A simpler solution would be to invade into the next hill to set up plsitions with Affghan Govtt approval, allow mining and fencing of bordsr and return once wotk is done. We dont want any morw provinces. Ut ingress and egree into and ojt of Pak should be monitored for weapons and drugs. Rest is fine.
do you really think the Afghan government is going to give you approval to setup positions around afgan side of the ..too many people day dreaming on this forum
the solution is simple you have to take few manly steps without thinking for one min that afgan are our dearly brothers
1 st step close the border permanently no one goes their and no one comes in through road that includes nato shit as well
2nd step give a month warning to all Afghan in Pakistan to get out no more extensions nothing simply get lost to the shit hole they came out from .
3 rd stop all kinds of exports to Afghanistan and stop allowing them to use the karachi port permanently
4th if any Afghan is caught give them a 10 year sentence or they can work in our coal mines in Baluchistan or help us build roads for next 5 years with no wages or make them build the fence all the way til the end of Iran Pakistan border
5 th any Afghan found doing any illegal stuff in Pakistan will be hanged no mercy no more going through court or anything special military courts for them
6th tell all tribal people no one is crossing that border either they are with Pakistan or Afghanistan . those who will cross the border will be considered as enemies of Pakistan and will be shot on sight or hanged if caught
7th create a buffer zone anyone coming 500 m near our fence or border will be shot no warning or any game playing
IN order to implement all this you need the military to actually do what they are paid to do .anyone else is free to add on it