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PAF will not go 5th Generation anytime soon(2030)

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dude dont use double standard for tht

as we all know china also facing problem with j10b engine .... and as my knowledge fc20 is a variant of j10b so how can u say that both ready to induction and about improved jk17 m not heart any deal that finalized with any country
correct me if m wrong??

from where u heard that chinese have problem with j10b engine ???? from indian media ??? give me proofs plz :angel:
To aks
how can you compare lca with pak fa , lca is a totally indigenous effort pak fa is a joint venture with Russia. Jf17 is not a completely designed by Pakistan it a joint venture between Pakistan and china . but china is not even inducted a single plane . so you can decide your self how good it is .
There is lot of difference designing a 4th gen fighter air craft and designing a 5th gen aircraft .
To aks
how can you compare lca with pak fa , lca is a totally indigenous effort pak fa is a joint venture with Russia. Jf17 is not a completely designed by Pakistan it a joint venture between Pakistan and china . but china is not even inducted a single plane . so you can decide your self how good it is .
There is lot of difference designing a 4th gen fighter air craft and designing a 5th gen aircraft .

Don't answer with hate... lolz clam down it doesn't mean if the chinesse haven't inducted the thunder in there service its no good stick to the topic ..:tdown:
To TOPGUN facts are facts if it is so good why not Chinese who designed it didn’t induct .
To TOPGUN facts are facts if it is so good why not Chinese who designed it didn’t induct .

Same why russia dnt want to induct the MKI variant of su 30..

when india say it is close to su 35 and some say it is similar and better then su 35..
why they wasted ther time in developing a new aircraftt(su 35) why nt direct induct the su 30 MKI

because they knw it is just a crap..thats why they are happy with ther su 27/30 rather then MKI..
Same why russia dnt want to induct the MKI variant of su 30..

when india say it is close to su 35 and some say it is similar and better then su 35..
why they wasted ther time in developing a new aircraftt(su 35) why nt direct induct the su 30 MKI

because they knw it is just a crap..thats why they are happy with ther su 27/30 rather then MKI..
I wont say its a crap.....But making this thing as a judgment rule that the product is crap if the country itself don't induct is crap head.
Farhan MKI was specially made for INDIA as was MKM specially made for malaysia... russia din induct MKM... they just changed names.. all planes come from su 27... which russia has inducted
Farhan MKI was specially made for INDIA as was MKM specially made for malaysia... russia din induct MKM... they just changed names.. all planes come from su 27... which russia has inducted
But russia not inducted MKM and MKI made them crap......

JF 17 was JV for Pakistan....

And by the way rumor is that china will induct 150 JF 17...
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