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PAF revamped Air Defense Alert System

Now like come on you just make videos with no sense , When did PAF say they are inducting CAMM/HISAR , the only news is regarding PAF inducting HQ9B as shown in the PAF video in near future. And PA's HQ9P were delivered and operational back in 2020 its been like 2 years now.

While in the other UAV thread you're information is incomplete and wrong , Akinci drones have already been inducted and we operate WL1 in addition to WL2 and CH4.
Is there a reason Pak is operating so many different types of drones that are seemingly similar in capabilities? Like for example WL1/WL2, CH4, TB2...while also having Shahpar(slightly less capable than those) and working on a MALE drone under Azm? It seems like an inefficient approach. Wouldn't it be better to trial the competing products...and go for one in larger numbers? Or just use those resources to develop either Shahpar further...or the MALE drone under Azm project?
Is there a reason Pak is operating so many different types of drones that are seemingly similar in capabilities? Like for example WL1/WL2, CH4, TB2...while also having Shahpar(slightly less capable than those) and working on a MALE drone under Azm? It seems like an inefficient approach. Wouldn't it be better to trial the competing products...and go for one in larger numbers? Or just use those resources to develop either Shahpar further...or the MALE drone under Azm project?
I'm assuming the TB2 and WL2 drone will be procured so that they can take them apart and learn lessons from them, which in turn will be used to develop better indigenous solutions.

I'm assuming the TB2 and WL2 drone will be procured so that they can take them apart and learn lessons from them, which in turn will be used to develop better indigenous solutions.
Either that or they needed a stopgap solution till Shahpar 2 production kicks up, to deal with emerging threats.
Is there a reason Pak is operating so many different types of drones that are seemingly similar in capabilities? Like for example WL1/WL2, CH4, TB2...while also having Shahpar(slightly less capable than those) and working on a MALE drone under Azm? It seems like an inefficient approach. Wouldn't it be better to trial the competing products...and go for one in larger numbers? Or just use those resources to develop either Shahpar further...or the MALE drone under Azm project?
Yes it does seem like a inefficient approach when u dont any research and just go on do comments without reading any threads or finding out the roles of each UAV.

PA & PN both only operate CH4 UAVs , where as the PAF operates the Shahpar 2 & TB-2 as Small armed UAVs and WL2 as a heavy strike UAV , while the PAC's MALE UAV which is going to be using some parts from Anka (hence the tot) is going to fill the gap between TB2/SH2 & WL2 as the PAC MALE UAV is in similar class to CH4. Whereas a handful WL1s are operated by Minitry of Interior most probably .
Yes it does seem like a inefficient approach when u dont any research and just go on do comments without reading any threads or finding out the roles of each UAV.

PA & PN both only operate CH4 UAVs , where as the PAF operates the Shahpar 2 & TB-2 as Small armed UAVs and WL2 as a heavy strike UAV , while the PAC's MALE UAV which is going to be using some parts from Anka (hence the tot) is going to fill the gap between TB2/SH2 & WL2 as the PAC MALE UAV is in similar class to CH4. Whereas a handful WL1s are operated by Minitry of Interior most probably .
U don't have to be passive aggressive about it...if u really were that bothered by my lack of knowledge then shouldn't have answered...if u were going to answer anyways...then u could've just done it in a nice manner(without any need of ur first paragraph).

Still I appreciate u taking the time to answer :enjoy:
Now like come on you just make videos with no sense , When did PAF say they are inducting CAMM/HISAR , the only news is regarding PAF inducting HQ9B as shown in the PAF video in near future. And PA's HQ9P were delivered and operational back in 2020 its been like 2 years now.

While in the other UAV thread you're information is incomplete and wrong , Akinci drones have already been inducted and we operate WL1 in addition to WL2 and CH4.
IR akinci induction came last year Chinese CH were been used by than TB 2 drone info came as news
PAF choose same H q air defence system is a blunder because we need to diversify our air defence umbrella by complementing air defence systemsthis is why Russia USA Israel don't rely one air defence system they have different types to complement each other's weakness

If enemy find out HQ 9 weaknesses we don't have anything to counter enemies aggression

We need different classes air defences not similar
PAF choose same H q air defence system is a blunder because we need to diversify our air defence umbrella by complementing air defence systemsthis is why Russia USA Israel don't rely one air defence system they have different types to complement each other's weakness

If enemy find out HQ 9 weaknesses we don't have anything to counter enemies aggression

We need different classes air defences not similar

They also have SPADA 2000
Looks like PAF has upgraded its entire network of front line radars to TPS77MRR , 27 x TPS77MRR being delivered as per @Tps43 earlier post.

But MPDR are still active at some TPS77MRR sites , meaning TPS77MRR is not replacement for them rather new layer of air def bubble supporting MDPR layer.
According to certain other sources PAF has acquired MPDR replacement as well , let's see when then those pop up.
TPS43 radars also yet to be replaced , but I think we will probably replace those will local alternative.
Is the PAF more professional because it isn't involved in king-making, musical chairs, and politics in general?
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