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PAF will not go 5th Generation anytime soon(2030)

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black blood i will see the day it will fly i did that for pakfa i even mentioned FGFA does not exist till now check my post < pakfa is not fgfa> and i say the same JXX will only come into existence only when you can show it ... if the day is tomorrow good will believe tomorrow till then its only F-22,F-35,PAKFA and many here have said the thread is worthless because its from some blog yes may be but what hat guy has pointed out should be countered with a logical answer ...

he says 2030 if you disagree then good just show by what means its possible before 2030... and lets discuss with what is on ground even korea was trying to develop some new 5th gen bird as for those those are paper planes and even mig is developing LMFS 5th gen plane 2016 possibility on paper so what .....
The formula you presented for Pakistan and JXX seems to be true for India and FGFA as well..:coffee:

but one difference present here that jxx is still in development or may be not even in development how knows but on the other hand t-50 fly's in sky :victory:
Originally Posted by WAQAS119
I am eying F117 soon, may be in 2012, lol

hahaha US has already retired them in 2008. why do u guys always go for second hand retired stuff.
The formula you presented for Pakistan and JXX seems to be true for India and FGFA as well..:coffee:

did i say otherwise ..... i said FGFA does not exist its true
what are you trying to point out ....

educate this IAF will have 50 PAKFA ... 200 FGFA ... NOW fgfa Still to be developed so same case lets see when it will fly but can you see the pakfa fly ? do you hear it passed 7 flight trials already ? do it get it now ?

PAKFA will be in service in IAF in this decade thats a 99% possibility so what did yo mean in your post IAF will get 5th gen bird in 2030?
but one difference present here that jxx is still in development or may be not even in development how knows but on the other hand t-50 fly's in sky :victory:

You also know that Chinese are very successful in concealing news regarding their defence issues,, who knows at which stage they are at.:coffee:
You also know that Chinese are very successful in concealing news regarding their defence issues,, who knows at which stage they are at.:coffee:

no you are wrong you only conceal your failures and not your success... in this modern word marketting people try and spread only the positive part they never hide it

and true who knows what stage they are at may be not even off the boards as per your explanation
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no you are wrong you only conceal your failures and not your success... in this modern word marketting people try and spread only the positive part they never hide it

And you dont.............
You also know that Chinese are very successful in concealing news regarding their defence issues,, who knows at which stage they are at.:coffee:

as we all know they still facing problem with j10b s engine ....
so how can u say that they are ready for 5th gen ac ... i think at least not before 5-7 years ?

black blood take the F-35 program and how its all tangled up and how difficult it is ...to get a full system in operation ,... its not just a plane a system even the pakfa dosent have its proper engines and 5th gen suites... so JXX system is it ready when decades of two major experts are trying hard to meet 2 ends ...

so wait till JXX can be called a plane and its visible not a CGI till pakfa was visible all were CGI and creations of the mind ...same with JXX each has its own story to tell
did i say otherwise ..... i said FGFA does not exist its true
what are you trying to point out ....

educate this IAF will have 50 PAKFA ... 200 FGFA ... NOW fgfa Still to be developed so same case lets see when it will fly but can you see the pakfa fly ? do you hear it passed 7 flight trials already ? do it get it now ?

PAKFA will be in service in IAF in this decade thats a 99&#37; possibility so what did yo mean in your post IAF will get 5th gen bird in 2030?

nops i didn't meant that but was pointing out flaw in your argument.
If PAKFA whose production will start in around 2018, can be procured by India before 2030 then JXX whose production is also scheduled at around 2018 can also be procured by Pakistan.
nops i didn't meant that but was pointing out flaw in your argument.
If PAKFA whose production will start in around 2018, can be procured by India before 2030 then JXX whose production is also scheduled at around 2018 can also be procured by Pakistan.

i think u cant understand ... production for pakfa will be start in 2015-16 in russia point is that india got first in 2018 ...
its nt tht russia got first in 2018

yar wake up nd check some links
And you dont.............

who said we dont ? get the idea straight every nation hides its failures and highlights its success more thats the what is taught in B - school market your ideas...

so dont try to point that i am saying that we are good and you are bad no thats not true ... just like you think everything chinese is good and rest all crap
Just one question? I am so confused with it.
Why this india use pakistani flag to blame china?:blink:
Doese he feel so ashamed to blame china using his own country's flag:lol:
nops i didn't meant that but was pointing out flaw in your argument.
If PAKFA whose production will start in around 2018, can be procured by India before 2030 then JXX whose production is also scheduled at around 2018 can also be procured by Pakistan.

Sir there is nothing known about the J-XX program. We have no specs, no pics, no announcements, nothing at all, except fanboy images and blogger's wish list.

Its existence is doubtful as of today. There are very very few possibilities that it would take to skies before 2020.

Even when PakFa is in the skies, its induction is not supposed to be before 2018, how can we even imagine J-XX to be inducted before that.

Remember, all the info that people claim to know come from fanboy wishlists and not authentic sources.
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