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PAF's Defensive Doctrine---Out of Ignorance---Out of Incompetence Or What?


Past is past try to get 2/3 squadron of this baby along with 18 optional offer of f-16 this will give dome breathing space before J-31 available.
short to mid term fleet composition
200~ JF-17 block II/III
100~ F-16 block 52/MLU
40/50~ J-11D
75~ F-7PG
so fleet a of ~~400 aircraft .
I have begun to hate your posts with these funny numbers. Looks like 'nishaan virus' has infected you badly. Please stop acting like a kid with a long list of toys he wishes to buy on the Christmas. The professionals know what they need and how much. Please go to mosque or madrassah and listen the sermons of some semi -literate tableeghi Mullah for that is all you have born for.
if he has the Swiss accounts of Zardari and Nawaz Sherif and the "mandate / authority" of Ishaq Dar then me and you would have written songs in his praise. bless himm... he is no miser when it comes to giving numbers of this that and the other as if
gal e koi nai..
if he has the Swiss accounts of Zardari and Nawaz Sherif and the "mandate / authority" of Ishaq Dar then me and you would have written songs in his praise. bless himm... he is no miser when it comes to giving numbers of this that and the other as if
gal e koi nai..

lol and he is always cool like a water, i have never seen him getting annoyed though many members label him as hardliner ?
First we need at least 5 squadrons of J-11 D or J-10 B and more F-16 than to have really good offensive punch 4 to 5 squadrons of either JH-7 B or SU-34 are needed and also we need to develop long range Air to Surface cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.
you are very good at making lists:police:. do you believe that the officers in Paf are stupid not to acquire bomber and air superiority fighters. i think they know better than us what to do and when to do. If common persons like us know about JH-7 B, SU-34,J-11 D and J-10 B then The Paf should know about it better than us. there must be some thing going on in paf about the jet fighters.:-)

I am by no means an expert of defense procurement, policy or strategy.But there are a few glaring FACTUAL INACCURACIES in his post which so many readers here have failed to point out.


You are explaining here that you do not know diddly sh-it about the subject matter at hand---and yet you are throwing out comments as if you understand the situation.

Why don't you make up your mind first about the issue.

Don't explain what I want to say---explain what you understand out of it-----.
you are very good at making lists:police:. do you believe that the officers in Paf are stupid not to acquire bomber and air superiority fighters. i think they know better than us what to do and when to do. If common persons like us know about JH-7 B, SU-34,J-11 D and J-10 B then The Paf should know about it better than us. there must be some thing going on in paf about the jet fighters.:-)


Please don't AS-S U ME that paf knows better than you---they can be as illiterate about the subject matter as any one else can be.

Even in the united states military, there have been Admirals who wanted to cut down on the air force to build up the navy---then there were Air force Generals who wanted to cut down on the navy completely and have a massive air wing---and then was the army who wanted things run their way---and then there were the marines who thought that army is useless.

In happens in all the services every where in the world---. Incidently, in Pakistan---with the demise of the bombers---Pakistan air force was hijacked by the Fighter Mafia. The JF 17---the little plane than can---is the pet project of the Fighter Mafia in the Pakistan air force----.

Never forget that this is the same military whose commander in chief stated in the 1st gulf war that America beware---the Iraqis are a battle hardened army---they will do serious damage to the U S military.

Don't forget the aftermath of 9/11---there were those in the pak military that wanted to make another vietnam of the americans in Afghanistan----. There were many in Pakistan air force that were raring to have a go at the U S forces---.

So----just because they wear that uniform with the wings on it---does not mean that you put them on a pedestal.

You have to question them why they did what they did----the problem with many of you young men and adults and seniors over here is---except for the fancy stuff----you guys are illiterate about the subject matter.

You do not understand the need---necessity and the purpose----.

It is based on the same principal of why do you have DIFFERENT CALIBRE RIFLES in the military.

You have your MP5---what is that a 9mm----you have the .223----you have the AK47 7.62x39--you have the .308----you have the .338----you have .50 caliber.

have you ever thought about why do you have the .338 and .50 caliber rifles---.

