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PAF Squadrons - re(naming) Petition

Maula sahab, though I respect your input and opinion on the names, I tend to be a bit reserved when it's connection is to religion.

Why? Because in our culture we tend to use certain explicit words in conversation. PDF itself is an example. Had it not be for Mods and censorship, we'd be seeing a lot more cursing.

I can just picture it now...
"Oh I'm being transfered/station to that f***ing _______ Squadron".

"Haan exercise may uun ______ Squadron ke Maa ko _____ kar deya."

I'm okay with Urdu words/names, but reserved towards Religion.


Allow me to answer you in separate parts.

First aspect: Pakistan is "Islamic Republic of Pakistan". We as a Nation are followers of Islam and we stand for freedom of other religions treating them equal and free. Our National Identity is beautiful. We do not need to give-up on Islam to create space for other religions to feel welcomed. We can choose to be Muslims and still be welcoming towards other religions. This is the teaching of Islam, as well as Father of the Nation.

Second: There is no harm in using religious symbology as long as it is not insulting to others. We just produced anti-tank missile with the name "Hijara" which borrows a concept from Surah Al-Fil in Quran and that is a good symbology which is not against any other religion.

Third: No one should abuse in any context and it is flat bad in all situations. If some people abuse, we should help them realise and correct that - but their bad habits should not force us to use "safe-names".
Now allow me to respond.

I'm not contesting your views about the foundation of Pakistan and what it stands for.

If the first Rickshaw is designed and built in Pakistan, should it be given a Islamic symbology as well? No, because you'd want to reserve those names for grander things.

How about Medicine? Cellphone? Household Appliances? Should the producers of those be relegated to naming them?!!

Your 2nd point is valid. And so far hasn't stopped the Armed Forces by naming Missiles. Though let me ask you, if a Christian Base Commander were to pick a name from the Bible, would you "... still be welcoming towards other religions".

Your 3rd point as valid as it may be, is not practical nor is it being practiced. I hate it when someone that carries that same name as our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) does something improper and is insulted by name - probably because he deserved it. But we can't demand people from naming their children. Though we can refrain from it being used on items.

Well, that's my view and it has nothing to do with one being religious or not. I am against Religion being dragged in everything we do, that's all. Practicing the Five Pillars of Islam should be more than enough to represent who we are.
The contributions of Władysław Turowicz to PAF and Pakistan are far far greater than those Mamluk rulers. Similarly Ranjeet Singh should be our hero as compared to those afghan invaders.
First of all Muslim heroes were our heroes as well.. Muslims be it from anywhere are 1 nation...

Turowicz should be endorsed for his contributions but Ranjit Singh didnt do sh*t for us... He was same to Muslims what Afghan invaders were to Indian Hindus..
First of all Muslim heroes were our heroes as well.. Muslims be it from anywhere are 1 nation...
Only we Pakistani believe and live by it not rest of the Muslim world. Turks are proud of their history, Arabs are of their and we........leaving our own and proud of theirs. Go and meet any turk and see how proud they are and they aspire to attain the same glory as ottoman days.This is how nations are built. It is a matter of choice either be a leader or a follower. Till now we happen to be just hitchhiking on glories of others while leaving our own which are not any less by any given standards.

Turowicz should be endorsed for his contributions but Ranjit Singh didnt do sh*t for us... He was same to Muslims what Afghan invaders were to Indian Hindus..
The problem for us Pakistani are we are taught distorted history. Kindly do your research on Ranjit Singh and his cruelties on muslims of Punjab. If he killed or repelled Afghan (muslims) he protected the people of the land including all religions. including the muslims of Punjab which happens to be present day Pakistan.

Again the problem is some of us are more loyal towards Afghans, Central Asians, Persian, Turks, Arabs than being more loyal to Pakistan itself.

And even if for argument sake I concede your point then all Christans, Hindus and Sikhs do not deserve to be in the Pakistan armed forces. So are you implying they are any less Pakistani than the rest?
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this post is made in a lighter mood. if you suffer from a lack of comprehension and belong to religious blowhards then please dont read the rest of the message.

please no hard to pronounce Arabic names.
personally I find the Arabic names of military operations and equipment very cringy.:hitwall: specially when spoken by less educated people both in uniform or without uniform. the mental strain and torture on their faces is evident where they are worried not to mispronounce it and commit some blasphemy and end up doing exactly that. (mispronounce it).:rofl: (I have a living proof with example ask me if interested).

if the English names breaks the wuzu of the mustache-less bearded walking fortresses of Islam then I humbly request them please adapt Urdu names ban the kafir uniforms and the kafir equipment as well.

Arabic is a very refined and delicate language and only suits fluently speaking Arab people for the non religious matters.
Guys, can we leave the history lessons and religion out. Seriously! If want to present a Religious name, go ahead and: The End

Or take this conversation in some other Thread/Topic.

