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PAF vs. IAF fighter fleet technology comparison

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what makes mki so special? is it EW, Radar, stealth, range and payload, bvr and weaponry or pilot?
If I am to reply in the same tone as yours then my answer is as simple as this-
Everything and much,much more that makes your JF17 and Blk 50-52 special.
Unbiased assessment

Training and Pilot-Quality

Pakistan's pilot-training is far superior to India's. Results from previous wars, over-all "kills" of both air forces, combat-experience, and results from different international exercises are ALL in favor of PAF. So, it is easy to conclude that PAF pilots are better trained than Indians.

This a fact, and if any Indian wants to dispute this point, then all he has to do is to go to ACIG.org (International Air war database used by fighter pilots to study war-record). ACIG.org put PAF above IAF when it comes to over-all kills.

Moreover, we have American pilot's witness who faced IAF Su-30MKI's and PAF F-16's in air exercise..and his views are over-whelming in favor of PAF.

So Pakistan Air Force holds a supreme advantage in pilot-quality, as PAF pilots are amongst the best in the world--while IAF is a league behind then the elite of the elite pilot-league to which PAF fighter pilots belong.

Technological aspect

Although PAF's F-16 block 52 armed with AIM-120Cs are the best fighter jets in the region, PAF lacks numbers. IAF's 150+ Su-30MKI's, and hundreds of other fighter jets are more than enough to bloody PAF's nose.

PAF will fight a bloody defensive war over Pakistani skies. In defensive role, PAF is more than a match to IAF. But over-all, IAF holds the technological edge over PAF.

PAF will be able to hold IAF in check for 2,3 weeks. If the war goes to months and months, IAF will eventually prevail owing to its larger numbers.

Good to see some Indians who aren't blinded by delusional brainwashing and call out facts as they are.
My grandfather was better pilot 40 years ago and hence I will be better pilot today. On training there was very nice post by a senior. In past India do not had the kind of access they have today. 40 years is long time, things change wake up.
My grandfather was better pilot 40 years ago and hence I will be better pilot today. On training there was very nice post by a senior. In past India do not had the kind of access they have today. 40 years is long time, things change wake up.

I know.

Nobody is saying that india is one same level as in 1965.....but so is Pakistan.

Unless indian pilots get real combat experience that surpasses the one that of PAF fighter pilots, you can be sure that PAF pilots are better trained and more ready for air-war than indian one's. That's how it happens in real world.

On paper, india and Saudi Arabia have evolved alot...but combat experience of PAF pilots and Israeli pilots is unmatched. Hence the superiority.
PAF is planning to have about 300 fighters with 150 JF-17s and rest F-16s...

Vote for PTI...

It will bring stability and economic prosperity in Pakistan Inshallah.

Once that is achieved, we will have more funds to develop our air force. Till then, everything is useless.
We have already lost this "war" the other side has the "mighty" SU30MKI the space war machine.

thread is on fighterfleet technology comparison between both, keep it educated and sensible and abstain from trolling. @sancho @Munir @Chak Bamu @Manticore


please have your say..
Did I even say that??

What I like about PAF is they knew their weaknesses and every time they come up with stuff which can reduce the gap to the extent where they can deny air dominance to IAF.
I guess that this thread is to discuss machines that PAF and IAF have, not the men and tactics etc.

When I see chaos in Pakistan for the last few years, and the way the USA marines. Walked in and killed osama bin laden next to your military school and the terror attacks on your air bases I come to the below conclusion.

No organization
No hi end technology bar hand ful of block 52.
Financially handicapped
No combat experience for Twenty years
Chickened out in kargil worried by mig29 bvr superiority

I see a air power from poor country
Clearly you are unaware of PAF.
When I see chaos in Pakistan for the last few years, and the way the USA marines. Walked in and killed osama bin laden next to your military school and the terror attacks on your air bases I come to the below conclusion.

No organization
No hi end technology bar hand ful of block 52.
Financially handicapped
No combat experience for Twenty years
Chickened out in kargil worried by mig29 bvr superiority

I see a air power from poor country

Apply this analogy to 28/11 as well when Some terrorists penetrated the naval cordon of India and spread chaos in your cities.

I see a poor knowledge of geography, terrain from a poor dish washer

@TeesraIndiotHunter Delete your post mate. Better reply would be how some elements infiltrated india in 28/11
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Technologically & numerically IAF is superior to PAF, but at the end of the day it all comes to the man who is behind the machine, how he is trained what kind of strategy of fighting is adopted etc.


Those dys re gone when Khalil Mian fakhta oraiya kartay thay---it is all about the machine and what it carries---. Operator does come into play, but the machine gets the higher points---.

We are living in the world of coming drones----so the myth of the man behind the machine is shattered years ago---. Your machine has to have something substntial for the man to do something.
When I see india..and the way indian women are raped by having rods in their vaginas, and the way hundreds of millions of indians defaecate in open public. Moreover, when i see HUNDREDS of mig-21s falling out the sky.. I conclude.

1-india is the largest open-air shit.
2-indians are barbarians with no civilization.
3-indians suffer from great inferiority-complex due to centuries of Islamic domination and destruction of backward hindus.
4-indian pilots are worse than monkeys when it comes to flying.
5- indians aren't men. They are khusras. They rape their women, and they back down after all crying and bitching (like india backed down in 2002, and then again in 2008)...


Now come back to topic everyone.



Pakistan is no different.
One good thing about Indo Pak is that both forces evolve themselves according to their threat perspective and have quite active programs running simultaneously.

Both are a bit stuck in the rut at the moment - for IAF it was because of the red tape and an inept DM and MOD who nearly wasted a decade,
and for PAF it was the economy - both forces havent seen much additions for the last few years.

IAF is trying to widen its operational reach with adding heavy carriers, recon planes, SAR planes, heavy, medium and light choppers, mid air refuelling planes, a couple of fifth gen planes, UCAV's and are trying to phase out its legacy planes with a light fighter.

While there is a degree of uncertainty on PAF's evolution at the moment.

@Dazzler, At present there is not a great deal of a gap between technology capabilities of both airforces, it would be a great exercise to know where both are heading towards in the next decade. The reason for it is simply that both have ambitious programs lined up (though, we would like some more clarity on PAF's programs).
If India would be so superior it would have taken Pakistani soil in 65 or 71... It didn't then when it was atleast 5 times bigger. Now these days... Let us go to Kargill. Indians could not even bomb soldiers on a mountain. They got help from Israeli. Still they lost some thanks to Anza. Even later. Two MKI fully armed went to the border. They retreated. PAF was at the worst when it comes to numbers or quality. And even later... If non BVR 30 years old f16's went up they did not come close to the border...

I try to find the logic behind it cause as all Indians here are posting... The Indians are bigger in numbers and quality of the planes. Yet they do not dare to do real combat... Anyway, My dad was in one of the biggest tank battles in the world and his tank was hit. I think if he tells me that Indian army is better (in the past) then who am I to say the opposite. Our senior officers were the worst in the world. Our soldiers offered everything but there was a reason why soldiers were allowed to kill seniors if they saw bad developments... We had idiots in the army. Just like we have idiots as politicians.

Stop having a complex over size . Tiny Britain ruled the whole world once .
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