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Pak & China advancing on Kashmir?

Naimat Ullah Shah Wali also talked about a war in Northern Areas of Pakistan in his poetry (kashaf) he said that the area of Chitral , Gilgit, Nanga Parbat and Tibet will become war zones . There will be no victor in this war but there will be internal strife and civil war within India as a result of this war and that will be the start of Ghazwa e Hind.
Interestingly he also mentioned Tibet so it becomes apparent that it will be a two front war.
He also said that this war in Northern areas will erupt on the basis of lies and deceit ( false flag like Pulwama).
We are approaching final stages of this war and Insha Allah we will be victors . We have to be patient for a while.

Indeed, he was a learned man and was given knowledge of many things which have come to pass.

River Attock will be the final extent of the invasion force, then tides will turn and India will be defeated.

Allahu Alim if it is this war or another.

chinese colonel telling in chines ,
tell this son of a bitch to go back now
or you will face consequences.
indian cow
The Indian soldier is meekly answering and agrees to go back while the colonel is bawling him out (unfortunately in Chinese, which means I cannot understand him), India is only a bully when facing smaller countries like Nepal & Bangladesh but in front of Pak & China they know their place.
Very recently an Indian Army Lieutenant punched a Chinese Major near Sikkim border resulting in a bloody nose thus the escalation from Chinese side,
Nothing major here.
China is already under a ton of pressure due to ongoing Chinese Coronavirus nothing will happen.
Was that in a Bollywood movie or in your dream?
Was that in a Bollywood movie or in your dream?
Help yourself and Google ,don't expect everyone to spoon feed you.
Between at least we have bollywood and world renowned newspapers, what do you have to show ? Lollywood ?lulz
Then why are you guys shitting your pants over the recent skirmishes with China? Your media is in literal overdrive talking shit about China. I think you guys have an innate ability to overdramatize everything. Maybe that's why your tv shows are so corny.

what do you mean 'you guys bla bla bla'? you have proven in teh same breadth it is media bs.
Frankly more bs is emanating from Pakistan

You are totally wrong here. There is no pressure on China. China either intentionally or unintentionally has played a master stroke. While the likes of USA, UK and EU were and are running around as headless chickens (and lets even not talk of India here), China has come out as an organized, coherent and reliable global force. Over the last 30 years there has been shift of wealth from the West to China, now you will a shift of political power. While the president of the US was recommending injecting humans with disinfectants, UK was talk of herd immunity and India was the worst country in the world in terms treating its citizens during the pandemic, China took a rational and sensible approach in dealing with it which reflects very positively on not only the state but also its citizens. Also remember, China is not going through massive internal upheavals as in 1965 and 1971 that it could not help Pakistan. Its is not the same country and it has a lot invested in Pakistan. So if India gets aggressive towards Pakistan, don't right off the possibility of India having to deal with a two front war. The last country that India should depend on to prevent this scenario is the US.

obviously you are loyal to the master that's feeding you but you are just plain wrong. To know how wrong, the best approach is for you to just read what you posted ...JHC! no pressure on China he says!
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