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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

Now let me get this straight:

Indians claimed 400 killed..... no proof found either satellite or on the ground of any damage at all. Indians lied and still sticking to their lie.

You’re going around in circles. I’ve already explained my position on the matter. Please go through my previous post. I’m not going to repeat myself.

Absolutely not. Pentagon merely said they cannot confirm and are unaware. Buddy we have permanent attachment of US personnel literally counting every admonished and spare required. Do you think they won’t report back a plane missing? Pentagon does not comment on every shitty question Indian media asks.

Ok so Pentagon saying that no such audit exists or has happened is not good enough for you?
I’m still waiting for you to present any evidence of the OEM (Boeing) or state entity (Pentagon) confirming an audit and count of the PAF F-16s.
Please present this and it will be case closed.
That should be simple for you given your confidence on this matter.

Also the pictures above are funny. By your defence official? Same people who got plastered for showing F 16 parts and that turned out to be Mig 21.

It doesn’t even look like parachute. All made up nonsense. Do you know how the parachute looks

Not sure what this is, but I certainly didn’t post any pictures.
All my points are based on publicly available information that everyone here is privy to.
Not the P.A but the I.A, credit must goes to I.A and IAF.....only one success the have on 26 and 27 2 19 first they manage to hide the loss of SU-30 secondly IAF successfully manage to hide the black box of helicopter.

IAF may be renamed as Indian Avoidance Force.
You’re going around in circles. I’ve already explained my position on the matter. Please go through my previous post. I’m not going to repeat myself.

Ok so Pentagon saying that no such audit exists or has happened is not good enough for you?
I’m still waiting for you to present any evidence of the OEM (Boeing) or state entity (Pentagon) confirming an audit and count of the PAF F-16s.
Please present this and it will be case closed.
That should be simple for you given your confidence on this matter.

Not sure what this is, but I certainly didn’t post any pictures.
All my points are based on publicly available information that everyone here is privy to.

If it was up to me I will have a proctologist remove remaining bits of AMRAAM from Modi.
As I said you dance around and don’t answer questions. Let it be that way.

Pentagon and OEM will not comment on something that didn’t happen. To stroke your ego your guys can ask Trump and even he will say I don’t know. You can’t comment on things that never happened.
But what happened to your pilot who landed up in CMH, Mangla as per the DGISPR? I know its irritating when I say this, but that gentleman said this for 3 whole days. Now what do we believe - is he lying or is he the most inefficient general in PA? You're take...
Unfortunately that Sikh guy from IAF did't survive the injuries and died at CMH and his body returned back to India through red cross, We so have some goodies belongs to this gentleman like helmet, pistols and some documents.
It is a testament to Indian idiocy that in spite of no trace of the platforms debris, the OEM and the US Govt confirming PAF 16 inventory being intact that the Indians still religiously believe they downed a 16 from Abhi None done's plane which has 4 intact missiles to show the whole world and his statement that he was LOOKING for a target to shoot when he was shot down. But then you can believe on my friend.

Indians might say that after downing F16, Abhinandan was looking for other targets; as if he had come out to hunt pigeons.
It is a testament to Indian idiocy that in spite of no trace of the platforms debris, the OEM and the US Govt confirming PAF 16 inventory being intact that the Indians still religiously believe they downed a 16 from Abhi None done's plane which has 4 intact missiles to show the whole world and his statement that he was LOOKING for a target to shoot when he was shot down. But then you can believe on my friend.

When did this happen?
Exactly the link or evidence that I have been asking Pakistani members here.
Is this based on the Foreign Policy magazine article or is this something new?

If it was up to me I will have a proctologist remove remaining bits of AMRAAM from Modi.
As I said you dance around and don’t answer questions. Let it be that way.

Pentagon and OEM will not comment on something that didn’t happen. To stroke your ego your guys can ask Trump and even he will say I don’t know. You can’t comment on things that never happened.

This is ridiculous, seriously.
Your side claims that an audit occurred and that the US govt and OEM (Boeing) have confirmed that the PAF inventory is intact.
Pentagon has denied any such audit took place.
So please for gods sake, either present the report that confirms your statement or stop quoting me.
I don’t care whether you want to go up modi’s *** or not. That is your business.

I’m just concerned about corroborating the evidence that exists from the OEM and US govt that you’re claiming about F-16 audits. Which you have provided none of.
If you have nothing more to add, let’s leave it here and call it a day.
When did this happen?
Exactly the link or evidence that I have been asking Pakistani members here.
Is this based on the Foreign Policy magazine article or is this something new?
It’s based on Hindustan time report where Pentagon spokesperson simply said he is not aware of it. He didn’t say yes or no.... simply he is telling Indians to get lost with your stupid *** embarrassment and hide in a hole
It’s based on Hindustan time report where Pentagon spokesperson simply said he is not aware of it. He didn’t say yes or no.... simply he is telling Indians to get lost with your stupid *** embarrassment and hide in a hole

But where is your confirmation that the US govt and OEM confirmed the PAF inventory being intact?
Isn’t that the cornerstone of your argument here?

And the pentagon saying they are not aware of any audit is saying, No such audit took place. Thus shutting down the claim by Foreign policy magazine.
You’re going around in circles. I’ve already explained my position on the matter. Please go through my previous post. I’m not going to repeat myself.

