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PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

So here is what we can conclude:

1) PAF was on alert with 2 CAPs flying.
2) IAF deployed decoy/diversionary formation in Lahore-Sialkot and Bahawalpur area. PAF responded and kept them in check.
3) Then 3rd IAF formation(main attack force; bigger than other two) was detected. The 3rd PAF CAP formation; which would have taken off after 1st CAP was assigneded to deal with IAF formation in Lahore-Sialkot sector. So by the time this 3rd formation was able to engage IAF formation had crossed LOC by few Nautical Miles.
5) Upon engagement(probably in nick of time); either the IAF formations hastily did a weapons release or jettisoned the payload and made a dash for their territory.
6) The 4 bombs fell in Jaba Balakot region; but without causing any real damage unlike what is claimed by Indian Media(Local Pakistan Media and Reuters have confirmed this; see my earlier posts).
7) But since this was clear violation of Pakistani Airspace; Pakistan will respond.

All in all; PAF did well, although as a lesson learned more CAPs can be kept in air at a time from now on wards so that they can't even make it past LOC.

I agree but still we missed golden opportunity to down their jets.

It means also we didn’t detect their main formation enough earlier in order to be able to deny them entering our airspace. Because we agree they got inside our airspace even if it was only for few miles.

I remember few months back Russians bombers were detected well before they approach french airspace and that triggered the takeoff of 2 rafales.
its your choice not mine and am not blind follower
well not me too, but i dont criticise paf..as if they were sitting ducks...on the other way its like your joining hands with a stupid statements of indians.
Spice-2000 achieves a stand-off range of over 60 kilometers
This further corroborated by following sources:

Reuters Report:



“We couldn’t tell what had happened. It was only in the morning that we figured out it was an attack,” he told Reuters after visiting the site, in a wooded hilltop area.

“We saw fallen trees and one damaged house, and four craters where the bombs had fallen.”

Fida Hussain Shah, a 46 year-old farmer, said he and other villagers had found pieces of Indian ordnance that had splintered pine trees on the hill but the only casualty was a man sleeping in his house when shrapnel broke the windows.


Dunya News Report:


This video from Locals:

Tweets by DG ISPR since morning; BBC Urdu reports also corroborate to the facts explained in DG ISPRs press conference.
What kind of a 1000 Pound bomd was this that could not take down a mud house.
Next IAF mission is to jettison its targeting pods on border and claim it destroyed half of PAF. I bet pathological liar indians will believe that sh1t as well.
Btw during situation like this if India is trying to portray pakistan as a loser country then they need to show some evidence like satellite images before and after of it indented target!
not some claims shooting out of modi g's @zz
So here is what we can conclude:

1) PAF was on alert with 2 CAPs flying.
2) IAF deployed decoy/diversionary formation in Lahore-Sialkot and Bahawalpur area. PAF responded and kept them in check.
3) Then 3rd IAF formation(main attack force; bigger than other two) was detected. The 3rd PAF CAP formation; which would have taken off after 1st CAP was assigneded to deal with IAF formation in Lahore-Sialkot sector. So by the time this 3rd formation was able to engage IAF formation had crossed LOC by few Nautical Miles.
5) Upon engagement(probably in nick of time); either the IAF formations hastily did a weapons release or jettisoned the payload and made a dash for their territory.
6) The 4 bombs fell in Jaba Balakot region; but without causing any real damage unlike what is claimed by Indian Media(Local Pakistan Media and Reuters have confirmed this; see my earlier posts).
7) But since this was clear violation of Pakistani Airspace; Pakistan will respond.

All in all; PAF did well, although as a lesson learned more CAPs can be kept in air at a time from now on wards so that they can't even make it past LOC.

That's pretty much the summary I can agree with as well. There's 2 crucial variables that I hope someone can clarify:

1. What is the range of these purported 1000kg bombs they claim to have deployed? Or what kind of bombs would have the range of over 50km deployed from these mirages?
2. I saw some claims of fuel tanks dropped off at Balkot. Are these substantiated?

Regardless, I think India has their propaganda victory, and I don't see how PAF could have handled the situation any better than they did. They found a number of jets crossing the border, moved to intercept but did not engage as they weren't sure if they were attacking or merely testing their boundaries. By the time the attack confirmation came in, the jets were beyond range. Also keep in mind that engaging the jets could've very well crashed the Indian jets into their own territory where they could simply ignore their original attack and labelled us the aggressors. It was a tricky situation and I feel PAF did the best they could under the circumstances.
Next IAF mission is to jettison its targeting pods on border and claim it destroyed half of PAF. I bet pathological liar indians will believe that sh1t as well.
Btw during situation like this if India is trying to portray pakistan as a loser country then they need to show some evidence like satellite images before and after of it indented target!
not some claims shooting out of modi g's @zz
Why ?? now let your leaders build narrative We will show are cards later

I mean this is just 12 jets formation what Will happen if its Will be 200+ Is DG ISPR accepting PAF vulnerability ???

well not me too, but i dont criticise paf..as if they were sitting ducks...on the other way its like your joining hands with a stupid statements of indians.
if you dnt criticize if they are sitting duck then its astonishing for me .
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