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PAF Pilots To Be Honoured

This is crazy isnt it Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000i, MiG-21BISON ...nobody fired a single missile! and from even Indian Narrative only MIG-21BISON which wreckage is with Pakistan Fired the missile non of aircraft that were committed as per indian narrative did not fire a thing!

For example please look at this indian narrative - it suggests 8 x aircraft is air - I would request you to ignore details of PAF deposition in this picture Map and just look with open mind! there are huge wholes in PAF reports(what they are not disclosing) and IAF which will not tell...where did those Mirage 2000i go? where did remaing Su-30MKI go except the pair we engaged...where is Abhinandone wingman. There were 4 x MiG-21BISON in Air? why Indian Air Defense systems Like SAM were not activated...where is Green Pine Radar or Sword Fish Radar why they were blind did Green Pine got destroyed at KG Top where is KG Top?. why srinager SAM System was at hair trigger and fired. my understanding is once 1st defense line is shattered SAMs go hair trigger.

we need to discuss these ...On Ground what has happen DG ISPR telling of fighting all along LOC
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The disruptive and distructive artillary shelling from pak side he mentioned....

There is a complete silence on indian side about use of heavy guns by pak
Firing of missile is not at will. It requires clearances from HQ. And during these volatile times no one had the nerve to give that clearance. You never know where debris falls.

However in Pakistan's case. The entire mission was planned. We had considered the eventualities and hence our action was well timed.

PAF is not very happy with Su-30 kill for that matter. That was a hostile act. Shooting down a military aircraft in its own territory. PAF has never maintained an aggressive posture per-say.

Ofcourse they had.
so it was just a lucky kill?
I dont think ... at the time when we dropped bomb accross the LOC the general rules of engagement are valid ...
thats a point but @Tps43 has also said that in another thread that both locked each other i mean mki and thunder
thats a point but @Tps43 has also said that in another thread that both locked each other i mean mki and thunder
Why didnt they fire then ? they already had the confirmation that we attacked on their teritory ... even if wreckage had fallen to our side their attack would have legitimate reasoning
Why didnt they fire then ? they already had the confirmation that we attacked on their teritory ... even if wreckage had fallen to our side their attack would have legitimate reasoning
@Tps43 would have the answer but dnt know he would like to share it or not
@Tps43 would have the answer but dnt know he would like to share it or not
No one could have an answere because what we just know from our radar that another radar is scanning us and then another has got a lock on us ... whether the radar is providing an appropriate firing solution is another story ... for example if radar of mki was able to see the thunder at 100 kms but range of available weappn is 90 kms then no firing solution is available .... infact firing a missile on a maximum engagement range of missile will just make the opposition aircrafts to turn away like our f16s did with mkis ... effective range of current bvrs in subcontinent is 50 to 60 kms which is sort of no escape zone ...
No one could have an answere because what we just know from our radar that another radar is scanning us and then another has got a lock on us ... whether the radar is providing an appropriate firing solution is another story ... for example if radar of mki was able to see the thunder at 100 kms but range of available weappn is 90 kms then no firing solution is available .... infact firing a missile on a maximum engagement range of missile will just make the opposition aircrafts to turn away like our f16s did with mkis ... effective range of current bvrs in subcontinent is 50 to 60 kms which is sort of no escape zone ...
ohhh ok sir
so it was just a lucky kill?

Not lucky. It was the clashing of ego's to be honest. That very Su-30 was giving radar locks to F-16s in the vicinity and hence S/L Hassan went after him in the heat of the battle. The Su was shot down after Mig 21's kill inside Pakistan.
Not lucky. It was the clashing of ego's to be honest. That very Su-30 was giving radar locks to F-16s in the vicinity and hence S/L Hassan went after him in the heat of the battle. The Su was shot down after Mig 21's kill inside Pakistan.

Was the SU in Pakistani airspace is there any way to know? He [Hassan] wouldn't receive permission to fire on it otherwise. So the pilot of the SU probably risked his life taking plane back into Indian airspace which could explain why second captured pilot was severely injured, that's my guess.
you are right but the pilots did the most dangerous job. they were the only ones who put their lives at risk.

Yes I agree. But still it was a team work. Work of all people on ground involved in the operation should be recognised too.

They should have also medals or any other sort of reward. Even a public statement about the quality of their work will do the job.
Not lucky. It was the clashing of ego's to be honest. That very Su-30 was giving radar locks to F-16s in the vicinity and hence S/L Hassan went after him in the heat of the battle. The Su was shot down after Mig 21's kill inside Pakistan.

This will be a long reply so i request your complete attention.

Respectfully, Things dont add up! one side you have commented as per your sources complete control was there fire was open cautiously and deescalate immediately. hence 2 x kills.

On other side of coin you are stating that this filmy type of thing had happened! clash of egos!

This is what i think after linking the dots..after all DG ISPR has given the liberty to us by not disclosing complete picture for all to see..he has his reasons!

PAF went in full aware that there will be resistance after all they were probing all night 26th-27th Feb. so this ROI and Cautious approach which you are implying as per your sources goes out of the window.

They were to bomb the targets (just not the legitimate targets) they knew IAF will come after them any sane force will. so you/they think that they didnt shoot in free will.

There is not a single pilot or Air boss in this world worth his salt not to open fire once the shooting started this would be treason what if one gets through and takes out one of ours! would PAF expect to Indians to approach cautiously...i dont think so if they had chance they would have fired freely. this brings me to an important point Even Iraqi AF fired missiles at there opponent, Serbian MiG-29s fired at there opponents. Syrians able to fire against there opponents. why did not IAF fired a single missile.....hell even blind firing can cause disturbance among the foe. the picture you have made is yes they were locking each other up and waiting to things happen...is a recipe of disaster! until unless PAF did its Job amazingly well! wipe the slate clean!!!

Yes, Hiding large amount of kills is may be of many reasons "Kargill" is well entrenched in our memory it started small and just got big...PAF mission was strike that was to be of importance but response just got big.

Then may be foreign pilot or pilots theory does have some weight in it...because once you claim all the kills then you have to tell them who was in a pair of mirage 2000i...

so this led me to conclusion that Number of kills scored are much higher then 2 kills and damages scored on ground in too much as well and while at it Our DG ISPR requested india to tell the truth when they were readying there Brahmos what we did! this itself requires subjective analysis.

Food for thought!
By the way IAF is still flying? high tempo because when they flew they had abnormal amounts of accidents and road accidents happened. alert is still there why these accidents are not happening on regular basis after all its 2 months and 5 days..

In the end!
No matter what 2 losses of IAF in air are not enough to bring Brahmos into play and completely sidelining a 678(pre-battle) and 670(post Battle) force until something devastating had to happened and then not to come close to 50-60km of Pakistan Border. does say a lot!

and off course! everybody has the right to call this post "BS" and move forward!

@Windjammer @The Eagle @Vortex @MastanKhan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Mangus Ortus Novem
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