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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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This makes sense, I would figure the US-Indian alliance will come to an end at some point. The US has sold India pretty sophisticated hardware and yet, India has not returned the favor. US extended India certain privileges in missile technology and even intel sharing, communication networks. It has not confronted China and has not even come close to being the "hedge" that the US wanted it to be. This idea was probably spoon-fed to US policy makers by the Indian lobby and scholars of Indian-origin working at thinktanks. It's similar to the illegal Indian job network here in the US - they promote their own Indian resumes to jobs and throw competent non-Indian resumes in the trash. It ended up wasting a decade of US time, money, and they foolishly gave up so much of their technology in exchange for nothing. India has failed the US in confronting China. The Indians literally think that they can extract maximum benefits from US due to their lobbying and do nothing in exchange.

Now the US is moving towards doing the confrontation itself with its own weapons. Hence, you see the push towards hypersonic missiles, laser weaponry, long range rockets and missiles for island warfare. India has no place in the calculus.

It's the same wherever they go. While we Pakis are busy pulling each other down, the indians will bring their own people everywhere.
No wonder so many of them end up on higher positions of power like Microsoft, Google and all...
I think the US was surprised when Pak didn't come to the US after 26th, and took action on the 27th, without getting a nod from Rome. It seems we instead acted independently and in very close coordination with China. This freaked them out and got them to change their gameplan. I think a fundamental shift in their foreign policy happened because of this.

Also, with IK and the united front we are now presenting, for the first time, it seems the Americans respect Pakistan.
This is part of Trump's mediation into the Kashmir problem... a really effective solution. Endians are going to be at the end of a long, sharp, stick.

This is punishment for trying to reject Trumps claim on Modi.

Give our Young ones Skilled Visa Categories and Investment in our Industry if you want to give Aid to us.
for God sake no more weapons on aid Please. :(
Buy and Develop Weapons that you can afford with your own Finance and limit your hostilities to that capability you can afford. Stop bankrupting our country with this trend.

Without the weapons, you will not have a country.
You need weapons to protect those investments and your industry, which dried out not because you were not spending on it but because you were fighting a "WAR".
Or you simply have maneuvering, multiple re-entry vehicles. That's another choice that Russia seems to have gone with.

if @TallGuy is on target, which I think he is, then it is a very interesting situation. It is like we have a lot of cards to play. Israeli pilots, Indian pilots, Russian warm water access, American retreat from Afghanistan, Chinese access to the Gulf, Pak Oil!!!, top marketing team for LM, protecting Saudi and UAE during the Iran debacle,...

I would add that we are slowly forming a core alliance with Turkey and Malaysia.

Now the foreign policy blunder we used to make is we would focus on the military equipment but not on the economic help we can get. Can we get Trump to ask his business buddies to invest in Pakistan? Since they are moving out of China, and India seems inhospitable, we can have a shot at this, and all we need is a shot.

First of course, we need to get our house in order. I remember visiting Pak factories in Punjab as a field researcher for a World Bank - IMF project in 2003, and many of the factories were cold because of frequent load shedding. If this problem is continuing then bringing foreign investment will not work at all.

Can IK call up Tesla? That would be most interesting. I think we can basically save Tesla by lowering their costs to kingdom come. And they can give us an economic breakthrough.

The belt and road initiative can also be used for Russian goods flowing through to the South. If we can work on this, there is huge (yuge) trade potential in this.

The other aspect we are completely ignoring are industrial machinery. High tech machinery is something that can help increase our industrial production. Perhaps we can make a deal with China to get a host of their garments factories (which they are getting rid of as they are going up to other kinds of products) and simultaneously make a deal with the US to get preferential access to their market.
Could we do the same for light electronics? Can we become a future clock maker for the world? China cannot sustain these industries for long, as their income levels rise and productive population decreases.

One of the plans we had (well, I had) at the PTI think tank was to build Pak Malls. That is, self-contained colonies essentially that are malls. Pakistanis would buy shop space and living quarters, and the government would help set these malls up in every major city in the world. This would allow us to sell our products directly to foreign customers, rather than going through the MNCs that squeeze us out of 95% of the market value of a product. If we can make a deal with Trump (and he being a real estate tycoon would appreciate this, and who knows even participate in some form), we could set up a Pak Mall in all major cities in the US.

