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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

It is to all. enough is enough. Get a life; if you want some action, come here; i will put someone in the cheetah cage which we caught last week. I am sick and tired of this Su-30 kak.

Spice-2000 is a guide kit for 1,000 lbs bomb, even 1/4 of destruction would still show some damage to the structure. Not some imaginary holes that only vishnu creates and fanboys like you fallow. :lol:
THEY ARE NOT IMAGINARY HOLES YOU...YOU LOW CASTE CREATURE YOU!!! they are vedic holes. only upper caste brahmins with bodies saturated in gow jal can see it! 8-)
THEY ARE NOT IMAGINARY HOLES YOU...YOU LOW CASTE CREATURE YOU!!! they are vedic holes. only upper caste brahmins with bodies saturated in gow jal can see it! 8-)

Bro I am all for fighting Indians for what they are but let’s stay away from any religiously offensive tone. I will never come close to making fun of any religion and as much as Indians make up things I will urge everyone to stay away from their religion whatever it may be.
yah, put all the indian myth creators in the cheetah cage and post the video here
THEY ARE NOT IMAGINARY HOLES YOU...YOU LOW CASTE CREATURE YOU!!! they are vedic holes. only upper caste brahmins with bodies saturated in gow jal can see it! 8-)
and with a chest size of 52 inches!
Yes....but your comment reminded me of the scalp flying.
yes. I will upload the photo when i go to feed it. i have to figure out where to take it to release it. I really love cheetahs - they are very tame even when wild; this one tends to come back always. I have to take it closer to 200km away.
Come guys, give it up. @araz and mods. Let us get a handle of this nonsense of Su. it is wasting time on this forum. Let us shut this down. There is never ending mudslinging going on.
Iam out mate. Dont have the time for this "yes it did, no it did not!"
Yeah pentagon has denied any audit of PAF F-16s nor is it available for public domain. So not sure what confirmation you’re referring to by the OEM.

Or for that matter how Russia or Sukhoi as a company confirmed the downing of SU-30.

This is exactly the proof I’m asking for.
Your entire premise is based on the Foreign Policy magazine claim that the Pentagon has shot down.

There are severe comprehension issues in your post.

The foreign policy article quoted 'American defence officials'. And the Pentagon officially started that it is 'unaware of such a count'. First, the American military industry is much larger than the Pentagon. Second, the official Pentagon statement has very carefully worded its response as being 'unaware'. This is very far from 'refutation' as you are trying to portray.

Finally, you failed to grasp my argument. I said, the original supplier country has refuted the Indian claim of shooting down F-16. The original supplier country of Su-30 has not refuted the Pakistani claim of shooting down Su-30. That is the difference between the claim of Pakistani ACM, and the IAF.
One person @araz is stating that the US govt. has confirmed (this means an audit was done) as well as OEM (Boeing) that no F-16 was lost.
Already confirmed by pentagon corespondent for foreign policy no PAF F-16 were missing/lost and as for your information manufacturer of F-16 is Lockheed Martin not Boeing @Peshwa

what fear is causing India not to station it's SU-30s in Srinagar.


Location: Srinagar AFS
DOI: 26th March 2019

Glad to inform you that the Racoons will survive. Cheers

View attachment 562733
Learn to differentiate between roof-knock strikes (using unarmed/dummy munitions) vs. penetration & general-purpose munitions.

1. IAF used several SPICE-2000 SOW kits, attached on 2000lbs munitions. SPICE-2000 debris was identified in craters.
2. 3x craters were formed by those munitions, 100-200m off the intended target, observed in satellite imagery.

IAF Claims:

1. 2000lbs penetration munitions equipped with SPICE-2000 SOW kits were employed.
2. 80% of the SOWs hit the target(s).


1. Why isn't there any damage AT ALL to the structures, visible in satellite imagery provided by planetlabs & ESI?
2. Why did IAF require multiple 2000lbs PENETRATION munitions against civilian structures built with wood/CGI sheets?
3. Why isn't there any damage to the structures visible correlating with a 2000lbs penetration munition (BLU-109)?
4. Why isn't there any damage to the structures visible correlating with a 2000lbs DUMMY munition?
5. When did IAF induct these 2000lbs penetration munitions? Who is the OEM?
6. Why doesn't IAF share the video feed of the SPICE kits, which have an optical IIR seeker with a two-way data-link?
7. Why do the 3x craters formed 100-200m off-target correlate with GENERAL PURPOSE munitions, not penetration?
8. If 3x SOWs (20%) hit 100-200m off-target, where did the rest of 12x SOWs (80%) hit?

indians are amazing their military has been caught lying to them fooling them and yet here we are these baboons arguing about down f16 because their lying piece of shit leader and military told them that it downed f16 without providing any proof!
I agree with your assertion, but in the same token, has anyone in Pakistan bothered to confirm the wreckage of the IAF Su-30 apparently shot down? If we are to go by PDF and for it’s resident Pakistanis, there seems to be zero evidence of this, but 100% conviction that it happened. Where is the Pakistani questioning of its Army and ISPR claims?

Your post, although earnest in nature wreaks of preaching without heeding to your own advice.
Many senior memebers and international observer dont consider second claim legitimate till more proof comes...but can you yourself or produce any india who not only accepts tht there is lack of evidence but evidence against f16 being shot down(usa count)...
At least we have no evidence against su30 shot down claim but instead dubious IAF claims like balakot، mi17 fiasco going

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