It is to smash the psyche of the enemy---you have the ability to take a shot from such a far distance---that there is no sound of gunfire heard at the target---the .50 when it hits---it's basically an anywhere round----the kinetic energy in the bullet smashes into you with such a force---that alone kills the person being hit---the sheer panic that it spreads in the target area and the chaos that it creates---the feeling of insecurity that it creates---is the sole purpose for this rifle.

You can reach anywhere---you can reach every where----. That is what the mantra of the defense industry is.

You 155mm guns---they used to lob shell 15 miles away a couple of decades ago---now they can 35 miles away---now they have smart shells as well----you had MRL's that were good for 70 KM---now you have MRL's that are good for 150---200 KM------. In the past your MRL's could not hit a mountain at 70 KM---now you have smart MRL's that can pinpoint a target at maximum range----.

So---the question is---what is up with this range----why do we to increase the range---we do because we want to reach further into the enemy territory to reach it SOFTER spots---so that the enemy feels the pain and anguish of the war as you do----.

So----if the army has all these heavy weights that can reach the maximum distance under given conditions then why not the air force----why does the air force not have the heavy weights that can reach the maximum distance to do the most damage.

The question also arise----why does the enemy has all the heavy weights---. Why is the enemy dependent on all its heavy eight aircraft for combat----.
A selam Mr. Khan, I always enjoy to read your posts, keep on !

But today I saw a need to reply :)


Never forget that this is the same military whose commander in chief stated in the 1st gulf war that America beware---the Iraqis are a battle hardened army---they will do serious damage to the U S military.

I would like to agree, if you can elobrate this statemnt or name the commander ?

Don't forget the aftermath of 9/11---there were those in the pak military that wanted to make another vietnam of the americans in Afghanistan----. There were many in Pakistan air force that were raring to have a go at the U S forces---.

The same for this statment can you give some names or proves, links anything for this both statements, I would like to believe it if you would present some sources !
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Current PAF thinking and structure is not reality based today pak is a centre stage of all threats and yet PAF saying F 17 and thinder can save neither we have number nor quality
Bhai, unlike J-11 that is a Russian Su-27 -derivative, JH7B which is a Chinese design and optimized for naval operations maybe a better option. I guess that is why Matan saheb is emphasizing this much on JH7B.

The J-11 or J-10 would be the right punch plane forget the JH-7B I know this plane very well, I have written in the old PDF forum about this plane a lot !
Yes I remember that speech he made to a hall full of Army officers. It was an analysis by Mirza Aslam Beg COAS and the recording was televised and this was back in 1991 just before the first Gulf War. Boy he got it wrong! I remember my father getting very upset after seeing his speech. He said it was a misfortune that single track minds like him get to be the COAS.
The J-11 or J-10 would be the right punch plane forget the JH-7B I know this plane very well, I have written in the old PDF forum about this plane a lot !


If it was the old forum----then it would have been the JH7 or JH7A----the JH7B would be going in production this year if it already is not.
Yes I remember that speech he made to a hall full of Army officers. It was an analysis by Mirza Aslam Beg COAS and the recording was televised and this was back in 1991 just before the first Gulf War. Boy he got it wrong! I remember my father getting very upset after seeing his speech. He said it was a misfortune that single track minds like him get to be the COAS.


I was here in the U S at that time---and I was shocked beyond belief---if you guys want to---I can dig a little bit into what was happening in the u s military at that time.

I was here in the U S at that time---and I was shocked beyond belief---if you guys want to---I can dig a little bit into what was happening in the u s military at that time.

Sir, if you can then please do. It was after this speech it was rumored at that time that some of the Corps Commanders were totally disappointed with their COAS. Aslam Beg retired not too long after that.

Curious that the 84.6KN max thrust at normal load-out of 10500KG is yielding a TWR of 1.09 for the JF-17?
Its 84.6KN max thrust is actually 8626.8 KGF i.e. it yields a TWR of roughly 0.82. I think power plant figures and TWRs are off.

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