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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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What is on the Table?
13 x Ex-RJAF F-16A/B ADF (No.19 Sqn) these are to be upgraded to full MLU status. that means APG-68 radars.
16 x RJAF F-16A ADF possibly purchased and go to upgrade MLU Status. that means APG-68
36 x F-16C/D Block 72 (Brand New) with APG-83 Radars
18 x F-16C/D Block 52+ upgrade to Viper Configuration. Thant means APG83 Radars

I dont believe that PAF would go for Viper upgrade for Whole MLU fleet that means 45 x F-16A/B MLUs also this would bring 2nd AESA Radar (Sabre/RACR) radar which does not perform optimum level. SLEP is in order though.

One of the best geopolitical analysis i have read..but 27th Feb 19 has played a very big role.


There is one important bit you did not share..about this order? is it subsidized or some very good friend is paying cold hard cash...just like 1968

Authorization for the new ones is limited to 24, not 36, for now.
Plus there is a "remote possibility" that these could have the higher thrust GE-132 engines, hence Blk70.
GE engines, have a better reliability rate in desert conditions, in comparison to PW btw.

The Current PAF fleet, all of it, will get APG-83.

Who is paying - I left that part our on purpose, I want these so called "Think Tanks" aka tin cans, to prove them selves, instead of firing arrows in the air, and howling in the wind, this is a good opportunity for them to redeem their credibility, after they fell flat on their faces with the C-17 saga.

Have a nice day!
16 x RJAF F-16A ADF possibly purchased and go to upgrade MLU Status. that means APG-68
Not sure how you got the info on the Jordanian F-16's 'cause they have one of the worst sites I've ever encountered.

The English version rarely opens & when it does - the 'Announcements' section is always in Arabic, so its hard to tell what they are interested to sell off.
if it turns out to be untrue then still I will mark the day of this thread as another web troll victory over our Indian web counterparts

IA you will not see that day.

Btw, it will be interesting to see their reaction when the Zulus fly in, and the actual numbers to be eventually inducted.

IA good times ahead :cheers:
America wants exit from Afghanistan and they want pakistan to cooperate.prize is surely exit from fatf,more weapons like f-16 and amraams,economic assistance etc. Trump is a kind man.he only speak bad about countries but a kind person.he can help us.f-16 block 70 is a possibility but I am sure third party is involved like saudia or use.f-16 is our love.don't compare project azm with this f-16 news.our pilots love f-16 and that's why we want more.

IA you will not see that day.

Btw, it will be interesting to see their reaction when the Zulus fly in, and the actual numbers to be eventually inducted.

IA good times ahead :cheers:

If true,this could be a huge success for us.
Not sure how you got the info on the Jordanian F-16's 'cause they have one of the worst sites I've ever encountered.

The English version rarely opens & when it does - the 'Announcements' section is always in Arabic, so its hard to tell what they are interested to sell off.
I will not comment on Jordanian or any other vipers, but there IS talk of 2nd hand vipers, which will also get APG-83. BUT this will take some time. Too many parties involved.
I think the F21 was always a hard sell to india. It will despite the upgrades be an inferior aircraft in the mind of the average Indian, simply because Pakistan operates it. Also the age of the aircraft will play on their minds. I think another 36 Rafales will be purchased. Otherwise look at the potential lineup for the IAF

And then whatever else they purchase. It would be a huge logistics issue getting all the parts.
Include Mig29 UPG
Not really. With enemy having BMD systems you will need something to fly at low altitude and launch a nuclear strike. Cruise missiles can do that but given their shorter range, they'll need something to provide them with an extended range. That something is 'aircraft.'

Or you simply have maneuvering, multiple re-entry vehicles. That's another choice that Russia seems to have gone with.

if @TallGuy is on target, which I think he is, then it is a very interesting situation. It is like we have a lot of cards to play. Israeli pilots, Indian pilots, Russian warm water access, American retreat from Afghanistan, Chinese access to the Gulf, Pak Oil!!!, top marketing team for LM, protecting Saudi and UAE during the Iran debacle,...

I would add that we are slowly forming a core alliance with Turkey and Malaysia.

Now the foreign policy blunder we used to make is we would focus on the military equipment but not on the economic help we can get. Can we get Trump to ask his business buddies to invest in Pakistan? Since they are moving out of China, and India seems inhospitable, we can have a shot at this, and all we need is a shot.

First of course, we need to get our house in order. I remember visiting Pak factories in Punjab as a field researcher for a World Bank - IMF project in 2003, and many of the factories were cold because of frequent load shedding. If this problem is continuing then bringing foreign investment will not work at all.

Can IK call up Tesla? That would be most interesting. I think we can basically save Tesla by lowering their costs to kingdom come. And they can give us an economic breakthrough.

The belt and road initiative can also be used for Russian goods flowing through to the South. If we can work on this, there is huge (yuge) trade potential in this.

