft" during simulated battles. The Raptor achieved a 108-to-zero kill ratio at that exercise. But the capabilities of the F-22 go beyond what it can do. It is also able to help other aircraft do better.

"When you are outnumbered on the battlefield -- the F-22 helps the F-18 and the F-15s increase their performance," General Lewis said. "It gives them more situational awareness, and allows them to get their expenditures because you can't kill all these airplanes with just the weapons aboard the F-22. It takes the F-15's and F-18's weapons. It was very successful, (in its) ability to get everybody to integrate."

Air-Attack.com News :: USAF Details F-22's Capabilities, Multiyear Purchase Contract
dont know any any of the dates for the aircraft but...about the russian help.

why wouldn't russia help if needed? please explain to me this

Friend why would russia help? Explain me. Will russia help china so it can effect russia's military export? Or russia would help china so later on china can use it against russia? (like it did before). Russia aint a country who would hand over vital information including latest powerful engine to any country. Let alone china. If it was simple engine and not vital information than yes russia might have given but hey russia is russia. They are competetor of china in military export. i doubt russia would drope huge stone on its own foot lol.
NIIP's AESA radar for PAK FA to be unveiled at MAKS 2009

Guys I am forwarding the weblink which in russian langauge ...

English translation :

Long arm Fifth Generation
Research Institute of Instrumentation Tihomirova AFAR created for advanced multi-fighters
2009-08-14 / Viktor Litovkin

Creators AFAR (from left to right): Director-General Yuriy White NIIP and chief designer Vladimir and Anatoly Zagorodny Sinani.
Photo provided by NIIP named Tihomirova
Visitors Aerospace Salon in Zhukovsky, which opens on 18 August, and professionals who visit the MAKS-2009, is awaiting a sensation. Meet with her, they will be able to stand on behalf of Tikhomirov Instrument Research Institute in the pavilion № F-1, which would take United Aircraft Corporation. Immediately between exposure «Sukhoi» MiG and, near the training rooms of our famous aircraft. And highlight of the exhibition NIIP, which, of course, be sure to write the world's press, will sample the active nature phased array (AFAR) X-band, designed for advanced multifunctional fighter.


Why the emergence of the AFAR sensation? The answer to aviation experts - the obvious. Yet no country, no company, including the famous Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, which makes similar products for F-22A, F-16E / F Block 60 or F/A18E/F, on any show is not shown «live »AFAR. And in the Farnborough and Le Bourget, and Berlin, and in Dubai - anywhere they are the largest international airline lounges, stands for the most promoted foreign companies have always shown only models and models of this antenna. But never a valid sample. For many obvious reasons. Including fear of competitors.

NIIP named Tihomirova decided to act up. Why? Not only in order to emphasize the high level of Russian design ideas, which, thank God, still preserved in some local defense enterprises, scientific research institutes and design bureaus, but also to show the following. With the unification of the elements of its design and the selected design solutions based on a sample to be presented at the MAKS-2009, believed the institute may be established AFAR to modernize various radar systems. Including the families of fighters Su-27 and Su-30, as well as for their brethren under the brand name MiG, for ground-based systems for military and civilian purposes.

Specialists NIIP in a conversation with the author of these lines of stress that they have submitted in Zhukovskiy AFAR done that, fundamentally, to the domestic element base nanogeterostruktur based on GaAs technology and advanced antenna systems to electronically controlled beam (AU EUL). Tihomirovtsy more than 40 years of dealing with electronic scanning. The first in the world aircraft phased array (AFD), which they developed, have been installed in the system of management of arms «Barrier» on distant fighter-interceptor MiG-31, adopting a more in 1981.

But, of course, presented a sample far outpaced its progenitor on energy efficiency and the ability to manage a broad form of the beam, as well as the regimes of work. Before meeting with specialists NIIP I read in one of the special editions that AFAR - the basis of intelligence of current and future fighter aircraft, which allows to solve a complex variety of combat missions, the effective implementation of the various regimes «air-to-air» and «air-to-face». And can provide significant advantages on such indicators as the radiated power, noise ratio, scanning sector range, etc.

As explained to me to specialists, the quality BRLS with AFAR contribute not only to detect multiple air targets at maximum range (previously seen - earlier defeated), but that is particularly difficult to constantly maintain these goals, regardless of their maneuvers, maintenance up-down of our fighter aircraft, right-left or turn to various on-course, roll and pitch. And if the radar can continuously keep the objective «of slots sight», then, I think it is doomed.

- If you talk about AFAR very simple - tell me the general director of NIIP Yuriy White - we have to understand that the traditional Locator - separate antenna, receiver, transmitter and receiver in AFAR with the transmitter and the antenna splits into smaller parts, into modules. And many of these modules represent AFAR. That is, each small yacheechka and their thousands, and contains a transmitter and receiver. In antenna «merge» All of the high-frequency radar. In addition, with AFAR radar capabilities to provide high reliability. Including the application of microwave radiation. Previously, if, for example, came out of the transmitter, the aircraft became blind. And it struck one or two cells, even a dozen, while the other thousands of works.


