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Pak Army Requesting Talks with Indian Army: Claims Indian Media

Don't come sobbing when the terrorists strike and kill unarmed civilians on your streets. The militants also operate on the basis of "Whatever moves kill it." I know its easy for you to non-chalantly say that about Kashmiris, but don't complain when the shoe is on the other foot.

You misunderstood so did some Indians and rated the post. It was directed at Indians, PA should have moved all these people knowing the feelings at IA camp are. Secondly PA should have come up with creative and innovative methods in getting back at Indians if not in Kashmir sector other sectors will do.
seems taking pot shots without any comprehension is your forte, it was your army that deployed on the border for almost a year in 2002 and after losing some 1000 soldiers decided to turn tail, and no i wasn't pointing to Mumbai attack but why would you miss the opportunity to score some brownies, I suggest you read the link below to enlighten yourself on what your army is capable of without support from the likes of Mukti or help from either Russians, Israelis and even the Americans.... you have also conveniently skipped on the letter Vajpaye wrote to Bill Clinton prior to NS visiting Washington,
You also have a habit of digressing to escape the original argument, not surprised as it's typical Indian escape to run back to 1971 to save face witch without the Muktis wouldn't have been possible, none the less, we were talking about Kargil, and your pow pilot since that wasn't a declared war, else thousands of other Indian POW went home through Wagha and some were lucky to be even flown to India by the PAF, but then you are probably not even interested in the other side of the coin.f

Have you actually read anything about Kargil?
Vajpayee refused to meet Sharif or Clinton and it was Sharif who was quivering in his boots begging for a face saving exit. This is a matter of record from American sources. In 2008, yes - some military brownie points could have been scored but Pakistan quickly buckled under pressure to make sure their Army did not receive a pounding - from denying the attacks to admitting them, starting a trial and Zardari even promised to send the ISI chief to India - as usual, Pakistan showed its true colors when the angst died down by delaying the trials.


We are going to kill a bunch of "jawans" in just a few days, Stop us if you can.
Define these "few days".
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