The other aspect we are completely ignoring are industrial machinery. High tech machinery is something that can help increase our industrial production. Perhaps we can make a deal with China to get a host of their garments factories (which they are getting rid of as they are going up to other kinds of products) and simultaneously make a deal with the US to get preferential access to their market.
Could we do the same for light electronics? Can we become a future clock maker for the world? China cannot sustain these industries for long, as their income levels rise and productive population decreases.

One of the plans we had (well, I had) at the PTI think tank was to build Pak Malls. That is, self-contained colonies essentially that are malls. Pakistanis would buy shop space and living quarters, and the government would help set these malls up in every major city in the world. This would allow us to sell our products directly to foreign customers, rather than going through the MNCs that squeeze us out of 95% of the market value of a product. If we can make a deal with Trump (and he being a real estate tycoon would appreciate this, and who knows even participate in some form), we could set up a Pak Mall in all major cities in the US.

That would be a price I'd want the US to pay more than any weapon system alone.

The last point I want to raise is that we are focused on the big ticket items. But we should not lose eyesight on the small items. Pak needs to replace the G-3. We could easily get a lot of American small arms to replace our outdated and worn-thin guns. Same is true for armour. The US has been upgrading their own personnel armor, but the old gear could easily come Pak's way. We are also way behind India on APCs and other armored vehicles.
Actually after the prototype was developed and the US wanted to buy it many more technologies for it were developed. I own a majority of the tech used after block 1 because the R&D was paid for by Us gov.

How old are you? Even 10?

I suppose you also own all the destruction brought down by the weapons that are all paid from your pocket and you are claiming the ownership of? When was the last time you tried holding your government responsible for mass murder of children and civilians all over the globe? Which you have claimed ownership of?

Might wanna have some shame in the process?
very disappointed with our leadership.
we want low cost energy production systems which could reduce our circular debt problems and could also lower our cost of production..........

in Sweden they are already producing energy from trash just with sorting items correctly.. when will we learn?

whether we pay for the deal or not is point less... our demands will take us deeper into our sinkhole

without developing our social economic side we wont prosper in today's world.. it is very cruel
sound footings on social economics is a prequisite to grow for any country without it no f-16s can save you

Pak has one of the largest coal reserves in the world, and it is only idiocy that has stopped us from producing enough electricity for ourselves.

"The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities".

See---this is what I cannot comprehend---. As India took american permission to attack those trees in kashmir---pakistan must have involved china in its plan as well of strike on the 27th---.

And when there was so much chinese backing---why was there cowardice shown by the Paf generals by not doing maximum damage---why was the indian scorpene let go---?

Maybe because that is exactly what the indians and their masters in Tel Aviv were trying to extract from you? An all out war?
Maybe that is exactly why the Scorpene was sent on a suicidal mission?
And maybe that is exactly why they had Mig 21s trying to chase out JF-17's?

It's not as simple as it looks as an outsider, what equations were at play and what stakes, only the General on the hot seat that day would know...
I Dont think it will happen, i doubt it..

few reasons;
1- In 1980s USA Approved F16s and rest of them got cancelled in 1990s once USA Was Done with us regarding Afg , USSR.
2- This Time around they are again Showing us some fantastic Dreams/Shinny Stuff (F-16V, have to be confirmed first with reliable source as its not a confirmed news right now).
3- USA will not deliver it within a Year and it will take few years before they are arrive Or handed over to PAF - by that time USA Will be done with AFG & Then as usual Congress will block it or USA Will simply transfer it to storage area (Just like Zulu helis) for more Favors in return..
4- Worst case senario Sanctions on Pakistan once USA Is outta here, they can slap sanctions on us for supporting Afg Taliban and being the only reason for USA Defeat in Afg as it happened with a one Country after the Vietnam defeat and not to forget what happened after USSR Was defeated and USA PACKED their bags and in return we got Sanctioned..

** I hope i am wrong but for me its hard to Trust USA
@Khafee @zulu @Armchair @Mangus Ortus Novem @RIWWIR
Good Day Gentlemen,
"Victory has many fathers...defeat is orphan"

Ever wondered why sudden change in US Policy? those who believe we are getting the F-16s because of Afghan-Taliban-US resolution is not entirely true. what i have deduced its because of operational performance of PAF and there is an ace which PAF holds. (2 x Israeli Pilots)

actual number should be 36 F-16C/D Block 72 (24 charlies and 12 x Delta) and upgrade of 18 x F-16C/D Block 52+ (12 x Charlie and 6 x Delta) That is 54 aircraft.

2 x israeli pilots = 54 x F-16s Vipers..(36 x new, 18 x upgrades)

Enjoy the monsoon!

No friend! why would i increase? its 8 kills (3 x Su-30MKI, 2 x Mirage 2000, 3 x MiG-21BISON) on 27th Feb 19.

So glad to see you back. How come we have two car salesman, and both are among the best members ever. We need more car salesmen!!

54 vipers with AESA!!! Even it is an air breathing AESA, its a mass produced US product, very little chance we can go wrong with this. The ELINT gained by India on the 27th will be partially nullified with this upgrade (and the block 3s).

Now, if we could only get a few LRAAMs in the mix, or Meteors somehow... can we shoot down some French pilots next please?
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