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Pak Can't Keep Poisonous Snakes in its Backyard: Hillary Clinton

So you are saying Pakistan is a saint. Then go to international court, file suit against India and unmasked who is the real poisonous snake.Simple:enjoy:

plz let me know if u worked as a joker in any of the indian or russian Circus... very much impressed with ur humor...
Pakistanis are funny
First they nurture terrorists to "bleed India by a thousand cuts"
then get them selves bombed by them.
Then are forced to fight their strategic assets.
Then their PM says "Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism.":rofl::rofl:
Really, wonder why your sad a$$ seems to be present wherever Pakistan gets mentioned.
i won't even give a damn for a country who is suffering with internal mess... Pak getting mi 35 we are getting apache. ... lol... between we used mi 35 already...
enemy is that mentality and wrong interpretation of jihad..
those whom you fighitng onces are ones your frinds right ...
peace cant sustain under knief for others

Lol what jihad ? There is no good Taliban for us but they are our strategic leverage to keep afghanistan under leash. Even a lion needs his claws to be king of the jungle so yes sometimes one does need knife to keep thing under control.
That is off course true but she also said "that Pakistan cannot keep poisonous snakes in its backyard and think they will only bite the neighbour."
These are those sacrifices..that your that you have been forced to make..because the snakes you reared against your neighbors turned against you...these were not willing sacrifices.
If you must then you need a history lesson, who started this mess, did Pakistan import the likes of OBL into this part of the world, these same terrorist were once darlings of the west except they were called Mujahideen. Did Pakistan have the capacity to supply these rag tags with weapons like the stingers.... why did 9/11 took place..... Just like under Sadam, there was some normalcy in Iraq, these so called snakes were at least confined in Afghanistan before America decided to gate crash.....but you as an Indian like to see Pakistan associated with all the negatives, after Soviet defeat in Afghanistan, it were easy for US to pack it's bags and leave where as Pakistan and Pakistanis had to live with the aftermath since we are the neighbour to the menace called Afghanistan.
And that poisonous snake is CIA and RAW presence in afghanistan
It is the CIA & RAW who killed 50,000 ppl in Pakistan & not TTP apart from destruction to property & Infrastructure.Everything is done by RAW,CIA,KGB,MOSSAD IN Pakistan,even Polio workers are kidnapped & shot dead by RAW.Then Why are Pakistanis attacking the TTP in Wazirstan.
WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that recent developments in South Asia had placed Pakistan in a “very, very key” position and had further increased the need for staying engaged with that country.
Pakistan has ‘very, very key position’ in South Asia: Kerry - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Jun 14, 2014

WASHINGTON- The US Defence department, the Pentagon urged its government to maintain close defense cooperation with Pakistan.
US for close defense ties with Pakistan
June 20, 2014

WASHINGTON: The US House of Representatives has defeated an amendment to the Defence Appropriations Bill to stop American funding to Pakistan.
Amendment to stop funding to Pakistan defeated in US Congress | Business Standard News
June 21, 2014

Please give your valuable input on a relevant zoology thread on snakes , because the International politics and foreign relations surely aren't for you people looking at the comments .
are you feeling happy for those biscuits. .. they used Pakistan brutally ... Both land and people still people didn't realised ... until unless you guys clean the mess in your country. . you to feel happy by those type of statements. .
does her concern's even matter when the govt in present has sanction a billion dollars for Pakistan last week :D
You know the routine. In order to make Indians happy and feel safe you have to say something negative about Pakistan. She didn't knew about bitch her husband has in front of her eyes but she knows about snakes in our backyard ;)
Pakistanis are funny
First they nurture terrorists to "bleed India by a thousand cuts"
then get them selves bombed by them.
Then are forced to fight their strategic assets.
Then their PM says "Pakistan is the biggest victim of terrorism.":rofl::rofl:

as they say... Pakistan is like a suicide bomber who is a victim of his own terrorism.
Lol what jihad ? There is no good Taliban for us but they are our strategic leverage to keep afghanistan under leash. Even a lion needs his claws to be king of the jungle so yes sometimes one does need knife to keep thing under control.
the same stratgic leverage used in kashmir ..now see result ..
my simple point is those who were frinds yesteday now you fighintg with thmm
when you buy peace on knief its most dangerous like volcano .. it will only give destrution nothing else..
what to keep afg under leash.. those guys making pak life hard now ..
if you play dirty game they will retaliate

its history of AFG no one could win or leash themm USA and Russia tried result you know
you think pak can? if yes how
Pakistan Must End Links With Terror Groups: Hillary Clinton to NDTV

Published On: June 22, 2014 | Duration: 9 min, 56 sec

Speaking exclusively to NDTV, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly criticises elements in Pakistan's military and intelligence establishment for protecting terrorists and extremist groups. In perhaps her most blunt assessment of the patronage of terrorists, Ms Clinton says Pakistan has to understand that it cannot keep poisonous snakes in its backyard and think they will only bite the neighbour.

Pakistan Must End Links With Terror Groups: Hillary Clinton to NDTV - NDTV
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