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Pak Army one of the best in world: Gen Norton

Assalam-o-Alaikum-Warahmat-ULLAH ALL,

Looking for self-praise ? Is that what people in Pak Army are doing all day in this era/age ?

Our Army has a past that is filled with crimes and more crimes, and treason and more treason, against this nation, against millions of people of this nation, against many generations of people of this nation.

I do not see our Army as worthy of this praise. I see, I visualize they have a lot of work to do in order to earn what they have lost i.e., the trust/confidence of millions people of this nation, and by that token the trust, the confidence of over 1.6 billion Muslims of this world.

I am highly dissatisfied with our Army's role thus far. I am at a loss. I do not see our Army functioning as the Army of ALLAH ALMIGHTY, an Army that represents ALLAH ALMIGHTY's will, ALLAH ALMIGHTY's word.

I see them disobeying the will, the word of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. If this is how Army wants to function, I will not to even call them our! Army.

We! are Muslims!. We LIVE and DIE!! for ALLAH ALMIGHTY's will, ALLAH ALMIGHTY's word, without! asking for anything in return, other than ALLAH ALMIGHTY's "Razaa".

P.S. That doesn't mean people in Army will be denied what is theirs to have, as per standards of justice of Islam.

You must be a deranged, TTP bozo on the run who has received G3 CHITARS on your ... or even worst.

You are nobody to give a FATWA against anybody. Remember, our army jawans are the ones who stand on the border, fight with the terrorists and receive the bullet that could've been meant for you or us.......

Understood! ? :hang2:
Pakistan Army is a very Professional army of people from around Pakistan, and gave lots of sacrifies for the sake of People of Pakistan during the war times.
Not one of the best... The Best there was, there is & inshAllah there will be! :)
Pakistan Army!! Emaan, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabeelillah!
And i still wonder,why Pakistan lost past 4 wars to us?:cry:If it was that strong.:lol:

dude WTF? cant u just leave a thread alone if u have nothing valuable to contribute? dont start flame wars just for the sake of it.

The american general said his point of view. if u dont agree with it, thats your business.
first of all, there havent been 4 full scale wars for your kind information, only 2.. make it 3, Kargil Conflict as well... & i know u're going to mention the Kashmir issue in 48 as well.. it wasnt a full scale war.. just a skirmish.. & where in the world it is officially claimed claimed that Pakistan lost to India on all occasions? (Except for India's own bragging) :p lol... in each scenario, Pakistan was totally outnumbered by Indian forces but check out the success rate in 65, we inflicted more damage, captured more territory & almost blew the IAF out of the air.. haha.. what a shame for a Military which is 6 times larger than Pakistan.. lol... now you'll mention 71 surrender, my friend.. it wasnt a surrender to the Indians, it was to the people of East Pakistan.. they were liberated so there was no use of Pakistani forces to stay in there.. & as always, India took advantage by attacking across the border, exhibiting complete cowardice attitude & shameful military onslaught.. talk about Kargil, chalo le lo Pakistan ki taraf se gift mein :D you guys better know ke what our SSG did to your Army up there, made them drink their own pee... Shame on maintaining such a huge Military which cant even dominate 1/6th of its neighbour's forces :D
i'm not here to fight, i just gave the facts.... only because Lt. SHHH changed the topic
i agree with Brig. Su-47, & i like his attitude towards the topic by making his other fellow countrymen realize what the topic actually is..
ISLAMABAD(Online)-The Chief of Staff of the US Air Force General Norton A Schwartz has visited General Headquarters (GHQ) and called on COAS Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Military sources told both of them exchanged views on matters of professional interest besides discussing to bolster close cooperation and forge contacts between the air force of the two countries.

Sources told Army chief thanked US Air Force for providing F-16 combat aircraft for enhancement of the capabilities of Pakistan Air Force.

Applauding Pakistan Armed Forces professional capabilities, Gen Norton said Pakistan Army was one of the best armies in the world and ‘we will further consolidate our relations and cooperation with Pakistan Armed Forces on the basis of strategic partnership’.

He also appreciated the sacrifices rendered by Pakistan Army in war against terrorism saying cooperation between both the countries which would be further enhanced in future.

Pak Army one of the best in world: Gen Norton | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

i think pakistani army is developed very much and is one of the best but same cant be said about its airforce and navy, without a developed airforce it is army which suffers the most
you're very right Lt. Gaurav, but let me tell you that despite the limited resources & equipment, Pakistan Air Force has always provided close air support to the Pak Army with great accuracy & efficiency.. it is turning into a world class Air Force regardless of the number of aircraft in its inventory..
i think pakistani army is developed very much and is one of the best but same cant be said about its airforce and navy, without a developed airforce it is army which suffers the most
Well Air Force has also developed at unprecedented rate after 9/11 when the sanctions were lifted on.We've got new fighters, BVR Missiles, AWACS, Air Refueler within 10 years.Even Navy is modernizing but i think Navy is the weakest link.
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