Ok so Pentagon saying that no such audit exists or has happened is not good enough for you?
I’m still waiting for you to present any evidence of the OEM (Boeing) or state entity (Pentagon) confirming an audit and count of the PAF F-16s.
Please present this and it will be case closed.
That should be simple for you given your confidence on this matter.

Not sure what this is, but I certainly didn’t post any pictures.
All my points are based on publicly available information that everyone here is privy to.

Dear delusional pathological liar Indiot,

If you have a brain and the courage to question your delusional nation that if.....

2 R-77 were recovered
1 R-73 with tail section still stuck to pylon was recovered
1 R-73 with serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory was also recovered....

Then how exactly did Abhi not done shoot down anything?

Trust me, its just Indian imagination just like their religion which is based on myths and lies. the sooner you accept the reality the better it is for your future respect. Just making up stuff to satisfy your ego is not the way to go in 21st century, you have to be able to question your government's credibility instead of blindly following it like North Koreans.

btw, US is NEVER going to officially publicize anything that would hurt US-India relationship. And US does not have to physically count PAF F-16, they simply track it on their system which tells them when where what details about the F-16s..
All Indians know is to go to USA crying mommy mommy Pakistanis put AMRAAM in bapu’s Butt..... please yell at them... we are too coward to retaliate
But where is your confirmation that the US govt and OEM confirmed the PAF inventory being intact?
Isn’t that the cornerstone of your argument here?

And the pentagon saying they are not aware of any audit is saying, No such audit took place. Thus shutting down the claim by Foreign policy magazine.

Indiot, that pentagon refuting Foreign policy research news is FAKE news made up by pathological liar propaganda factory bharat media. Show us ONE statement associated with pentagon supports Indian propaganda?
Not even Russian or Isreali defence forums supports Indian propaganda.

All Indians know is to go to USA crying mommy mommy Pakistanis put AMRAAM in bapu’s Butt..... please yell at them... we are too coward to retaliate

India is the only world super power that gets beaten up by small weaker nation and India has to beg other nations to do something against Pakistan.
What pakistan did on 27th Feb was an ACT OF WAR and what does India or its allies does to Pakistan? NOTHING lol
Dear delusional pathological liar Indiot,

If you have a brain and the courage to question your delusional nation that if.....

2 R-77 were recovered
1 R-73 with tail section still stuck to pylon was recovered
1 R-73 with serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory was also recovered....

Then how exactly did Abhi not done shoot down anything?

Trust me, its just Indian imagination just like their religion which is based on myths and lies. the sooner you accept the reality the better it is for your future respect. Just making up stuff to satisfy your ego is not the way to go in 21st century, you have to be able to question your government's credibility instead of blindly following it like North Koreans.

btw, US is NEVER going to officially publicize anything that would hurt US-India relationship. And US does not have to physically count PAF F-16, they simply track it on their system which tells them when where what details about the F-16s..

Are you not claiming that PAF F-16s inventory were confirmed by the US govt and OEM? I’ve quoted your post previously on this matter.
How were they confirmed? Has that been made public, since you guys are making strong statements here.
The loss of a PAF F-16 can only be confirmed in 3 ways:
1. PAF
2. US govt. or OEM
3. If the wreckage is in Indian territory.

Since 1 obviously has skin in the game (akin to SU-30 being shot down), let’s
put that out of contention.
3. Obviously cannot happen since the wreckage isn’t with India, again a parallel to SU-30 scenario.

So only the US can confirm this and I repeat, I haven’t seen any report from the US that supports the ACM statement.
Well talking of propaganda, OP SWIFT DISTORT by the DGISPR is what's keeping all the secrets under the lid in Pakistan. We in India can only look in awe at his propaganda army :) , until he slips once in a while, like he did for the second pilot in the CMH. Wonder what happened to him? Oh sorry, you said Alan Warnes is going to write about him....ok will wait!

Bro you need to stay quiet and watch the video of Spice 2000 damage.... raccoons living in my roof did more damage than your 6000 lb of HE guided weapons.... you guys are pathetic

Are you not claiming that PAF F-16s inventory were confirmed by the US govt and OEM? I’ve quoted your post previously on this matter.
How were they confirmed? Has that been made public, since you guys are making strong statements here.
The loss of a PAF F-16 can only be confirmed in 3 ways:
1. PAF
2. US govt. or OEM
3. If the wreckage is in Indian territory.

Since 1 obviously has skin in the game (akin to SU-30 being shot down), let’s
put that out of contention.
3. Obviously cannot happen since the wreckage isn’t with India, again a parallel to SU-30 scenario.

So only the US can confirm this and I repeat, I haven’t seen any report from the US that supports the ACM statement.

Bro again why would anyone comment on something that never happened.... it’s like you going and asking someone if something smells.... decent people will say I don’t know .
Indiot, that pentagon refuting Foreign policy research news is FAKE news made up by pathological liar propaganda factory bharat media. Show us ONE statement associated with pentagon supports Indian propaganda?
Not even Russian or Isreali defence forums supports Indian propaganda.

How is the Hindustan Times report any different than Foreign Policy magazine report you guys are basing your claim on?
foreign policy magazine uses unnamed defense officials.

Don’t see what’s giving you this fake confidence here.

I’ve been very clear that both f-16 being shot down and SU-30 being shot down are questionable and both stories have holes bigger than Swiss cheese.

So before jumping into the Frey, perhaps do read the rest of my posts on this matter.

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