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PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

DG ISPR press conference explains well what happened last night and connects all the dots.

Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, the director general (DG) of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), is holding a press conference on India's violation on the Line of Control (LoC) earlier in the day.

Early on Tuesday, the army spokesperson had said that Indian military planes violated the LoC, intruding from the Muzaffarabad sector, following which "Pakistan Air Force immediately scrambled" and Indian aircraft went back.

The ISPR DG started with a presentation, debunking claims made by India that the country's air force had "struck the biggest training camp of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in Balakot". "They are claiming that they remained in the Pakistani airspace for 21 minutes and killed 350 terrorists. They claim that the second strike was in Muzaffarabad and the third in Chakothi.

"Allah almighty is the greatest and we should not make tall claims, but come and try to spend 21 minutes in Pakistani airspace."

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"According to war methodology, our entire Air Force could not have stayed airborne. Our safeguards on land were in place. So if they had tried an on-ground incursion, they would have met the response that we had planned.

"Last night, our radars were observing them. They had earlier come closer to our border but did not cross it. Last night, their first visibility was observed near the Sialkot and Lahore border. They were seen approaching the border. Our Combat Air Patrol (CAP) team approached and challenged them. They did not cross.

"As per the SOP (standard operating procedure), when the first team got committed there, the next CAP team automatically was airborne. During this, another one of their formation was picked in Bahawalpur sector. The second standby team went down south and challenged it. We then observed that the more heavier of their teams was approaching Muzaffarabad sector from Kiran Valley. When our third CAP team challenged them, they had crossed the LoC.

"Their approaching of the border, the challenge and their return took four minutes," said the ISPR DG.

"If they had struck any military position, then an engagement would have happened. But they did not do that because if they had done so, our soldiers were ready.

"India's purpose is not that — Modi's government, even when it violates ceasefire violations in Azad Kashmir, deliberately targets civil population. Had they struck the military last night, then uniformed personnel would have been martyred and it would not have served their purpose.

"They wanted to target a place where civilians could have died, so they could claim that they targeted a terrorist camp.

"This would have benefited their war mongering and politics. They entered from Kashmir's Tangdhar — they were timely and effectively challenged, and repulsed by the Air Force. On their way back, they jettisoned their payload. Four of their bombs fell in [Balakot's] Jabba and they went back.

"The ground troops' job is to ascertain if anything has fallen or not. When they [Indian aircraft] went back, we checked through our line of communication and found that there were no strikes.

Referring to Indian media's claims that "350 terrorists have been killed and a hideout has been destroyed", Maj Gen Ghafoor: "I called you [journalists] so I could take you there [to the site] and show you on ground reality but unfortunately, I cannot take you by air due to rough weather.

"But the local media is there and have shown that there was not even a single brick there. They are claiming that they killed 350 terrorists; I say even if they had killed 10, what about their bodies, their funerals, their blood [...] the spot is open for anybody and everybody: for ambassadors, defence attaches, UN military observer group in Pakistan.

"Even the civilian population or army representatives from India can come through the authorised entry points in Pakistan. See it for yourself and go back and tell your prime minister."

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Unbelievable. You mean that IK stopped PAF?

BTW, you responded to sarcasm.

In that case, PAF did exactly what they did in 1999 Kargil episode. While Mushy and his cronies criticized, PAF stuck to its stance about not going into escalation. That was a good thing back then. I am not sure it is still a good thing because how many times can PAF take this stance? Would it always be so?

I understand your POV, but until India continues its policies in Kashmir, asymmetric warfare will likely continue. This will hurt Pakistan more than it hurts India, but policy-makers do not see it that way.
Unfortunately they have a myopic view; they sowed the seeds of destructions across entire region and you saw how the snakes they reared came home to bite; they never learn the lesson. I regret they dont realise, next time Islamabad or other place is fair target.

I remember the Rhodesian SAS when they brazenly went into the compound of Kaunda to take out Joshua Nkomo. Kaunda was completely jolted and thereafter moved them out to a suburb of Lusaka. or the raid on Harare during Commonweath summit in Harare by SAAF in broadday light on John major as a signal not to mess.

Now your local authorities are in damage control to make it platable to local audience. Frankly most are concerned about their daily living not these adventures policy makers have been wheeling in but poor civilian is then recruited to be cannon fodder as a fool.
This further corroborated by following sources:

Reuters Report:



“We couldn’t tell what had happened. It was only in the morning that we figured out it was an attack,” he told Reuters after visiting the site, in a wooded hilltop area.

“We saw fallen trees and one damaged house, and four craters where the bombs had fallen.”

Fida Hussain Shah, a 46 year-old farmer, said he and other villagers had found pieces of Indian ordnance that had splintered pine trees on the hill but the only casualty was a man sleeping in his house when shrapnel broke the windows.