BRLS with AFAR - this is the basis of «intelligence» of modern fighter aircraft, which ensures compliance with all terms of the numerous and diverse challenges facing its pilot and weapons system. It is designed to help the pilot to solve many problems of air combat - from the conquest of the air and anti-missiles to defeat the enemy of small ground and surface targets. This assumes a dramatic increase in the level of automation control system arming (SUV). Maximum release of the pilot of the management functions with on-board systems, focusing his attention on solving tactical problems. This is important for multifunctional combat aircraft, especially for single

- The promising fighter - said Yury Bely - is no longer just a locator in the usual sense, and an integrated electronic system, which includes radars in several wavelengths, as well as identification systems, EW and other necessary equipment. And all this is tied into a single ideology, a common vision, will provide, as is now fashionable to formulate, «Battle synergistic effect».

Do tihomirovskoy AFAR there is one more feature, which is incidentally mentioned in the beginning of this material - the basic components to it - modules - are available on the automated line capable of mass production. Professionals know that to make any «glandule» in a single copy, including the international exhibition is called, the knee - not a problem. The Soviet Union was famous for its exhibition products, astonished the audience at the world fairs, but found them in stores or on the streets of Russian cities, it was impossible. And to ensure that this does not happen with AFAR, the state has provided a tremendous technological rearmament of enterprises of the Moscow - fryazinskogo «Istok», which now makes two-transmitter modules, of which, as a cell in the hive, and is going to AFAR. Build two production lines. One - the crystal output, which makes chips. Other - assembly, where these chips are collected in the chips, then they are integrated into the antenna elements. This specialized microchips ultrahigh frequency (UHF). Monolithic integrated circuits microwave - Microwave IIAs. World standard of specialized components. The more of these elements, the more powerful radar. A number of modules in the antenna can reach up to several thousand.

NIIP director Yuriy White stressed that this is the most automated production in which almost excluded the human factor. The equipment is mainly foreign, including Japanese. The fact that our country is not made. And in general this technology, which today is used in creating our AFAR, formerly in Russia was not.

Yuri Ivanovich did not tell me how much they produce locators.

- Everything is done under specific orders - he explained. - But there is power «Istok», there is a power NIIP, we are also engaged in production, is the power of our serial Ryazan instrument factory, which in the long run will collect BRLS with AFAR. We will now pass it the necessary documentation and technology. There, under the program builds a new production building with new equipment ...

«In principle we are prepared to 50 aircraft a year to equip their radar», - has assured the White Jury.

Head NIIP noted that the term AFAR they are going to produce not only for the locators promising fighter, but also for other types of weapons. Steerable phased array antenna technology to produce grids should be unified. They can be used in all types of armed forces. Including in the perspective of anti-aircraft missile complexes large range, created in the Corporation aircraft «Almaz-Antey» (here the same principle: «first saw - then won»), as well as MANPADS medium-range type «Book». Maximum uniformity of time and give the maximum effect on the value. The more locators, so they are cheaper for the consumer. Americans than to win? They ran a similar technology in civil proceedings - in a system of communication and navigation system for the prevention of collisions on the roads and railways ...

- Of course, our locator to «Zhiguli» no place - looks Yury - import cars - well, they are closed to us by copyright. But metropoezd - please. At locomotives - as well. Trying to interest railroaders such prospects improve traffic safety and the passengers. While on the way to the many artificial bureaucratic hurdles.

The future belongs YOUNG

I could not, of course, do not ask about who was involved in creating a new AFAR, and the relevance of this system is that young people who, as I told the general director of NIIP (see the «NSS» of 25 April 2008), has to work in the institute.

- These guys, - said the White - have a direct bearing on the creation AFAR. I would say, decisive. The young radio engineer and designers, we have gained 4-5 years ago from the MAI, Baumanki, Ryazan Radioengineering, Taganrog University, technologists from Togliatti, a Ivanovskiy technology (we have extensive cooperation, trying to recruit the best, of course), job, gain experience in passive steerable phased array lattices and actively. In general, in our institute about 400 people who are below 30 years. A direct challenge AFAR were thirty to forty-man of this age. And when it was necessary to assemble the dish by a certain date, they even slept in the booth, as in wartime, working around the clock. Not got. Most importantly, because this new technology, new technique - it is their environment, and youth is very cool all this develops.

And actually, I was the fellow journalists in the institute a year ago and then said: wherever you come in - all the young faces in the model stands, the assembly, the configuration of modules ... It gives hope that the institute has a future. But the director is still not satisfied - not even the youth, «old» much more. Director of courage - in a crisis of our times - embarked on a construction of a hostel for young professionals. However, outraged by the fact that our «permission» System Construction terribly zabyurokrachena (the building can be constructed for the year to achieve a building permit - and little of two years). And with free financial problems. That would be where the state needs help! And then talk to all levels of the critical situation with the personnel shortage OPK and tangible things not seen. It is hoped that niipovtsy to cope with this challenge, how they coped so far with all its technical problem

Yes, I almost forgot. At the air show MAKS-2009, at the stand of Tikhomirov Instrument Research Institute, will be shown more and AFAR L-band. Intended for installation in socks reject wing fighter. She also performed on the modern hybrid-integrated home technologies and provides electronic beam scanning in a wide sector of angles in azimuth and a broad band of frequencies. This locator as AFAR X-band, gathered in the NIIP, which was created for this unique laboratory-testing facilities, including those equipped with the latest modern technology anechoic chamber.

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