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PAF Pilots To Be Honoured

So, Now after DG ISPRs most recent Presser! what do we have.
1. windjammer claim verified about ammunition dump.
2. Div. HQ and Chief of Army Bipin Rawat(India)
3. reiterating 2 x Kills scored by PAF ((Why the hidding!)
4. We had only 1 pilot. W/C abhinondone (very contradictory he himself said the 2nd pilot is dead)
5. We shall offer and celebrate PAF crew soon.

By the way you Guys at PDF noticed he thanked You!

@Windjammer @The Eagle @MastanKhan @Hakikat ve Hikmet
And, we always thank Allah-u Azimushshan....
i am also confused on #4 as he did said that the other pilot was dead, when did he thanked us? did i missed that part? :o
So, Now after DG ISPRs most recent Presser! what do we have.
1. windjammer claim verified about ammunition dump.
2. Div. HQ and Chief of Army Bipin Rawat(India)
3. reiterating 2 x Kills scored by PAF ((Why the hidding!)
4. We had only 1 pilot. W/C abhinondone (very contradictory he himself said the 2nd pilot is dead)
5. We shall offer and celebrate PAF crew soon.

By the way you Guys at PDF noticed he thanked You!

@Windjammer @The Eagle @MastanKhan @Hakikat ve Hikmet
About pilot it must be intelligence information
There was no lock on thindees by mkis otherwise they would have fired the bvr

This is crazy isnt it Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000i, MiG-21BISON ...nobody fired a single missile! and from even Indian Narrative only MIG-21BISON which wreckage is with Pakistan Fired the missile non of aircraft that were committed as per indian narrative did not fire a thing!

For example please look at this indian narrative - it suggests 8 x aircraft is air - I would request you to ignore details of PAF deposition in this picture Map and just look with open mind! there are huge wholes in PAF reports(what they are not disclosing) and IAF which will not tell...where did those Mirage 2000i go? where did remaing Su-30MKI go except the pair we engaged...where is Abhinandone wingman. There were 4 x MiG-21BISON in Air? why Indian Air Defense systems Like SAM were not activated...where is Green Pine Radar or Sword Fish Radar why they were blind did Green Pine got destroyed at KG Top where is KG Top?. why srinager SAM System was at hair trigger and fired. my understanding is once 1st defense line is shattered SAMs go hair trigger.

we need to discuss these ...On Ground what has happen DG ISPR telling of fighting all along LOC
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all the pilots were there for one purpose and that was to fight the enemy. they all had different roles. some had to go inside indian air space to bomb their third class army . others were there to protect the strike fighters from the indian third class air force. now it was just by a stroke of luck that the missiles from jets of S/L hassan and W/C noman struck their targets and two indian jets were shot down. otherwise rest of the pilots fired their missiles with the same intention. so all the strike force deserves to be rewarded.

May I add that all people who participated from cleaning, arming, maintaining jets, ground controllers, planners, pilots who were involved directly, indirectly... we should not forget the teachers who educated those people, their parents, and of course taxe payers too all should be honoured And I’m forgetting many others.

But first Of all we should thanks Allah to have given us the victory.
There was no lock on thindees by mkis otherwise they would have fired the bvr

Firing of missile is not at will. It requires clearances from HQ. And during these volatile times no one had the nerve to give that clearance. You never know where debris falls.

However in Pakistan's case. The entire mission was planned. We had considered the eventualities and hence our action was well timed.

PAF is not very happy with Su-30 kill for that matter. That was a hostile act. Shooting down a military aircraft in its own territory. PAF has never maintained an aggressive posture per-say.

Did Su 30s had lock on on our jets?

Ofcourse they had.
May I add that all people who participated from cleaning, arming, maintaining jets, ground controllers, planners, pilots who were involved directly, indirectly... we should not forget the teachers who educated those people, their parents, and of course taxe payers too all should be honoured And I’m forgetting many others.

But first Of all we should thanks Allah to have given us the victory.
Sorry but the people who drive PAF that are mostly comprised of the technicians, maintainers and engineers are given less to nothing recognition compared to the pilots. That's how it is, within the air force they are very much recognize but amongst the public it is rare to grant them their due respects.
Sorry but the people who drive PAF that are mostly comprised of the technicians, maintainers and engineers are given less to nothing recognition compared to the pilots. That's how it is, within the air force they are very much recognize but amongst the public it is rare to grant them their due respects.

I know and that’s why I kindly reminded the fact that they exist and without them the targets could/would have been missed. :tup:
Firing of missile is not at will. It requires clearances from HQ. And during these volatile times no one had the nerve to give that clearance. You never know where debris falls.

However in Pakistan's case. The entire mission was planned. We had considered the eventualities and hence our action was well timed.

PAF is not very happy with Su-30 kill for that matter. That was a hostile act. Shooting down a military aircraft in its own territory. PAF has never maintained an aggressive posture per-say.

Ofcourse they had.

Not in case of an attack ... u r forgetting that they were repelling an actual attack and it wasnt a usual mission of air space violation ... they had the authority feom the start as it was an active aie battle ...

They were not able to get loxk and their mission computees were unable to give any firing solution evideny feom the fact that on the next they dumped IAF and rather planned a missile strike and immesiately consulted french and isralei experts to identify the reasons of failure
This is crazy isnt it Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000i, MiG-21BISON ...nobody fired a single missile! and from even Indian Narrative only MIG-21BISON which wreckage is with Pakistan Fired the missile non of aircraft that were committed as per indian narrative did not fire a thing!

For example please look at this indian narrative - it suggests 8 x aircraft is air - I would request you to ignore details of PAF deposition in this picture Map and just look with open mind! there are huge wholes in PAF reports(what they are not disclosing) and IAF which will not tell...where did those Mirage 2000i go? where did remaing Su-30MKI go except the pair we engaged...where is Abhinandone wingman. There were 4 x MiG-21BISON in Air? why Indian Air Defense systems Like SAM were not activated...where is Green Pine Radar or Sword Fish Radar why they were blind did Green Pine got destroyed at KG Top where is KG Top?. why srinager SAM System was at hair trigger and fired. my understanding is once 1st defense line is shattered SAMs go hair trigger.

we need to discuss these ...On Ground what has happen DG ISPR telling of fighting all along LOC
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Are you suggesting none the "Blue" guys went home??!?! And, later getting delusional to the suicidal level???? Hence, Modi's "terrible loss" and "wished to have Rafaels" statements afterwards????
May I add that all people who participated from cleaning, arming, maintaining jets, ground controllers, planners, pilots who were involved directly, indirectly... we should not forget the teachers who educated those people, their parents, and of course taxe payers too all should be honoured And I’m forgetting many others.

But first Of all we should thanks Allah to have given us the victory.
you are right but the pilots did the most dangerous job. they were the only ones who put their lives at risk.
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