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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

In close WVR engagement OR dog fighting the TVC su30mki will beat the F16 any days of the week.

THE aoa (angel of attack) thanks to TVC twin engines and twice as many WVR MISSLES more jammers and multiple electronic suites will give the mki the victory.

SU30MKI is agility is extreme.
In close WVR engagement OR dog fighting the TVC su30mki will beat the F16 any days of the week.

THE aoa (angel of attack) thanks to TVC twin engines and twice as many WVR MISSLES more jammers and multiple electronic suites will give the mki the victory.

SU30MKI is agility is extreme.

I think u know nothing abt F-16 Block 52's Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System?
GUYS can any 1 plz think for a moment and see where this thread is going. the simple question is


so kindly reply to this question. wat can be the possible answer..

will it be EF2000, Rafale, more F16, or more FC20


cause we hve seen pics of PAF evaluating Rafale and we also know that PAF has also evaluated EF2000.

air cheif him self said in 1 interview that MRCA will impact on the conventional deterence.

so kindly reply

There are several very good answers to india,s soon to be confirmed acqusiition of MMRCA x 126 PLANES.

i ASSUME WE WENT a proper answer not just 18 planes against 126

So here goes.

126+ J10B from China @ $40 m each = $5.5 billion
126 Rafael @ $90m each = $10.5 billion
126 Typhoon @ $100m each = $13 billion
or finally

126 F16/52/60 with AESA radar @ $50 each = $7 billion

Realistically the Euro fighter & Rafael are just too expensive

Which means more F16s blockc/d or FC20 or the combonation of both.

" If i have missed something plz say so
I think Gripen would be better. Its a single engine plane so fits with PAF doctrine. So the list goes ..

1. F-16 whatever will be the current final count

2. JF-17

3. J10B

4. Gripen NG

5. Upgraded Mirage

Looks good to me !!
Right now Pakistan can not do anything to counter IAF. I think PAF's best bet is to increase the number of F-16 block 52 platforms coz they have a lot of experience with this aircraft. Pakistan's economy is in dire straits and they are making it to top ten on the wrong lists(failed states). I dont feel India is buying MRCA taking into account Pakistan either, its more regarding China.
This might not be the appropriate thread but I just wonder where it went wrong for PAF. historically speaking their fighters were generations ahead of us in 65 war and even in 71 they had technologically comparable fighters to India. even though their numbers were less. Right now they are lagging behind in technology as well as numbers and the future does not look very bright with all the financial constraints..:coffee:
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....... historically speaking their fighters were generations ahead of us in 65 war and even in 71 they had technologically comparable fighters to India. even though their numbers were less......

65 War
What generations ahead planes are you talking about? Just 11 F-104s(inducted in 1962)? The rest of the fleet were just Korean vintage F-86s compared to Indian Hunters, Gnats and yes (brand new) MiG-21s(inducted in 1963). The F-104s were by no means more advanced than the MiG-21s in 65. Quite the other way actually.
wats wrong with you?

current pak budget is 8Bn.so we can afford 10 Rafale per year bt now we spend almost our budget on WOT.this is the reason we are nt inducting any heavy fighter soon

insensible quote if pakistan spends all the money to buy raphel then who will pay u soilders:hitwall: and how u run ur tanks:hitwall: fly ur flights:hitwall: make weeapons :hitwall:.. u must understand that 8 billion includes all this:P
The question remains.

What will PAFs answer be to 230 su30mki + 126 F18 super hornets. E/F >????????

An answer at this stage is irrelevant. First you decide which fighter you want to buy and then we shall answer. You won't be able to induct MRCA before 2015 so we have time.

Also incase you have not noticed we have already started making progress in countering your move in the form of J-10 and Block-52 F-16's.

As soon as these projects are completed alongwith JF-17 you shall hear further news so keep tuned :lol:
Originally Posted by Dr sim
....... historically speaking their fighters were generations ahead of us in 65 war and even in 71 they had technologically comparable fighters to India. even though their numbers were less......

On the one hand our Indian friends say that our fighters were generatiosn ahead not generation and then they claim air victory in 65 and 71.

Man we really had idiot pilots in 65 and 71 who could not shoot down generations inferior planes. :lol:

I guess this explains how an F-86 or a F-6 flown by flown by an idiot pilot succeeded in shooting down generations inferior Mig-21. :rofl: in shooting down generations inferior Mig-21
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