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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

No confusion. The mig shot down is separate from alleged shooter of Mi-17.
Although it is likely a SPYDER that got the Mi-17.

The tweet says mi-17 was probably shot down by a mig-21
Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.
Neutral Sources America confirmed no F-16 loss .
The tweet says mi-17 was probably shot down by a mig-21
Yes, there can be more than one mig-21 airborne and there can be multiple claims on what brought down an aircraft.
I disagree with the air chief and think it could have been a Spyder sam.
Yes, there can be more than one mig-21 airborne and there can be multiple claims on what brought down an aircraft.
I disagree with the air chief and think it could have been a Spyder sam.

PAF has been silent this whole time but then the only time it speaks, it does so off the record to a British journalist. It should give the same access to its own journalists. The public has a right to know as well.
Lol .
Their Air chief confirmed ,so that is right ?
So what about the second half ?
Bodies ,fuselage anything ? :D

Radar screen shot or probably the photo of radar screen was already showed as proof by IAF .
But PAF is an official word .

No not just words. As has been explained to you many times: PAF F16s and their use are audited by US personnel regularly as per agreements. So a loss would be known to them - there is no hiding place here. The most recent count showed that no F16 was loss, as reported by a pentagon correspondent of Foreign Policy, Laura Seligman:

Inversely there is also no report from any well known western publication to contradict Laura’s story yet by stating a US count actually shows a loss - except your IAF chief with some still images of radar data ...
Like in last reply ,everything was ok until Pak military invited foreigners to visit Balakot after one and half month anf forcing IAF to release Radar picture this is the ego that we are telling .
- The second tour happend on April 11 three days after the IAF press conference which was on April 8.
- The press conference by IAF on April 8 was in response to the F16 claim being proven wrong by Foreign Policy journalist Laura Seligman on April 4:

So you can see who is having a hard time with their ego here - a neutral observer like US personnel counts PAF F16s physically and their result is reported by a well reputed FP journalist, and then your IAF chief calls them a liar and continues on to show radar pictures as irrefutable proof - radars as any instruments can be wrong or their data interpreted incorrectly or those pictures could just have been doctored.

You guys dont know how embarrassing IAF press conference was: consider for example a nurse who is monitoring ECG of a patient and decides to declare him dead just by looking at the monitor screen. The next day the patient is seen walking, healthy and happy with life etc, but the nurse continues to insist that the patient is still dead and shows the ECG screen shots as irrefutable proof!
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So you are saying there was only one MiG 21 in IAF fleet. I think you should update your information.

My information is updated. Rather than speak in codes through a foreign journalist, PAF should update it’s own people with facts and figures so the truth is established.
But I thought mig had all its weapons in tact?
Obviously we are do not know what hit that helicopter. Abhinandan had a wingman that ran back. It is clear he did not shoot anything. Though the Indian side has reported its sam targeting the helicopter.
There is positive evidence that of the two SU-30, only one landed back at it's home base, the other either blew up or crash landed at Srinagar as it was close to that base.

But ACM is saying that we have an SU kill?
My information is updated. Rather than speak in codes through a foreign journalist, PAF should update it’s own people with facts and figures so the truth is established.
Since PAF had established local superiority on 27 Feb. IAF was also trying to match us aircraft to aircraft. so whatever they had in the area they made it airborne. There were definitely several mig 21s airborne over kashmir region becoz Sirinagar airforce station is home to 51 Squadron of IAF which is equiped with mig 21 bisons (abhinandan was also from 51 squadron).
i am not saying that it was indeed a mig 21 that shot down MI 17 but there is a possibility becoz the place where it fell is well within indian occupied kashmir some 120 km maybe. since abhinandan was inside pakistani airsapace so it was definitely not him so the point that his weapons were not fired still remains valid.
so that leave us with two possibilities, either a spyder or another aircraft (most probabaly mig 21beco of its proximity home base)
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