For some reason, we always seem to deviate off the topic...

A few names i'd like to throw in the mix...


Deltas (could be for J-10's too)


Falcon20/Saab 2000:

Animals are all those that are part of the wildlife of Pakistan.
Only we Pakistani believe and live by it not rest of the Muslim world. Turks are proud of their history, Arabs are of their and we........leaving our own and proud of theirs. Go and meet any turk and see how proud they are and they aspire to attain the same glory as ottoman days.This is how nations are built. It is a matter of choice either be a leader or a follower. Till now we happen to be just hitchhiking on glories of others while leaving our own which are not any less by any given standards.

The problem for us Pakistani are we are taught distorted history. Kindly do your research on Ranjit Singh and his cruelties on muslims of Punjab. If he killed or repelled Afghan (muslims) he protected the people of the land including all religions. including the muslims of Punjab which happens to be present day Pakistan.

Again the problem is some of us are more loyal towards Afghans, Central Asians, Persian, Turks, Arabs than being more loyal to Pakistan itself.

And even if for argument sake I concede your point then all Christans, Hindus and Sikhs do not deserve to be in the Pakistan armed forces. So are you implying they are any less Pakistani than the rest?
We should be proud of our Muslim History like other nations you mentioned but we should also be proud as Ummah...

Mate I am saying those who served Pakistan should be endorsed... but not the likes of Ranjit he killed Muslims of Punjab too especially those from Multan area... and again we as a Muslims should consider Afghans,Turks and arabs as brothers and live equally with em...

And my point is not that Hindus,Christians or Sikhs shouldn't be in army or shouldnt be in Pakistan those who served Pakistan should be glorified not those who killed Muslims of of this area..
I believe that just like PAF's No 14 squadron commonly known as ''The Tail Choppers'' also the designation ''Shaheen'' and Fighting Fourteen, similarly, No 19, apart from Sherdils, it's called war Hawks.
As for Phoenix is concerned.... plural noun: phoenixes.
As for Phoenix is concerned.... plural noun: phoenixes.
I was always under the understanding that 'The' Phoenix was just a single bird (and not multiple).

It would have been a better idea to name one of the VIP Transports [No. 12 Sqn - Globetrotters - Citation Excel] or [No. 41 Sqn* - Phenom 100].

*Since No. 41 Sqn doesn't have a name (yet).

Anyways, kinda pointless changing that name now that its just recently been added.
Many of these animals have pretty aswesome sounding names in our local laganuges. If we can name our future submarine family in Bengali then why not a regional language?
Absolutely - afterall, we have Haiders and Zarrars alongside Bandits then the mix has nothing wrong with it.
After all, we did not name the JF-17 as Garaj
I think the PN may use more of the Sahabas (RA) for their ships, and it makes sense from the standpoint that ships are generally named after historic figures, battles, sites, cities, etc.

As for the PAF, I think any name for squadrons is fine, provided they stay away from cheesy over-the-top stuff, e.g., 'Dashings.' I'd like to see some dogs, like Huskies, Terriers, and Wolves. I do hope they change 'Black Panthers' to 'Snow Leopards' though.
I think the PN may use more of the Sahabas (RA) for their ships, and it makes sense from the standpoint that ships are generally named after historic figures, sites, cities, etc.

As for the PAF, I think any name for squadrons is fine, provided they stay away from cheesy over-the-top stuff, e.g., 'Dashings.' I'd like to see some dogs, like Huskies, Terriers, and Wolves.

@Trailer23 I'd try changing 'Black Panthers' to 'Snow Leopards.'
Dashings has a story behind it because of CCS F-6s, but it can't be shared here.
I suggest a few names:
  • Faateh named after Sultan Muhammad Faateh who conquered Constantine - Opal and announced "Jannetti".
  • Surkhrus (not the red spirit but sounds like it) - the successful and who have done it and are Surkhru before Allah.
  • Ashhads (Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illallah, the oath takers) - the oath takers who took the oath to defend the Nation and punish those who stand against it.
  • Labaiks (those who are present, لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ) - those who present themselves and are present in the moment to safeguard, defend and conquer.
  • Khaybateen (The fear generators: those who induce fear in the hearts of the enemy).
  • Ababeels (the bird Allah used against Elephants), the uncatchable, nifty agile and the ones who create havoc and turn enemy into hay.
  • Maaliks (the owners, also named after Malik-al-moat the angle of the death and Chief of the hell whose name is Maalik)
Some interesting English names
  • The Soul Collectors
  • The Air Benders
  • The Undertakers (those who bury the dead)
  • The Cremators (those who burn the dead)

How about "PENETRATORS" (it leaves interpretation open to imagination) :woot::woot: :omghaha:
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