Dunya News Report:


This video from Locals:

Tweets by DG ISPR since morning; BBC Urdu reports also corroborate to the facts explained in DG ISPRs press conference.
Coward action to provoke Pakistan.
They hardly could stay in our Air Space for 30-60 sec.
It means entered, turned and dropped fuel tanks to speed up running back
Gen Ghafoor....looks very serious ."India do ready for the surprise. which will not be something hard to find. World will see the truth"
^^ lol hahaha...almost fell off my chair .
So here is what we can conclude:

1) PAF was on alert with 2 CAPs flying.
2) IAF deployed decoy/diversionary formation in Lahore-Sialkot and Bahawalpur area. PAF responded and kept them in check.
3) Then 3rd IAF formation(main attack force; bigger than other two) was detected. The 3rd PAF CAP formation; which would have taken off after 1st CAP was assigneded to deal with IAF formation in Lahore-Sialkot sector. So by the time this 3rd formation was able to engage IAF formation had crossed LOC by few Nautical Miles.
5) Upon engagement(probably in nick of time); either the IAF formations hastily did a weapons release or jettisoned the payload and made a dash for their territory.
6) The 4 bombs fell in Jaba Balakot region; but without causing any real damage unlike what is claimed by Indian Media(Local Pakistan Media and Reuters have confirmed this; see my earlier posts).
7) But since this was clear violation of Pakistani Airspace; Pakistan will respond.

All in all; PAF did well, although as a lesson learned more CAPs can be kept in air at a time from now on wards so that they can't even make it past LOC.
I usually dont post such stuff but :

رات کا وقت!
بھارتی طیارے آتے ہیں
پاکستان کے عوام سو رہے ہیں
طیارے 3 میل تک پاکستان میں آ جاتے ہیں جو کہ سیکنڈوں کا کام ہے،
وطن کے محافظ جاگ رہے ہیں،
اڑان بھرتے ہیں
بھارتی طیاروں کو خبر ہوتی ہے کہ لوگ سو رہے ہیں فوجی جاگ رہا ہے ،
اور وہ اپنے تباہی کے عزائم لے کر واپس پلٹتے ہیں!
صبح ہوتی ہے
عوام اٹھتی ہے
سب سلامت ہیں
کسی کو موچ تک نہیں آئی
گھر سلامت ہیں
کسی کو نہیں پتہ جب وہ سو رہے تھے تو ان پر حملہ ہونے لگا تھا
کسی کو نہیں پتہ ان سب کے لیئے کوئی کتنی دور سے کونسی بیس سے جہاز ڑا کر لایا ہے اور حملہ کرنے والے حملہ کیئے بغیر واپس پلٹے ہیں،
سب اٹھتے ہیں
ٹی وی لگاتا ہے کوئی تو کوئی فیسبک اوپن کرتا ہے!

محافظوں پر تنقید شروع ہوتی ہے!
کوئی ناکام تو کوئی سویا ہوا کہتا ہے!
کوئی تنقید تو کوئی مزاق اڑاتا ہے!

اتنی خبر نہیں کہ سوئے ہوتے محافظ تو !!!
تم اپنے جنازے اٹھائے بین کر رہے ہوتے
اپنے گھروں کے ملبوں پر رو رہے ہوتے!
کوئی جاگ رہا تھا تبھی کسی کی جان نہیں گئی کسی کا مال نہیں گیا!
تمھارا کیا خیال ہے وہ اپنے 40 فوجیوں کی موت کے بدلے تمھیں زندہ چھوڑ کر جاتا ؟؟؟
تم فضول کی باتیں بند کرو
دشمن کو ہنسنے کا موقع مت دو اسے اپنی باتیں اس کے ملک میں پھیلانے کا موقع مت دو۔۔ آپس میں unity ظاہر کرو افواج کی حوصلہ افزائی کرو تم نے رات کو پھر سونا ہے فوجی پھر جاگے گا اپنا سینا لے کر !
اپنی باتیں اپنی تبصرے مٹا دو ڈیلیٹ کر دو اور برا امیج باہر مت بھیجو!
تمھیں دشمن زندہ چھوڑ کر نہیں گیا تمھیں اللہ کے مجاہدوں اور ان محافظوں نے محفوظ رکھا ورنہ اپنے 40 کے بدلے وہ 80 کا مشن لایا ہو گا وہ پکنک پر نہیں آیا تھا!
As I have said in this thread something big was about to happen, this violation and attack proves that my sources are extremely credible.

People who were screaming that India is cowardly are the ones now accusing paf of incompetence and failure.
As I have said in this thread something big was about to happen, this violation and attack proves that my sources are extremely credible.

People who were screaming that India is cowardly are the ones now accusing paf of incompetence and failure.
you were right sir
Coward action to provoke Pakistan.
They hardly could stay in our Air Space for 30-60 sec.
It means entered, turned and dropped fuel tanks to speed up running back
12 seconds was their flight time. They did not expect Vipers in the air to come after them. You don't jettison your ordnance unless you run away. Plus a 1000 kg bomb will cause a lot of damage.
As I have said in this thread something big was about to happen, this violation and attack proves that my sources are extremely credible.

People who were screaming that India is cowardly are the ones now accusing paf of incompetence and failure.

The mission failed, Indian aircraft flew away as soon as the PAF sent aircraft to intercept them.

So yes, India is still cowardly.
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