That would be a price I'd want the US to pay more than any weapon system alone.

The last point I want to raise is that we are focused on the big ticket items. But we should not lose eyesight on the small items. Pak needs to replace the G-3. We could easily get a lot of American small arms to replace our outdated and worn-thin guns. Same is true for armour. The US has been upgrading their own personnel armor, but the old gear could easily come Pak's way. We are also way behind India on APCs and other armored vehicles.

Very well said! But I would respectfully like to disagree on the following two points, without going into details, Pak does not hold the cards for these two:

1) "Chinese access to the Gulf".
Pakistan could have played a very +ve role in this regard, but unfortunately the last 2 administrations, have been snoozing, and missed the boat. With KSA as the official 3rd Partner in CPEC, this "could" change.

2) "Protecting Saudi and UAE during the Iran debacle"
Not anymore.
Sir due respect... At this moments and now on china is stratrgic partner forseable future.... America is untrustworthy ..... Better to balance between both of them as pakistan interest can not be harmed .... Milking America for better benefits by not dumping china as strategic partner ...

And what do you suppose we have bee doing for decades?
The Americans have already said that they cannot allow their F35 to coexist in the same arsenal as the S400 where it's weaknesses can be wargames and identified, they have cancelled Turkey's contract in this regard.
Can someone tell me why they would make an exception in India's case.
Answers on a postcard please.

They may allow F-35 to India as they allowed Pakistan to keep F-16s separate from non US systems.
please avoid posting fake news. no one said BLK 70s. don't make up stuff.

How is it a fake news?
Even if it was a speculation, it still won't be "Fake news".?
where's the fabrication
If india ready to ditch s-400 first

There is possibility that India will get both S-400 and F-35 but may station them far away from each other.
I think there are two major plans at play:

1. Pak will get Taliban to take over Afghanistan via elections so it is less shameful for the US.
2. Pak will protect SA and UAE interests in the coming Iran war.

The other issue is that with these F-16s coming, the Pak-Russian / Pak-China deal becomes insignificant as PAF is cannot absorb more than the JF-17 and F-16 simultaneously.

Pak has to make sure that they get whatever equipment is being promised on a fast track and not get delayed into oblivion.

Some additional thoughts:

1. Can some used equipment be part of the deal? And not only for the air force but for the army and the navy? How about some helicopters? Some APCs?

2. Can the navy also get something, perhaps the Swift ships?

You do realize we have a border with "Iran"?
And if a war does start and Pakistan is defending the interests of UAE and Saudi, then who the iranians will have an easy time attacking and throwing everything at? America on the other side of the world or a country you have a long border with?
Very well said! But I would respectfully like to disagree on the following two points, without going into details, Pak does not hold the cards for these two:

1) "Chinese access to the Gulf".
Pakistan could have played a very +ve role in this regard, but unfortunately the last 2 administrations, have been snoozing, and missed the boat. With KSA as the official 3rd Partner in CPEC, this "could" change.

2) "Protecting Saudi and UAE during the Iran debacle"
Not anymore.

To the wise that is a dead give away what you just wrote :) cheers
very disappointed with our leadership.
we want low cost energy production systems which could reduce our circular debt problems and could also lower our cost of production..........

in Sweden they are already producing energy from trash just with sorting items correctly.. when will we learn?

whether we pay for the deal or not is point less... our demands will take us deeper into our sinkhole

without developing our social economic side we wont prosper in today's world.. it is very cruel
sound footings on social economics is a prequisite to grow for any country without it no f-16s can save you
There is a certain naivity in your post. While I cannot agree more with you about the need for energy sources, you also need to look at the region in general which is becoming more dangerous by the day. This maybe a curse of being in a geopolitically charged area but we cannot ignore our defence anymore than we can our social and personal development. Paklands need to fight a war on many fronts. Only once we have assured peace on our borders can we look inwards
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