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Pak Army Aviation helicopter hard landing under fire

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and you may know how france ask money like their equipment made by gold and diamond
Sir India had canceled the order due to corruption regarding the fenic that was the reason PAA bought them and they were available at half price.

This accident would have opened the eyes of France as they would really be interested on how this took place and what could be done to improve in future.

If you may recall Germany was interested in giving some old heli's for such operations but PAA was looking at a new heli. Hope some thing develops in that regards because so far nothing has matured, some option might come out regarding this.
technical fault tha bhai now stop ot
yeah pilot is lair ?

Sir India had canceled the order due to corruption regarding the fenic that was the reason PAA bought them and they were available at half price.

This accident would have opened the eyes of France as they would really be interested on how this took place and what could be done to improve in future.

If you may recall Germany was interested in giving some old heli's for such operations but PAA was looking at a new heli. Hope some thing develops in that regards because so far nothing has matured, some option might come out regarding this.
germean old were also same like these janab
As usual, the ignorant at their usual rants. Its a national disease or characteristic to speak before you think or read.

The attack was at Badaber and the closest and quickest responding assets were thrown out there. The Squirrel is unarmed and armoured. It was tasked with finding and putting the nightsun light onto the terrorists. It was inevitable that it would come under fire and hence it was brought down.

As for the "Huge loss". Capt Asfandyar was a huge loss you materialistic arses.
The AS-550 C3 you see brought down there costs around $2.5 million. Which is not even 1/10th of the Monthly wages doled out to Pakistanis in Just Lahore and Islamabad. So about you all put in 100rs and buy us a new one instead of whining like the Kashmir Earthquake happened again.
look like our forces are more stupid then our thoughts when there was ongoing terror operation they send a helicopter to recovery mission and it was hot cake target for taliban .:disagree: and here is result of 2.5 millions dollars brand new helicopter lose .:tdown:

hats off to taliban victory now :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
So, sir in your thought army should has to wait and see how our brothers are dying because of their wounds and army should not send helicopter to take them to hospital because helicopter can be hit by bullets and we will loss fcuking $2.5 million..
so we only have 19 of these left
why didn't we get license production for this helicopter
i think it's the cheapest type operated by PAA
incidents like these happen all the time with the US rescue helicopters in afghanistan
and their helicopters are very expensive
I am glad though that the helicopter crew is fine
Some times it looks like our nation is so much emotional irrational if any thing bad happens.
1) Our military planners are much capable than all of the PDF members think.
2) These choppers were providing situational awareness and realtime updates as FLIR are installed for that purpose.
3) In these types of operations earlier we faced huge losses like AWACS and P3Cs etc. This time Attackers were stopped with in few meters.
4) If a SSG/SSW commando loses his life during operation then the same people will call them fool as well ?
5) This is a battle not a game, both sides face losses so please dont be irrational and please give our forces support instead of calling them stupid and fools with out knowing the scenarios happened at that time.

They lost their lives and this time they performed very well. so please dont expect that they are bollywood rajni kant who can kill 1000 people without getting hurt.
This is a war...
Men matter most..
Material loss is irrelevant...
Taliban usually dont water guns u see
We shud be producing these at home any way....its time to start local production
I am sure those who sent in the heli were not idiots. We lost the heli, its bad. The crew and everyone inside it are safe is what the good news is. This heli is to be used for such purposes so if we lost it, treat as a materialistic loss only please..

However, on the other hand, what did TTP loose? Answer is nothing but a few guns and some bullets.
What did we loose? 29 lives! My Allah be with their loved ones, & a 2.5m$ heli.
what did ttp get? all what we lost in exchange for a few guns and bullets
what did we get? saved many many lives... in exchange for the heli and then the most important stuff, those 29 people, that included a sword of honor young man too....
Considering all of this, the loss of heli seems pretty small to me. Lets just see how to avoid this all.
Imran Bhai calm down. You must understand, what the heli was doing, it was conducting a "medivac" in a HOT Zone. Chopper pilots are trained for such contingencies. The life, the heli was sent to save was MORE important than the chopper. Combat losses are to be expected, and we are prepared for them. Unfortuantely we did not have Cobra's to back them up, since they were deployed somewhere else.

The AWACS is a different story. One on which I'd rather not comment on.
Brother understand but Medivac landing area could have been avoided from being a hot zone. Injured could have been transferred to another zone?
Not an expert but these copters look fragile. @Indus Falcon
Like Oscar said, these choppers are not armed and not armored either. Unfortunately this is what was available at the moment, so had to be used.

Cobra's are deployed elsewhere, Mi-35 and Battle Hawks' would have been ideal, unfortunately Mi-35's not delivered yet, and Black Hawk's are not available. Even a Bell412 equipped with a M134 would have helped.

We seriously need to get Mi-35's fast. Plus equipping our utility choppers with M134's would help as well.

Brother understand but Medivac landing area could have been avoided from being a hot zone. Injured could have been transferred to another zone?
There is a bit of ambiguity (in the media) as to what exactly was the Fennec doing, I'll have a clearer picture by Monday InShaAllah.


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