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PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
The Aircraft and weapon systems to keep the enemy awake at night.



In the word of Alexander the Great.
"I would rather have an army of sheep lead by lions than an army of lions lead by sheep."

PAF proved itself on the 27th of Feb. But more courage is required from the leadership. Courage to make difficult and daring calls. Had we taken out the other 8 Indian aircraft...the Indians would not have raised their heads for a generation.
Pakistan only needs long endurance drones with heat seeking cameras to find terrorists and kill them.
Using such high explosive ordnance is useless as they hide underground and in artificial caves, and cone out after the jets are gone.
In the word of Alexander the Great.
"I would rather have an army of sheep lead by lions than an army of lions lead by sheep."

PAF proved itself on the 27th of Feb. But more courage is required from the leadership. Courage to make difficult and daring calls. Had we taken out the other 8 Indian aircraft...the Indians would not have raised their heads for a generation.
3 were enough that day (including MI17 which was also actually downed by an AIM120c), but yes, it would have been great if some more were taken out.
In the word of Alexander the Great.
"I would rather have an army of sheep lead by lions than an army of lions lead by sheep."

PAF proved itself on the 27th of Feb. But more courage is required from the leadership. Courage to make difficult and daring calls. Had we taken out the other 8 Indian aircraft...the Indians would not have raised their heads for a generation.
What would have the reaction from the indian side been ? Last time the indian leadership satisfied itself by downing an F16 ( so they believe, could be true or false, I can't verify the authenticity of the claim )
so there was not much hue and cry within the cabinet for retaliating against Pakistan. Had PAF shot down 8 indian aircraft the reaction would have been totally different, much more punitive probably
What would have the reaction from the indian side been ? Last time the indian leadership satisfied itself by downing an F16 ( so they believe, could be true or false, I can't verify the authenticity of the claim )
so there was not much hue and cry within the cabinet for retaliating against Pakistan. Had PAF shot down 8 indian aircraft the reaction would have been totally different, much more punitive probably
The response would have been a lot of noise. Had we taken out the airfields as well then thay can do what they like.
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